Winograd_Convolution is a winograd based kernel for convolutions in deep learning frameworks, which is an implementation of winograd convolutions in [1]. Three WT methods, WT_6X6_F_4X4_3X3, WT_8X8_F_4X4_5X5, and WT_8X8_F_6X6_3X3, are supported, where convolution kernel 3x3 is the best choice. Parts of this work are from SkimCaffe [2], but this winograd kernel is more portable.
A fast blas is better, such as mkl-gemm and openblas [3].
Only header files written in C++, supports windows and linux. This version is built on VS 2015.
See winograd_test.cpp.
"include/winograd_layer.h", can be natively integrated into some famous deep learning frameworks as a winograd_layer, like caffe ( and tiny-dnn (
[1] Andrew Lavin, Scott Gray. Fast Algorithms for Convolutional Neural Networks.
[2] SkimCaffe,
[3] OpenBLAS,
The BSD 3-Clause License