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DotNetBrowser is a .NET library which allows embedding Chromium into .NET applications to load and display web pages built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc.

This example project has two scenes that demonstrate how to use DotNetBrowser with Unity3D to show the browser in the 3D scene on surfaces of geometry primitives.

  1. "DnbSimple" folder contains content for "DotNetBrowserScene.unity" scene, where you can see how to use a browser on base geometry primitives in the simplest way.
  2. "DnbFps" folder contains content for the modified Unity FPS Microgame project. It is a base for the first-person shooter where DotNetBrowser renders the menu and concept of the game chat.

How to run

The folder of the Unity3D project is DotNetBrowser_Unity. It should be selected in Unity Hub as Unity3D project to open.

Please note that this project uses a dedicated local package to automate pulling and updating DotNetBrowser libraries. You can see it referenced in DotNetBrowser_Unity\Packages\packages-lock.json and DotNetBrowser_Unity\Packages\manifest.json as com.teamdev.dotnetbrowser.deps package. The package source code is located in a Dependencies folder.

The package will check and download the latest version of DotNetBrowser libraries on loading the Unity project. The same check is performed on recompiling the Unity project scripts. Unity can say that there are errors to fix when you open that project for the first time and propose to load it in the safe mode. The packages won't load in the safe mode. Ignore this proposition and load in the normal mode.

You must have a license key to make it work. You can use a dotnetbrowser.license file and put it in the Editor directory of your project. It will be copied to the directory with executables automatically after the build. Or, you can set the license through the code by setting it in EngineOptions in the BrowserScript class. It looks like this:

  EngineOptions engineOptions = new EngineOptions.Builder
      // LicenseKey = "your_license_key",
      RenderingMode = RenderingMode.OffScreen

More details how to install the license is in the documentation.

How it works

The main idea consists of four classes located in the Scripts folder:

  1. BrowserScript - encapsulates the logic to control the browser lifecycle. It creates IEngine and IBrowser and disposes of them at the end of the work. Also provides the picture of the loaded web page as an instance of Bitmap.
  2. BrowserViewScript - this script requires a BrowserScript instance to work. Updates texture of geometry primitive with BrowserScript.Bitmap pixel data. Does forwarding of input to the browser and focus management. Several BrowserViewScript can use the same BrowserScript to simultaneously show the same web page from the same browser on their attached primitives with separated input forwarding.
  3. MouseHelper - contains logic that is used to redirect mouse input.
  4. KeyboardHelper - contains logic that is used to redirect keyboard input.

You can use BrowserViewScript directly if you need to display the web page and perform input handling on a static mesh. But it will look better to bring some action to the scene and a bit of classic browser UI. CubeScript, PlaneScript and SphereScript are BrowserViewScript subclasses that add a some additional behavior directly to according primitives. PlaneScript has a little bit of classic browser UI. It allows typing a URL and performing back/forward navigation. SphereScript and CubeScript just add a simple rotation to bring some action to the scene.

Scene content

Both examples have their own content. However, DnbSimple has the base content and DnbFps uses it as a basement.

DnbSimple and DotNetBrowserScene.unity

The scene objects are geometry primitives, UI elements, and empty objects for BrowserScript(s):


The "Browser 0" and "Browser 1" are empty objects where we attach BrowserScript scripts. They are empty because they don't require visualization, they are needed to control the browser lifecycle in attached BrowserScript(s).


Primitives are primitives with standard material to show HTML pages. It is Plane, Cube and Sphere. They have the corresponding script component in Inspector panel. It is PlaneScript, CubeScript and SphereScript accordingly. Here is how the attached CubeScript looks, for example:


The attached SphereScript looks similar in Inspector panel of Sphere object. However, the PlaneScript has additional parameters to attach simple UI scene objects:


We bind certain scene objects to their respective PlaneScript fields via the Inspector panel. The "Browser Game Object" field is common for every primitive script.


This field is set to the empty scene object that has attached BrowserScript. In this way, we specify what browser will be shown by this primitive.

Also, you can see an EventSystem and Canvas with UI elements in the scene tree. The UI elements are bound to PlaneScript(see the PlaneScript component picture above). And there are default Main Camera and Directional Light objects for the normal rendering process.

DnbFps and MainScene

DnbFps is a Unity FPS Microgame with an implemented custom HTML menu and a design concept of the game chat. It has subclasses MenuBrowserScript and MenuViewScript that extend BrowserViewScript and allow it to affect the game from the HTML page of the menu.

Necessary scene objects are geometry primitives, UI elements, and empty objects for BrowserScript and MenuBrowserScript: image

The "ChatBrowser" and "MenuBrowser" are empty objects where we attach BrowserScript and MenuBrowserScript respectively. They are empty because they don't require a visualization and needed to control the browser lifecycle in the attached script. Also, you can see Html UI Manager object there which we use to assign Html UI Manager script where we handle a Tab key.

To show the menu and the chat, we use the Raw Image elements of Canvas:


There are two fields for MenuViewScript:


The "Browser Game Object" is an object that has attached BrowserScript. In this way, we specify what browser will be shown by this Raw Image element. The "Menu Manager Game Object" is an object that has HtmlUIManager script attached. This script controls the activation and deactivation of the menu.