Fabric Loader 0.12.12
- Fixed missing mouse settings.
- Fixed numerous pipe-related crashes with MI.
- Architectury: architectury-2.8.53.jar
- BCLib: bclib-0.5.6.jar
- CC:Restitched: cc-restitched-1.97.3.jar
- Controlling For Fabric: Controlling-fabric-1.17.1-8.0.11.jar
- Drink Beer: drinkbeer-v3.0 for 1.17.1.jar
- Enchantment Descriptions: EnchantmentDescriptions-fabric-1.17.1-4.0.3.jar
- Mo Glass: Mo-Glass-1.6.1-MC1.17.1.jar
- Modern Industrialization: Modern-Industrialization-0.7.4.jar
- Mythic Mounts: mythic-mounts-1.17.1-4.0.jar
- Roughly Enough Items: RoughlyEnoughItems-6.3.355.jar
- WMITAF: wmitaf-fabric-mc1.17.1-1.2.0.jar
- Xaero's Minimap: Xaeros_Minimap_21.22.5_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- Fixed fabric loader version.
- Fixed the Log4J2 vulnerability.
- Fixed fps issues due to how zoom rendering was done.
- Fixed TAB keybind falling back to defaults for crafting tweaks.
- Client Tweaks
- Default Options
- DefaultSettings
- Ok Zoomer
- 3d Skin Layers: 3dSkinLayers-Fabric-1.3.1.jar
- Architectury: architectury-2.8.50.jar
- Armor Sound Tweak: ArmorSoundTweak-4.0.0-fabric.jar
- Auth Me: authme-mc1.17.1-2.1.0.jar
- Balm: balm-fabric-1.9.0+0.jar
- BCLib: bclib-0.5.5.jar
- Better End: better-end-0.12.5.jar
- Botania: Botania-1.17.1-422-FABRIC.jar
- Cloth Config v5: cloth-config-5.2.47-fabric.jar
- Conjuring: (conjuring-1.0.12.jar -> conjuring-1.0.16.jar)
- Controlling For Fabric: Controlling-fabric-1.17.1-8.0.8.jar
- Crafting Tweaks: craftingtweaks-fabric-13.1.1+0.jar
- Croptopia: (Croptopia-1.17.1-FABRIC-1.6.3.jar -> Croptopia-1.17.1-FABRIC-1.7.0.jar)
- Dank Storage: dankstorage-2.2.2-1.17.1.jar
- Dark Enchanting: dark-enchanting-0.6.0-1.17.1.jar
- DeathLog: deathlog-0.2.2.jar
- Desolation: desolation-1.2.0.jar
- Disable Custom Worlds Advice: DisableCustomWorldsAdvice-1.4.jar
- Equipment Compare: EquipmentCompare-1.17.1-fabric-1.2.9.jar
- Expanded Storage: expandedstorage-7.3.3+1.17.1.jar
- Explorer's Delight: explorers-delight-1.0.0-beta.2+1.17.jar
- Fabric API: fabric-api-0.44.0+1.17.jar
- Fabric Language Kotlin: (fabric-language-kotlin-1.6.5+kotlin.1.5.31.jar -> fabric-language-kotlin-1.7.0+kotlin.1.6.0.jar)
- FerriteCore: ferritecore-3.1.0-fabric.jar
- Geckolib: geckolib-fabric-1.17-3.0.30.jar
- Go Fish: go-fish-1.3.1-1.17.1.jar
- Goblin Traders: (goblin-traders-1.3.0.jar -> goblin-traders-1.4.1.jar)
- Universal Graves: graves-1.1.4+1.17.1.jar
- Grizzly Bear mob: grizzlybear-1.17-1.2.0.jar
- Iceberg: Iceberg-1.17.1-fabric-1.0.27.jar
- I Know What I'm Doing: IKnowWhatImDoing-4.0.0-fabric.jar
- Industrial Revolution: indrev-1.12.0-BETA.jar
- Inmis: inmis-2.3.2-1.17.1.jar
- Kibe: (kibe-1.9.3-BETA+1.17.jar -> kibe-1.9.4-BETA+1.17.jar)
- Legendary Tooltips: LegendaryTooltips-1.17.1-fabric-1.1.5.jar
- Lifts: lifts-1.4-BETA+1.17.jar
- Lithium: lithium-fabric-mc1.17.1-0.7.5.jar
- Magic Fungi: magicfungi-0.6.0-BETA+1.17.1.jar
- Magitek Mechs: magitekmechs-fabric-MC1.17.1-1.0.10.jar
- megane: megane-5.6.0.jar
- Modern Industrialization: Modern-Industrialization-0.7.3.jar
- MoreVillagersFabric: morevillagers-FABRIC-1.17-2.1.1.jar
- Outvoted: outvoted-1.5.0-rc.1.jar
- Patchouli: (Patchouli-1.17.1-58-FABRIC.jar -> Patchouli-1.17.1-59-FABRIC.jar)
- Pling: pling-1.5.0.jar
- Rat's Mischief: ratsmischief-1.3.2.jar
- Red Bits: red-bits-1.10.1.jar
- Repurposed Structures: (repurposed_structures_fabric-2.4.3+1.17.1.jar -> repurposed_structures_fabric-2.5.7+1.17.1.jar)
- Rhino: rhino-fabric-1701.1.5-build.71.jar
- Roughly Enough Items: RoughlyEnoughItems-6.2.351.jar
- Smoother Bedrock: smootherbedrock-1.0.3.jar
- Stoneholm: stoneholm-1.3.jar
- Vanilla Degus: vanilla_degus-1.17.1-v1.2.4-fabric.jar
- WMITAF: (wmitaf-fabric-mc1.17.1-1.1.3.jar -> wmitaf-fabric-mc1.17.1-1.1.4.jar)
- Wolves With Armor: wolves-with-armor-1.6.2-1.17.1.jar
- Harvest Scythes: wraith-harvestscythes-2.1.1.jar
- Xaero's Minimap: Xaeros_Minimap_21.22.3_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- Xaero's World Map: XaerosWorldMap_1.18.6_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- Increased tin ore gen in Miners Horizon.
- Blacklisted Iron Jetpacks from Cosmetic Armor slots as it crashes.
- Fixed iron jetpacks not being craftable due to false unification.
- Fixed conflicting recipes between iron rswires & iron jetpacks.
- Botania: Botania-1.17.1-421-FABRIC.jar
- WMITAF: wmitaf-fabric-mc1.17.1-1.1.3.jar
- 3d Skin Layers: 3dSkinLayers-Fabric-1.3.0.jar
- Additional Additions: AdditionalAdditions-2.2.0.jar
- Balm: balm-fabric-1.8.0+0.jar
- BCLib: bclib-0.5.2.jar
- Better End: better-end-0.12.3.jar
- BitsAndChisels: bitsandchisels-2.6.0.jar
- Carrier: carrier-1.8.2.jar
- CC:Restitched: cc-restiched-1.97.2.jar
- Conjuring: conjuring-1.0.15.jar
- Crafting Tweaks: craftingtweaks-fabric-13.1.0+0.jar
- Dark Enchanting: dark-enchanting-0.6.0-1.17.1.jar
- DeathLog: deathlog-0.2.2.jar
- Equipment Compare: EquipmentCompare-1.17.1-fabric-1.2.8.jar
- Expanded Storage: expandedstorage-7.3.0+1.17.1.jar
- Fabric API: fabric-api-0.42.1+1.17.jar
- FerriteCore: ferritecore-3.1.0-fabric.jar
- Geckolib: geckolib-fabric-1.17-3.0.29.jar
- Universal Graves: graves-1.1.4+1.17.1.jar
- Grizzly Bear mob: grizzlybear-1.17-1.2.0.jar
- Industrial Revolution: indrev-1.12.0-BETA.jar
- Inmis: inmis-2.3.2-1.17.1.jar
- Kibe: kibe-1.9.4-BETA+1.17.jar
- Lithium: lithium-fabric-mc1.17.1-0.7.5.jar
- Magitek Mechs: magitekmechs-fabric-MC1.17.1-1.0.7.jar
- megane: megane-5.5.2.jar
- Modern Industrialization: Modern-Industrialization-0.6.1.jar
- MoreVillagersFabric: morevillagers-FABRIC-1.17-2.1.1.jar
- NinjaPhenix's Container Library: ninjaphenix-container-library-1.2.5+1.17.1.jar
- Outvoted: outvoted-1.5.0-beta.4.jar
- oωo: owo-lib-0.3.2+1.17.jar
- Patchouli: Patchouli-1.17.1-58-FABRIC.jar
- Quick Shulker: quickshulker-1.3.1-1.17.jar
- Rat's Mischief: ratsmischief-1.3.2.jar
- Red Bits: red-bits-1.10.1.jar
- Repurposed Structures: repurposed_structures_fabric-2.5.7+1.17.1.jar
- Rhino: rhino-fabric-1701.1.5-build.71.jar
- Roughly Enough Items: RoughlyEnoughItems-6.2.335.jar
- Stoneholm: stoneholm-1.3.jar
- Visuality: visuality-0.3.2-fabric.jar
- Wireless Networks: wirelessnetworks-1.3.1.jar
- Harvest Scythes: wraith-harvestscythes-2.1.0.jar
- Waystones: wraith-waystones-2.2.2.jar
- Xaero's Minimap: Xaeros_Minimap_21.22.2_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- Xaero's World Map: XaerosWorldMap_1.18.3_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- ZIHLaunchpads: zihlaunchpads-1.2.0.jar
- Updated Fabric Loader to 0.12.5
- New KubeJS script structure (Will make future development much easier).
- Graves cleanup (Cleaner hologram text, you now get 25% XP back instead of 100%, now expire after 24 hours instead of 2 hours).
- Hid WIP croptopia content from REI.
- Added armor HUD to the screen.
- Recycler now accepts anything from c:seeds & c:crops tag. (#128)
- Removed shaped plate recipes with hammer.
- Corrected minimap settings without clutter.
- Nerfed Burnable Generator (64E/t > 24E/t).
- Nerfed Scalding Generator (128E/t > 64E/t).
- Nerfed Thermoelectric Generator (64E/t > 32E/t).
- Nerfed Steam Generator (128E/t > 64E/t).
- Nerfed Gluttony Generator (256E/t > 128E/t).
- Nerfed Redstone Generator (256E/t > 128E/t).
- Nerfed Demise Generator (512E/t > 256E/t).
- Nerfed Withered Generator (4096E/t > 2048E/t).
- Nerfed solar panels from Indrev MK1 = (8E/t > 4E/t) & MK3 = (12E/t > 8E/t).
- Also lowered the max power storage of the gens nerfed.
- Fixed connecting issues with wireless networks and industrial revolution.
- Fixed incorrect villager trade buttons texture.
- Fixed broken Better End recipes, we're talking all of them.
- Fixed certain performance issues with MI pipes on large-scale servers.
- Fixed recipe conflict between cracker & flour. (#114)
- Fixed miners horizon ore placement this time.
- Fixed multiple duplicate rei recipe outputs of the same iron showing up.
- AE2WTLib: AE2WTLib-9.0.0-beta.8.jar
- Armor Sound Tweak: ArmorSoundTweak-3.0.1-fabric.jar
- Auto Config v1 Updated: autoconfig1u-3.3.1.jar
- BoatContainer: boatcontainer-1.0.3.jar
- Bow Infinity Fix: BowInfinityFix-1.17.x-fabric-rv10.jar
- CC:Restitched: cc-restiched-1.97.1-beta-1.jar
- Crooked Crooks: crookedcrooks-2.0.1+1.17.1.jar
- Death Knell: DeathKnell-fabric-1.17.1-1.0.1.jar
- Desolation: desolation-1.1.5.jar
- Drink Beer: drinkbeer-v2.3 for 1.17.1.jar
- Equipment Compare: EquipmentCompare-1.17.1-fabric-1.2.7.jar
- Falling Leaves: fallingleaves-1.7.4+1.17.1.jar
- FPS Reducer: FpsReducer-fabric-1.24-mc1.17.1.jar
- Goblin Traders: goblin-traders-1.3.0.jar
- Iceberg: Iceberg-1.17.1-fabric-1.0.23.jar
- Inventory HUD +: InventoryHUD-fabric-[1.17.x]-3.4.1.jar
- Iron Jetpacks: iron-jetpacks-0.4.2.jar
- Legendary Tooltips: LegendaryTooltips-1.17.1-fabric-1.1.2.jar
- Mod Menu: modmenu-2.0.14.jar
- Mouse Tweaks: MouseTweaks-fabric-mc1.17.1-2.15.jar
- Patchouli-1.16.4-53.2.jar: Patchouli-1.16.4-53.2.jar
- Platforms: platforms-[fabric]-1.17-1.1.1-.jar
- Right-Click-Harvest: right-click-harvest-1.1.0+1.17-fabric.jar
- ShetiPhianCore: shetiphiancore-[fabric]-1.17-1.1.1-.jar
- st'ructure tools: structure-tools-1.0.5.jar
- Traveler's Backpack: travelers-backpack-1.17.1-6.0.0.jar
- Visuality: visuality-mc1.17.1-0.3.0.jar
- Biome Locator: biome_locator-1.17.1-1.3.1.jar
- Dynamic FPS: dynamic-fps-2.0.6.jar
- 3d Skin Layers: 3dSkinLayers-Fabric-1.2.1.jar
- Adorn: Adorn-2.3.1+1.17.1-fabric.jar
- Advancement Plaques: AdvancementPlaques-1.17.1-fabric-1.4.2.jar
- AppleSkin: appleskin-fabric-mc1.17.1-2.2.0.jar
- Applied Energistics 2: appliedenergistics2-9.0.0-beta.2.jar
- Arcanus: arcanus-1.23.jar
- Axolotl Item Fix: axolotl-item-fix-1.1.3.jar
- Basic AIOTs: basicaiots-1.3.2+1.17.jar
- BCLib: bclib-0.5.1.jar
- Better End: better-end-0.12.2.jar
- Blast: blast-1.8.1.jar
- Campanion: campanion-2.0.1.jar
- Carrier: carrier-1.8.1.jar
- Chalk: chalk-1.0.2.jar
- Cloth Config v5: cloth-config-5.1.40-fabric.jar
- Conjuring: conjuring-1.0.15.jar
- Dank Storage: dankstorage-2.2.1-1.17.1.jar
- Dark Enchanting: dark-enchanting-0.5.0-1.17.1.jar
- DeathLog: deathlog-0.2.2.jar
- Expanded Storage: expandedstorage-7.2.7+1.17.1.jar
- Extra Generators: extra-generators-1.1-BETA+1.17.jar
- Fabric API: fabric-api-0.42.1+1.17.jar
- FerriteCore: ferritecore-3.1.0-fabric.jar
- Flytre Lib: flytre-lib-1.4.2.jar
- Geckolib: geckolib-fabric-1.17-3.0.26.jar
- Golems Galore: golemsgalore-1.0.3-1.17.1.jar
- Universal Graves: graves-1.1.4+1.17.1.jar
- Grizzly Bear mob: grizzlybear-1.17-1.2.0.jar
- Guild: guild-fabric-0.3.4.jar
- Industrial Revolution: indrev-1.12.0-BETA.jar
- Inmis: inmis-2.3.2-1.17.1.jar
- Inventory Sorter: InventorySorter-1.8.0-1.17.jar
- Kibe: kibe-1.9.4-BETA+1.17.jar
- KubeJS: kubejs-fabric-1701.3.10-build.9999.jar
- Lightest Lamps: lightest-lamps-fabric-0.9.6.jar
- Lithium: lithium-fabric-mc1.17.1-0.7.5.jar
- Magitek Mechs: magitekmechs-fabric-MC1.17.1-1.0.6.jar
- megane: megane-5.5.2.jar
- Miner's Horizon: miners-horizon-1.7.2-1.17.1.jar
- Modern Industrialization: Modern-Industrialization-0.6.1.jar
- MoreVillagersFabric: morevillagers-FABRIC-1.17-2.1.1.jar
- Mythic Mounts: mythic-mounts-1.17.1-3.0.jar
- Outvoted: outvoted-1.5.0-beta.3.jar
- Industial Quarry Mod: quarry-reborn-1.17-0.5.2.jar
- Quick Shulker: quickshulker-1.3.1-1.17.jar
- Rat's Mischief: ratsmischief-1.3.1.jar
- Reborn Core: RebornCore-5.0.11-beta.jar
- Red Bits: red-bits-1.10.1.jar
- Repurposed Structures: repurposed_structures_fabric-2.5.6+1.17.1.jar
- Rhino: rhino-fabric-1701.1.5-build.71.jar
- Roughly Enough Items: RoughlyEnoughItems-6.1.329.jar
- 'Slight' GUI Modifications: slight-gui-modifications-2.0.2.jar
- Stoneholm: stoneholm-1.3.jar
- Tech Reborn: TechReborn-5.0.11-beta.jar
- The Graveyard: The_Graveyard_2.1_(FABRIC)_for_1.17-1.17.1.jar
- Trinkets: trinkets-3.0.4.jar
- Wireless Networks: wirelessnetworks-1.3.1.jar
- Wolves With Armor: wolves-with-armor-1.6.1-1.17.1.jar
- Harvest Scythes: wraith-harvestscythes-2.1.0.jar
- Waystones: wraith-waystones-2.2.1.jar
- wthit: wthit-fabric-3.11.2.jar
- Xaero's Minimap: Xaeros_Minimap_21.22.0_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- Xaero's World Map: XaerosWorldMap_1.18.1_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- YUNG's API: YungsApi-1.17-Fabric-19.jar
- Updated loader to 0.11.7
- Excavate now uses more hunger (64 > 128), not a huge amount but it'll make excavate not so OP.. Especially when looking for amethyst.
- Corrected server names & their info aswell.
- Fixed random crash when looking through recipe pages connected to kibe.
- Fixed miners horizon ore placement on height.
- Fixed negative energy crash.
- Fixed rancher not picking up items.
- Fixed AE2 REI recipe integration.
- Fixed rare crash with + (auto complete) recipe function.
- Fixed horizontal speeds on flyable mythic mounts, they'll now act like normal.
- Fixed meteors spawning in miners horizon dimension, they'll no longer make huge holes full of ores.
- Health Overlay: HealthOverlay-1.17.1-4.0.2.jar
- oωo: owo-0.3.0.jar
- 3d Skin Layers: 3dSkinLayers-Fabric-1.1.1.jar
- Adorn: Adorn-2.2.0+1.17.1-fabric.jar
- Applied Energistics 2: appliedenergistics2-9.0.0-alpha.7.jar
- Arcanus: arcanus-1.20.jar
- Architectury: architectury-2.6.35.jar
- Biome Locator: biome_locator-1.17.1-1.3.1.jar
- Chalk: chalk-1.0.1.jar
- Clumps: Clumps-fabric-1.17.1-7.0.10.jar
- Conjuring: conjuring-1.0.12.jar
- Croptopia: Croptopia-1.17.1-FABRIC-1.6.3.jar
- Dank Storage: dankstorage-2.2-1.17.1.jar
- Dark Enchanting: dark-enchanting-0.5.0-1.17.1.jar
- Dawn API: dawn-2.0.6.jar
- DeathLog: deathlog-0.2.1.jar
- DefaultSettings: DefaultSettings-1.17.x-3.1.0.jar
- Diggus Maximus: diggusmaximus-1.5.1-1.17.jar
- Deep Mob Learning: Simulacrum: dmlSimulacrum-1.0.5.jar
- Dynamic FPS: dynamic-fps-2.0.6.jar
- Entity Banners: entity-banners-1.0.2-BETA+1.17.jar
- Expanded Storage: expandedstorage-7.2.7+1.17.1.jar
- Extra Generators: extra-generators-1.1-BETA+1.17.jar
- Fabric API: fabric-api-0.41.0+1.17.jar
- Fabric Language Kotlin: fabric-language-kotlin-1.6.5+kotlin.1.5.31.jar
- FerriteCore: ferritecore-3.1.0-fabric.jar
- Firework Frenzy: fireworkfrenzy-1.6.jar
- Gate Of Babylon: gate-of-babylon-1.5.1-1.17.1.jar
- Geckolib: geckolib-fabric-1.17-3.0.19.jar
- Golems Galore: golemsgalore-1.0.3-1.17.1.jar
- Universal Graves: graves-1.1.3b+1.17.1.jar
- Grizzly Bear mob: grizzlybear-1.17-1.2.0.jar
- Guild: guild-fabric-0.3.3.jar
- Industrial Revolution: indrev-1.11.0-alpha.4.jar
- Inmis: inmis-2.3.2-1.17.1.jar
- Inventory Sorter: InventorySorter-1.8.0-1.17.jar
- Kibe: kibe-1.9.3-BETA+1.17.jar
- KubeJS Extras: kjsextras-1.4.0.jar
- KubeJS: kubejs-fabric-1701.3.10-build.9999.jar
- Lifts: lifts-1.3-BETA+1.17.jar
- Light Overlay: light-overlay-6.0.1-fabric.jar
- Lightest Lamps: lightest-lamps-fabric-0.9.3.jar
- Lithium: lithium-fabric-mc1.17.1-0.7.4.jar
- Lovely Snails: lovely_snails-1.0.3+1.17.jar
- Magic Fungi: magicfungi-0.5.0-BETA+1.17.1.jar
- Magitek Mechs: magitekmechs-fabric-MC1.17-1.0.4.jar
- megane: megane-5.5.0.jar
- Modern Industrialization: Modern-Industrialization-0.6.0-alpha.02.jar
- MoreVillagersFabric: morevillagers-FABRIC-1.17-2.1.1.jar
- Mythic Mounts: mythic-mounts-1.17.1-2.0.jar
- NinjaPhenix's Container Library: ninjaphenix-container-library-1.2.4+1.17.1.jar
- Outvoted: outvoted-1.5.0-b1.jar
- Patchouli: Patchouli-1.17.1-56-FABRIC.jar
- Industial Quarry Mod: quarry-reborn-1.17-0.5.0.jar
- Quick Shulker: quickshulker-1.3.0-1.17.jar
- Rat's Mischief: ratsmischief-1.2.3.jar
- Reborn Core: RebornCore-5.0.9-beta+build.131.jar
- Red Bits: red-bits-1.10.1.jar
- Repurposed Structures: repurposed_structures_fabric-2.4.3+1.17.1.jar
- Respawnable Pets: respawnablepets-1.17-5.jar
- Rhino: rhino-fabric-1701.1.5-build.71.jar
- Roughly Enough Items: RoughlyEnoughItems-6.0.307-alpha.jar
- Secret Rooms: secretrooms-1.1.0+1.17.jar
- Smoother Bedrock: smootherbedrock-1.0.2.jar
- Stoneholm: stoneholm-1.3.jar
- Tech Reborn: TechReborn-5.0.9-beta+build.131.jar
- ToolTip Fix: tooltipfix-1.0.4-1.17.1.jar
- Traverse: traverse-4.0.0.jar
- Trinkets: trinkets-3.0.4.jar
- Wireless Networks: wirelessnetworks-1.3.0.jar
- Wolves With Armor: wolves-with-armor-1.6.1-1.17.1.jar
- Woods and Mires: WoodsAndMires-1.1.1+1.17.jar
- Harvest Scythes: wraith-harvestscythes-2.0.6.jar
- Waystones: wraith-waystones-2.1.2.jar
- wthit: wthit-fabric-3.10.0.jar
- Xaero's Minimap: Xaeros_Minimap_21.20.0_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- Xaero's World Map: XaerosWorldMap_1.18.0_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- YUNG's API: YungsApi-1.17-Fabric-19.jar
- Moved to new fluid/item api, this means much better compat between tech mods and aswell kibe.
- Data required for each tier in DML has been altered to higher amounts.
- Enabled Silver Ore, will require new chunks to obtain.
- Compression of background asset to lower file size.
- Added all modded mobs to the Cursed Dirt Blacklist.
- Enabled MI Easy Mode (less resources needed for crafting).
- Disabled Ore block from raw ore block in the blast furnace.
- Re-enabled gem tools from TR.
- Disabled Totem Of Preserving.
- Blacklisted mobs from Better End, Outvoted & Terrarian Slimes in the conjurer.
- Fixed brutal loading times due to how universal graves was handling blockstates, should now see up to 150% faster loading times depending on computer.
- Fixed the stutter issue every 3 second people were having on certain launchers.
- Fixed incorrect tags as output in infusing recipes.
- Fixed server crash when placing datamodel in simulation chamber.
- Fixed multiple broken recipes in Better End.
- 3d Skin Layers: 3dSkinLayers-Fabric-1.1.0.jar
- Additional Additions: AdditionalAdditions-2.1.3.jar
- Advancement Plaques: AdvancementPlaques-1.17.1-fabric-1.4.1.jar
- Air Strafing Attribute: air-strafing-attribute-1.2.jar
- Applied Energistics 2: appliedenergistics2-9.0.0-alpha.2.jar
- Arcanus: arcanus-1.16.jar
- Artifacts: artifacts-5.0.2+fabric.jar
- Axolotl Item Fix: axolotl-item-fix-1.1.2.jar
- YUNG's Better Dungeons: BetterDungeons-Fabric-1.17-1.0.2.jar
- BitsAndChisels: bitsandchisels-2.5.3.jar
- Bountiful: BountifulFabric-1.0.0.jar
- Campanion: campanion-2.0.0-beta.1.jar
- Caracal mob: caracal-1.17-1.3.2.jar
- Chalk: chalk-1.0.0.jar
- Colorful Subtitles: colorfulsubtitles-1.0.0.jar
- Columns: columns-1.2.0.jar
- Cosmetic Armor: cosmetic-armor-1.1.0.jar
- Explorer's Delight: explorers-delight-1.0.0-beta.1.jar
- Extended Armor Bars: extended-armor-bars-1.1.0.jar
- Firework Frenzy: fireworkfrenzy-1.5.jar
- Flonters: Flonters-1.2.1+1.17.1.jar
- Go Fish: go-fish-1.3.0-beta-1.17.1.jar
- Guild: guild-fabric-0.3.1.jar
- I Know What I'm Doing: IKnowWhatImDoing-3.1.0-fabric.jar
- Kambrik: Kambrik-1.1.0.jar
- Lightest Lamps: lightest-lamps-fabric-0.9.2.jar
- Magic Fungi: magicfungi-0.4.1-BETA+1.17.1.jar
- Magitek Mechs: magitekmechs-fabric-MC1.17-1.0.3.jar
- More Axolotl Variants Mod: mavm-1.0.5.jar
- Miner's Horizon: miners-horizon-1.7.0-1.17.1.jar
- Mod Menu: modmenu-2.0.14.jar
- Mythic Mounts: mythic-mounts-1.17.1-1.3.jar
- NinjaPhenix's Container Library: ninjaphenix-container-library-1.2.2+1.17.1.jar
- Industial Quarry Mod: quarry-reborn-1.17-0.4.3.jar
- RSWires: rswires-4.11.2.jar
- The Graveyard: The_Graveyard_(FABRIC)_1.4_for_1.17-1.17.1.jar
- Transportables: transportables-1.0.6.jar
- Vanilla Degus: vanilla_degus-1.17.1-v1.2.3-fabric.jar
- Villager Hats Mod: villager-hats-mod-1.2.1.jar
- ZIHLaunchpads: zihlaunchpads-1.1.1.jar
- Artifality: artifality-mc1.17.1-0.3.3-beta.jar
- BetterF3: betterf3-1.1.5+1.17.jar
- Simple Rpc: simple-rpc-1.17-2.3.1-fabric.jar
- Workings: workings-1.0.7.jar
- Adorn: Adorn-2.1.5+1.17.1-fabric.jar
- Ambient Environment: AmbientEnvironment-fabric-1.17.1-6.0.22.jar
- AppleSkin: appleskin-fabric-mc1.17-2.1.3.jar
- Architectury: architectury-2.5.31-fabric.jar
- Attribute Fix {FABRIC}: attribute-fix-fabric-1.17.1-1.0.3.jar
- BCLib: bclib-0.3.1.jar
- Better End: better-end-0.11.0-pre.jar
- YUNG's Better Strongholds: BetterStrongholds-Fabric-1.17-1.1.2.jar
- Biome Locator: biome_locator-1.17.1-1.3.0.jar
- BLAST: blast-1.8.jar
- Blockus: blockus-2.2.10+1.17.1.jar
- Clumps: Clumps-fabric-1.17.1-7.0.8.jar
- Conjuring: conjuring-1.0.9.jar
- Croptopia: Croptopia-1.17.1-FABRIC-1.6.3.jar
- Dank Storage: dankstorage-2.2.1-1.17.1.jar
- Dark Enchanting: dark-enchanting-0.5.0-1.17.1.jar
- Dark Loading Screen: dark-loading-screen-1.6.11.jar
- Dawn API: dawn-2.0.6.jar
- DeathLog: deathlog-0.2.1.jar
- DefaultSettings: DefaultSettings-1.17.x-3.1.0.jar
- Diggus Maximus: diggusmaximus-1.5.1-1.17.jar
- Deep Mob Learning: Simulacrum: dmlSimulacrum-1.0.5.jar
- Entity Banners: entity-banners-1.0.2-BETA+1.17.jar
- Expanded Storage: expandedstorage-7.2.4+1.17.1.jar
- Extra Generators: extra-generators-1.1-BETA+1.17.jar
- Fabric API: fabric-api-0.40.8+1.17.jar
- Fabric Language Kotlin: fabric-language-kotlin-1.6.5+kotlin.1.5.31.jar
- FerriteCore: ferritecore-3.1.0-fabric.jar
- FlytreLib: flytre-lib-1.3.9.jar
- Gate Of Babylon: gate-of-babylon-1.5.1-1.17.1.jar
- Geckolib: geckolib-fabric-1.17-3.0.15.jar
- Golems Galore: golemsgalore-1.0.3-1.17.1.jar
- Universal Graves: graves-1.1.2+1.17.1.jar
- Grizzly Bear mob: grizzlybear-1.17-1.2.0.jar
- Industrial Revolution: indrev-1.11.0-alpha.1.jar
- Inmis: inmis-2.3.2-1.17.1.jar
- Inventory Sorter: InventorySorter-1.8.0-1.17.jar
- Kibe: kibe-1.9.2-BETA+1.17.jar
- KubeJS Extras: kjsextras-1.4.0.jar
- KubeJS: kubejs-fabric-1701.3.10-build.9999.jar
- Lifts: lifts-1.3-BETA+1.17.jar
- Lithium: lithium-fabric-mc1.17.1-0.7.4.jar
- Lovely Snails: lovely_snails-1.0.3+1.17.jar
- megane: megane-5.5.0.jar
- Modern Industrialization: Modern-Industrialization-0.6.0-alpha.02.jar
- MoreVillagersFabric: morevillagers-FABRIC-1.17-2.1.1.jar
- Notes: notes-1.17-1.0.7.jar
- Outvoted: outvoted-2.0.0-alpha.13-fabric.jar
- Patchouli: Patchouli-1.17.1-56-FABRIC.jar
- Quick Shulker: quickshulker-1.2.5-1.17.jar
- Rat's Mischief: ratsmischief-1.2.2.jar
- Reborn Core: RebornCore-5.0.9-beta+build.131.jar
- Red Bits: red-bits-1.10.1.jar
- Repurposed Structures: repurposed_structures_fabric-2.3.9+1.17.1.jar
- Rhino: rhino-fabric-1605.1.4-build.63.jar
- Roughly Enough Items: RoughlyEnoughItems-6.0.279-alpha-fabric.jar
- Smoother Bedrock: smootherbedrock-1.0.2.jar
- Stoneholm: stoneholm-1.3.jar
- Tech Reborn: TechReborn-5.0.9-beta+build.131.jar
- ToolTip Fix: tooltipfix-1.0.4-1.17.1.jar
- Traverse: traverse-4.0.0.jar
- Trinkets: trinkets-3.0.4.jar
- Wireless Networks: wirelessnetworks-1.3.0.jar
- Wolves With Armor: wolves-with-armor-1.6.1-1.17.1.jar
- Woods and Mires: WoodsAndMires-1.1.1+1.17.jar
- Harvest Scythes: wraith-harvestscythes-2.0.6.jar
- Waystones: wraith-waystones-2.1.2.jar
- wthit: wthit-fabric-3.9.3.jar
- Xaero's Minimap: Xaeros_Minimap_21.18.0_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- Xaero's World Map: XaerosWorldMap_1.17.2_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- YUNG's API: YungsApi-1.17-Fabric-19.jar
- Fixed certain configs being overriden server-side causing issues like faulty ore gen.
- Fixed furnace recipes breaking with certain enchantment & vein mine.
- Fixed construction mode crash with danks.
- Fixed incorrect outputs from tags in indrev machines.
- Fixed crash when trying to start ritual of extraction.
- Fixed duplicate of same recipes for output showing up in REI.
- Fixed cascading amounts of insane and brutal lag with servers due to MI pipes.
- Fixed the remaining auto completion advancements on first world join that shouldnt of been completed, obv...
- Blacklisted rats from conjuring.
- Alaska Native Craft: alaskanativecraft-1.3.1.jar
- Deep Mob Learning: Simulacrum: dmlSimulacrum-1.0.2.jar
- Adorn: Adorn-2.1.3+1.17.1-fabric.jar
- Ambient Environment: AmbientEnvironment-fabric-1.17.1-6.0.21.jar
- AppleSkin: appleskin-fabric-mc1.17-2.1.2.jar
- Architectury: architectury-2.3.24-fabric.jar
- YUNG's Better Mineshafts: BetterMineshafts-Fabric-1.17-1.0.1.jar
- YUNG's Better Strongholds: BetterStrongholds-Fabric-1.17-1.1.1.jar
- Blockus: blockus-2.2.8+1.17.1.jar
- Cloth Config v4: cloth-config-5.0.38-fabric.jar
- Conjuring: conjuring-1.0.7.jar
- Croptopia: Croptopia-1.17-FABRIC-1.6.1.jar
- Dank Storage: dankstorage-2.1-1.17.1.jar
- Dark Loading Screen: dark-loading-screen-1.6.6.jar
- Dark Paintings: DarkPaintings-fabric-1.17.1-4.0.2.jar
- Dawn API: dawn-2.0.5.jar
- Dynamic FPS: dynamic-fps-2.0.5.jar
- Ecotones: ecotones-0.8.1.jar
- Enchantment Descriptions: EnchantmentDescriptions-fabric-1.17.1-4.0.1.jar
- Expanded Storage: expandedstorage-7.0.0+1.17.1.jar
- Fabric API: fabric-api-0.37.2+1.17.jar
- Geckolib: geckolib-fabric-1.17-3.0.11.jar
- Incantationem: incantationem-1.1.2+1.17.1.jar
- Industrial Revolution: indrev-1.10.0-alpha.12.jar
- megane: megane-5.2.0.jar
- Modern Industrialization: Modern-Industrialization-0.5.8.jar
- Mo' Structures: mostructures-1.3.0-pre1-1.17.1-fabric.jar
- Nature's Compass: NaturesCompass-1.17.1-2.0.1-fabric.jar
- Outvoted: outvoted-2.0.0-alpha.11-fabric.jar
- Quick Shulker: quickshulker-1.2.2-1.17.jar
- Red Bits: red-bits-1.10.0.jar
- Repurposed Structures: repurposed_structures_fabric-2.2.0+1.17.1.jar
- Respawnable Pets: respawnablepets-1.17-3.jar
- Runelic: Runelic-fabric-1.17.1-3.0.1.jar
- Shulker Box Tooltip: shulkerboxtooltip-3.0.1+1.17.jar
- Simple Rpc: simple-rpc-1.17-2.3.1-fabric.jar
- Textile Backup: textile_backup-2.2.0-1.17.jar
- Tool Stats: ToolStats-fabric-1.17.1-2.0.1.jar
- Traverse: traverse-4.0.0-beta.2.jar
- Waystones: wraith-waystones-2.0.3.jar
- wthit: wthit-fabric-3.8.1.jar
- Xaero's Minimap: Xaeros_Minimap_21.14.1_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- Xaero's World Map: XaerosWorldMap_1.16.0_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- YUNG's API: YungsApi-1.17-Fabric-15.jar
- Disabled everything from Dank Storage (Will be re-enabled when crashes are fixed).
- Fixed TR Compressor recipe using incorrect unfication input of plates.
- Fixed crash when equipping quantum chestplate.
- Fixed DML server crash when fight was not finished and left chunk.
- Fixed random slot popping up in top left corner when wearing trinkets.
- Fixed crashing when using Zephyr Workbench.
- Fixed some advancements auto completing on world join.
- More unification fixes to certain dusts still showing up in REI lookups
- Caracal Mob
- Reborn Core
- Traverse
- Ambient Environment: AmbientEnvironment-fabric-1.17.1-6.0.13.jar
- AppleSkin: appleskin-fabric-mc1.17-2.1.0.jar
- Balm: balm-fabric-1.3.0+0.jar
- Clumps: Clumps-fabric-1.17.1-7.0.4.jar
- Deep Mob Learning: Refabricated: deepmoblearning-refabricated-0.4.4-beta.jar
- Fabric API: fabric-api-0.37.1+1.17.jar
- Geckolib: geckolib-fabric-1.17-3.0.10.jar
- Industrial Revolution: indrev-1.10.0-alpha.11.jar
- Nyf's Quivers: nyfsquivers-Fabric-0.2.6-1.17.jar
- Outvoted: outvoted-2.0.0-alpha.9-fabric.jar
- Repurposed Structures: repurposed_structures_fabric-2.1.2+1.17.1.jar
- Tech Reborn: TechReborn-5.0.5-beta+build.85.jar
- Winged Mod: winged-1.17.1-3.0.0.jar
- Xaero's Minimap: Xaeros_Minimap_21.14.0_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- Xaero's World Map: XaerosWorldMap_1.15.0.1_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- Fixed incorrect folder path of src (Causing permission/access problems in certain scenarios).
- Skinned Lanterns
A world reset is HIGHLY recommended with this update as proper unification is in place & world gen changed.
- Updated to 1.17.1
- New light ring recipe.
- New angel ring recipe.
- Proper unification through out all tech mods (all recipes will now use MI variants of components).
- Revamped mineshafts generation.
- You can no longer make conjuring focuses for golems galore.
- Even more revamped than the above but for strongholds.
- Disabled Snow Storms from Charm.
- Disabled the Collection enchantment due to bugs.
- Disabled promenade ducks.
- Disabled Heaven Wings (GOML Augment)
- Fixed recipe conflict with copper nuggets (Could not craft indrev servos).
- Fixed crash with deep learner on servers.
- Balm: balm-fabric-1.2.0+0.jar
- BCLib: bclib-0.2.4.jar
- Better End: better-end-0.10.5-pre.jar
- YUNG's Better Mineshafts: BetterMineshafts-Fabric-1.17-1.0.0.jar
- YUNG's Better Strongholds: BetterStrongholds-Fabric-1.17-1.1.jar
- Crafting Tweaks: craftingtweaks-fabric-13.0.0+0.jar
- Dark Enchanting: dark-enchanting-0.4.1-1.17.1.jar
- DeathLog: deathlog-0.1.3.jar
- Ecotones: ecotones-0.8.0.jar
- Glassential: glassential-fabric-1.17-1.2.0.jar
- Goosik's Villager Hats: goosiks-villager-hats-mc1.17-1.2.0.jar
- Universal Graves: graves-1.0.7+1.17.1.jar
- KubeJS Extras: kjsextras-1.3.2.jar
- Lovely Snails: lovely_snails-1.0.2+1.17.jar
- Modern Industrialization: Modern-Industrialization-0.5.3.jar
- Nature's Compass: NaturesCompass-1.17.1-2.0.0-fabric.jar
- Notes: notes-1.17-1.0.6.jar
- Outvoted: outvoted-2.0.0-alpha.8-fabric.jar
- Pling: pling-1.4.0.jar
- Red Bits: red-bits-1.9.0.jar
- Skinned Lanterns: skinnedlanterns-1.1.5.jar
- Tech Reborn: TechReborn-5.0.3-beta+build.55.jar
- TridentReturn: trident_return-1.2.4.jar
- Untitled Duck Mod: untitledduckmod-0.3.0-fabric.jar
- Urns: urns-mc1.17-1.0.1.jar
- Vanilla Excavators: vanillaexcavators-2.2.0-1.17.jar
- Workings: workings-1.0.7.jar
- Xaero's World Map: XaerosWorldMap_1.14.6.1_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- YUNG's API: YungsApi-1.17-Fabric-13.jar
- Bits & Chisels (Will be readded at some point)
- Adorn: Adorn-2.1.1+1.17.1-fabric.jar
- Architectury: architectury-2.2.21-fabric.jar
- Artifality: artifality-mc1.17.1-0.3.3-beta.jar
- Attribute Fix {FABRIC}: attribute-fix-fabric-1.17.1-1.0.2.jar
- Beenfo: beenfo-1.17.1-fabric0.36.1-1.3.2.jar
- Biome Locator: biome_locator-1.17.1-1.1.3.jar
- BLAST: blast-1.7.jar
- Blockus: blockus-2.2.7+1.17.1.jar
- Charm: charm-fabric-1.17-3.3.2.jar
- Charmonium: charmonium-fabric-1.17-3.3.0.jar
- Cherished Worlds: cherishedworlds-fabric-2.0.1-1.17.1.jar
- Conjuring: conjuring-1.0.5.jar
- Croptopia: Croptopia-1.17-FABRIC-1.5.0.jar
- Deep Mob Learning: Refabricated: deepmoblearning-refabricated-0.4.2-beta.jar
- DefaultSettings: DefaultSettings-1.17.x-3.0.3.jar
- Expanded Storage: expandedstorage-7.0.0-alpha.33+1.17.jar
- Extra Generators: extra-generators-1.0.6-BETA+1.17.jar
- Fabric API: fabric-api-0.37.0+1.17.jar
- FerriteCore: ferritecore-3.0.1-fabric.jar
- FlytreLib: flytre_lib-1.17-0.2.21.jar
- Geckolib: geckolib-fabric-1.17-3.0.9.jar
- Improved Stations: improved-stations-2.0.7.jar
- Industrial Revolution: indrev-1.10.0-alpha.10.jar
- Kibe: kibe-1.8-BETA+1.17.jar
- Lifts: lifts-1.2-BETA+1.17.jar
- Light Overlay: light-overlay-6.1.0-fabric.jar
- Lithium: lithium-fabric-mc1.17.1-0.7.3.jar
- megane: megane-5.1.1.jar
- Mod Menu: modmenu-2.0.3.jar
- Mo Glass: Mo-Glass-1.5-MC1.17.1.jar
- Mo' Colors: mocolors-1.2.2.jar
- MoreVillagersFabric: morevillagers-FABRIC-1.17-2.0.4.jar
- Mo' Structures: mostructures-1.2.1-1.17.jar
- Mouse Wheelie: mousewheelie-1.7.3-newconfig+mc1.17.1-pre1.jar
- Nyf's Quivers: nyfsquivers-Fabric-0.2.4-1.17.jar
- Packages: packages-1.17.1-1.2.1.jar
- Quick Shulker: quickshulker-1.1.17-1.17.jar
- Rat's Mischief: ratsmischief-1.2.jar
- Repurposed Structures: repurposed_structures_fabric-2.1.1+1.17.1.jar
- Respawnable Pets: respawnablepets-1.17-2.jar
- Roughly Enough Items: RoughlyEnoughItems-6.0.264-alpha-fabric.jar
- 'Slight' GUI Modifications: slight-gui-modifications-2.0.1.jar
- Staff of Building: staffofbuilding-1.3.2-1.17.jar
- Trinkets: trinkets-3.0.2.jar
- True Secret Rooms: true-secret-rooms-1.1.5.jar
- Vanilla Hammers: vanilla-hammers-3.1.2-1.17.jar
- Wireless Networks: wirelessnetworks-1.1.2.jar
- Waystones: wraith-waystones-2.0.2.jar
- wthit: wthit-fabric-3.7.0.jar
- Xaero's Minimap: Xaeros_Minimap_21.13.0_Fabric_1.17.1.jar
- Fixed elements.comparator crash when joining world in certain region.
- Fixed crash with pillagers.
- Fixes an issue with advancements on vanilla hammers.
- Carrier blacklist is now a whitelist. Only vanilla blocks & chests/barrels of other mods can be moved as of now.
- New Angel Ring recipe.
- New Cobweb recipe.
- New Discord rich presence added.
- Charm chests can now be used in recipes with minecraft:chest as input.
- Fix crash when player walks into a laser.
- cAn i MiNe thIS bLOCk?: can-i-mine-this-block-1.1.0.jar
- DefaultSettings: DefaultSettings-1.17.x-3.0.2.jar
- Horse Info: hwyla-addon-horseinfo-0.3.0-1.17.jar
- Nyf's Quivers: nyfsquivers-Fabric-0.2.1-1.17.jar
- Patchouli: Patchouli-1.17-54-FABRIC.jar
- Repurposed Structures: repurposed_structures_fabric-2.0.0+1.17.0.jar
- Simple Rpc: simple-rpc-1.17-2.2.2-fabric.jar
- Textile Backup: textile_backup-2.1.0-1.17.jar
- Vanilla Hammers: vanilla-hammers-3.1.0-1.17.jar
- Architectury: architectury-2.0.16-fabric.jar
- Artifality: artifality-mc1.17-0.2.4-beta.jar
- Charm: charm-fabric-1.17-3.2.2-beta.jar
- Conjuring: conjuring-1.0.4.jar
- Enchantment Descriptions: EnchantmentDescriptions-fabric-1.17-3.0.12.jar
- Fabric Language Kotlin: fabric-language-kotlin-1.6.2+kotlin.1.5.20.jar
- FlytreLib: flytre_lib-1.17-0.2.18.jar
- Geckolib: geckolib-fabric-1.17-3.0.6.jar
- Improved Stations: improved-stations-2.0.6.jar
- Industrial Revolution: indrev-1.10.0-alpha.6.jar
- Roughly Enough Items: RoughlyEnoughItems-6.0.260-alpha-fabric.jar
- wthit: wthit-fabric-3.6.1.jar
- Xaero's Minimap: Xaeros_Minimap_21.12.2_Fabric_1.17.jar
- Fixed endless xp bug.
- AppleSkin (appleskin-fabric-mc1.17-2.0.0.jar)
- Attribute Fix {FABRIC} (attribute-fix-fabric-1.17-1.0.1.jar)
- BitsAndChisels (bitsandchisels-2.5.0.jar)
- Charm (charm-fabric-1.17-3.1.6-beta.jar)
- Charmonium (charmonium-fabric-1.17-3.1.0-BUNDLED.jar)
- Crusade (crusade-mod-1.2.4.jar)
- Deep Mob Learning: Refabricated (deepmoblearning-refabricated-0.4.0-beta2.jar)
- DualRiders (DualRiders-1.17-1.0.5.jar)
- Dynamic FPS (dynamic-fps-2.0.4.jar)
- Extra Generators (extra-generators-1.0.5-BETA+1.17.jar)
- Geckolib (fabric-1.16.4-geckolib-3.0.3.jar)
- FerriteCore (ferritecore-3.0.0-fabric.jar)
- Gate Of Babylon (gate-of-babylon-1.5.0-1.17.jar)
- Get Off My Lawn (get-off-my-lawn-1.17-1.4.0-beta.jar)
- Grizzly Bear mob (grizzlybear-1.1.1.jar)
- Horse Stats Vanilla (horse-stats-vanilla-4.1.8.jar)
- Impaled (impaled-1.0.1.jar)
- Inventory Sorter (InventorySorter-1.7.9-1.17.jar)
- KubeJS (kubejs-fabric-1605.3.10-build.9999.jar)
- Light Overlay (light-overlay-6.0.0-fabric.jar)
- megane (megane-5.0.0.jar)
- No Potion Offset (no-potion-offset-1.0.2.jar)
- NoAngleBrackets (NoAngleBrackets-1.17-1.1.0.jar)
- Ok Zoomer (okzoomer-5.0.0-beta.2+1.17.jar)
- Rat's Mischief (ratsmischief-1.1.3.jar)
- Rhino (rhino-1605.1.1-build.23.jar)
- Shulker Box Tooltip (shulkerboxtooltip-3.0.0-alpha.4+1.17.jar)
- Some Forge Patches Ported (someforgepatchesported-1.0.1.jar)
- Staff of Building (staffofbuilding-1.3.0-1.17.jar)
- Stoneholm (stoneholm-1.2.7.jar)
- Straw Dummy (strawdummy-1.5.0.jar)
- Vanilla Plus Biomes (vanillaplusbiomes-0.3.2.jar)
- Wolves With Armor (wolves-with-armor-1.6.0-1.17.jar)
- Xaero's Minimap (Xaeros_Minimap_21.11.4_Fabric_1.17.jar)
- Logical Zoom
- Architectury (architectury-2.0.9-fabric.jar -> architectury-2.0.11-fabric.jar)
- Artifality (artifality-mc1.17-0.1.4-beta.jar -> artifality-mc1.17-0.2.3-beta.jar)
- Basic AIOTs (basicaiots-1.3.jar -> basicaiots-1.3.1.jar)
- Beenfo (beenfo-1.17-fabric0.34.9-1.3.1.jar -> beenfo-1.17-fabric0.34.9-1.3.2.jar)
- Blockus (blockus-2.2.0+1.17-rc1.jar -> blockus-2.2.3-1.17.jar)
- Clumps (Clumps-fabric-1.17- -> Clumps-fabric-1.17-
- Dark Loading Screen (dark-loading-screen-1.6.4.jar -> dark-loading-screen-1.6.5.jar)
- Dawn API (dawn-2.0.2.jar -> dawn-2.0.3.jar)
- Diggus Maximus (diggusmaximus-1.4.4-1.17.jar -> diggusmaximus-1.4.5-1.17.jar)
- Expanded Storage (expandedstorage-7.0.0-alpha.25+1.17.jar -> expandedstorage-7.0.0-alpha.29+1.17.jar)
- Fabric API (fabric-api-0.35.1+1.17.jar -> fabric-api-0.36.0+1.17.jar)
- Fabric Language Kotlin (fabric-language-kotlin-1.6.1+kotlin.1.5.10.jar -> fabric-language-kotlin-1.6.1+kotlin.1.5.10 (1).jar)
- FlytreLib (flytre_lib-1.17-0.2.13.jar -> flytre_lib-1.17-0.2.16.jar)
- Industrial Revolution (indrev-1.10.0-alpha.2.jar -> indrev-1.10.0-alpha.5.jar)
- Inmis (inmis-2.3.0-1.17-rc2.jar -> inmis-2.3.1-1.17.jar)
- Lithium (lithium-fabric-mc1.17-0.7.0.jar -> lithium-fabric-mc1.17-0.7.2.jar)
- MoreVillagersFabric (morevillagers-FABRIC-1.17-2.0.0.jar -> morevillagers-FABRIC-1.17-2.0.1.jar)
- Mo' Structures (mostructures-1.2.0-pre2+mc.1.17.jar -> mostructures-1.2.0-1.17-fabric.jar)
- Roughly Enough Items (RoughlyEnoughItems-6.0.250-alpha-fabric.jar -> RoughlyEnoughItems-6.0.258-alpha-fabric.jar)
- Terrarian Slimes (terrarian-slimes-1.0.4-BETA+1.17.jar -> terrarian-slimes-1.1-BETA+1.17.jar)
- ToolTip Fix (tooltipfix-1.0.2-1.17.jar -> tooltipfix-1.0.3-1.17.jar)