This is a templateplugin for TaleSpire using BepInEx.
Currently you need to either follow the build guide down below or use the R2ModMan.
Build the project using nuget.
Browse to the newly created bin/Debug
or bin/Release
folders and copy the <DLL>.dll
to Steam\steamapps\common\TaleSpire\BepInEx\plugins
- 1.0.0: Official Release
This is a template used for creating a new TaleSpire plugin from scratch. Upon using this, you should do the following steps:
1. rename PluginTemplate.sln to match Repository name
2. open manifest.json and update name from PluginTemplate to match Repository name
3. Update LICENSE.txt
4. refactor PluginTemplate directory, PluginTemplate/.. [PluginTemplate.csproj,PluginTemplate.cs] files in the renamed solution.
5. in `.github\workflows\build.yml` Update script to cd into csproj directory and run restore & build.
6. in `.github\workflows\release.yml` Replace instances of `PluginTemplate` with correct directories.
7. in `.github\workflows\release.yml` Replace <TEAM> with string of the team publishing the plugin
8. in `.github\workflows\release.yml` Obtain a Thunderstore Service Token and store it in secret and replace <Thunderstore Service Token> with the token's secret reference
9. create a NUGET_TOKEN secret for the repo in github action and store your Nuget.Org API KEY under the secret.
10. Update and move + modify USAGE
11. Update icon.png if desired
12. Start modding
The code based is version controlled by manifest.json, updating manifest.json on the master branch will result in a release being trigged on Nuget, Github nuget repo and ThunderStore. If you need a dependency on another plugin, you can add them as a nuget reference (if they've been released as a nuget) or assembly reference.