When you install some softwares, tsystem can save it as migration files. migration file is a shell script of change environment.
tsys migrate add <migration title> # It creates a migration file and edit it.
tsys migrate # It runs the migration file.
When you run migration file again, edit migrated.txt by command below.
tsys migrate edit
When you want to check migration files that isn't executed yet, run command below.
tsys migrate diff
When you install packages such as apt or yum, use tsys install
tsys install <package name>
When you remove packages such as apt or yum, use tsys remove
tsys remove <package name>
When you save changes, use tsys save. The command creates commits of your tsystem-core and tbin-core.
tsys save
tsys update does apt or yum update and upgrade, pulling all repositories about tsystem, and runs migration files that be added.
tsys update
When you check changes of tsystem, you can use tsys status
tsys status