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Arch Linux Dotfiles



  • sxhkd
  • dmenu
  • kitty
  • feh
  • polybar
  • picom-tryone-git
  • python-dbus (used for polybar spotify module)
  • dunst
  • pulseaudio
  • glava
  • zsh
  • anitbody
  • spicetify
  • xdo
  • xdotool
  • xtitle
  • conky
  • pulseaudio-control

Scripts I'm using:


  • Font Awesome 5 Free
  • Fira Code (Nerd Font patched
  • Noto Font
  • Noto Font Emoji

Glava install:

glava --copy-config

Then overwrite the config with repo once

Using Teamspeak and Spotify at same time. Could be that teamspeak3 mutes spotify if so comment out the following in /etc/pulse/

load-module module-role-cork

Hardware Information

  • Windows 10 installation is on sdd1
  • Windows "Boot loader" on sda1
  • LAN only no wireless needed

What I use for what

  • Terminal Emulator: kitty
  • Display Server: xorg
  • Display Manager: lightdm
  • Greeter: lightdm-webkit2-greeter
  • Desktop Enviroment: bspwm

How I installed Arch (EFI)


loadkeys de
timedatectl set-ntp true


sda1: Windows 10 Reserved things
sda2 (primary): Boot Arch (512M)
sda3 (primary, Linux Swap): Swap Arch (4GB)
sda4 (pirmary): Files Arch (rest)

Creating the partions and formating them:

cfdisk /dev/sda

mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda4
mkswap /dev/sda3
swapon /dev/sda3

Arch installation

mount /dev/sda4 /mnt
pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware nano
genfstab /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

arch-chroot /mnt
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin /etc/localtime
hwclock --systohc
nano /etc/locale.gen
echo "LANG=en_GB.UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.conf
echo "arch" >> /etc/hostname

Edit hosts (/etc/hosts):   localhost
::1         localhost   arch.localdomain  arch
pacman -S grub networkmanager dunst os-prober mtools dosfstools base-devel linux-headers ntfs-3g
grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda
mkdir /mnt/windows10 # Dir to mount windows 10
mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/windows10
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg # Create grub boot config
umount -a

Setup Arch

loadkeys de # To load german keyboard layout
localectl set-keymap de # To persist german keyboard layout

# Enable Network
systemctl start NetworkManager
systemctl enable NetworkManager

# Create new User
useradd -m -G wheel tandashi # Create new user
passwd tandashi # Change users password
EDITOR=nano visudo # uncomment # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

# Drivers and Display Server + Display Manager
pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils # Install Nvidia Graphics Drivers
pacman -S xorg xorg-xinit xorg-server lightdm
systemctl enable lightdm

# Install Yay
pacman -S git
cd /opt
git clone
chown tandashi:tandashi -R yay-git/
cd yay-git
su tandashi
makepkg -si

# Setup lightdm
yay -S lightdm-webkit2-greeter

# Install bspwm
yay -Sy bspwm-rounded-corners

# Install Audio stuff
pacman -S alsa-utils

# Install Utils
pacman -S zip unzip rxvt-unicode