This repository is the source code of
This repo contains:
- Conferences Links
- New Open Source Contributors
This is a opensource repository which you can fork. Raise a Pull Request by adding your name to get featured in
Youtube video on Hugo Example
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
Made with contributors-img.
The below steps are for checking out this codebase.
git clone techprimers-repo
cd techprimers-repo
git submodule init
git submodule update
Add your name with a new markdown file under /content/contributors/
folder along with content similar to
You need hugo to create the Static HTML files based on the markdown files(*.md) which we have created. Steps for installing hugo can be followed from here
You can run the site locally and see how the pages are reflected before committing/pushing the code.
cd techprimers-repo
hugo serve -D
This command will help in Live reloading of website once we update the Markdown files. The site will be available at http://localhost:1313
Run the hugo
command to create static files under public/
cd techprimers-repo
Commit the public
folder along with your markdown file and raise a pull request. -> This process is now automated using Travis CI.
Feel free to just add the .md
file alone.
Contribution brings happiness to world!