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@telefonica/mistica comes with built in support for tracking to any analytics system (for example Google Analytics).

Some components, like buttons, come with a special trackingEvent prop. Every time that the button is pressed, an event is tracked with the data provided to the trackingEvent prop. This type is defined by the webview-bridge. At the time of writing this documentation, this is the type of a tracking event:

type TrackingEvent = Readonly<{
  category: string;
  action: string;
  label?: string;
  value?: number;
  screenName?: string;
  [key: string]: any;

And here is an axample of a button with a tracking event:

    category: 'checkout',
    action: 'button_pressed',

By default @telefonica/mistica won't do anything with that trackingEvent, but you setup the lib to call your analytics system by setting up the analytics field in the theme prop:

    skin: 'Movistar',
    i18n: {locale: 'es-ES', phoneNumberFormattingRegionCode: 'ES'},
    analytics: {
      // this function is called every time a button with trackingEvent is pressed
      logEvent(event: TrackingEvent): Promise<void> {
        const logFinished = yourAnalyticsSystem(event);
        // you can return a promise here and the lib will wait for the promise to
        // resolve before navigating to a diferent page.
        return logFinished;
  <App />

Default tracking events

Some components, like Button or TextLink have default tracking event that you can opt in to use.

Instead of:

    category: 'user_interaction',
    action: 'primary_button_tapped',
    label: 'Go to dashboard',
  Go to dashboard

you can just write:

<ButtonPrimary to="/dashboard" trackEvent>
  Go to dashboard

Take into account that you need to set the trackEvent boolean prop, if you don't set it the button won't track any event.

Firebase / Google Analytics 4 events

Firebase and the new Google Analytics 4 events have a different shape. Instead of category, action, label and value, you only need a mandatory name and any number of optional attributes. For example:

  name: 'user_interaction',
  component_type: 'row',

You can use this event format with mistica components too, but you need to change the config:

  analytics: {
    eventFormat: 'google-analytics-4'
    logEvent(event) {
      // do something

eventFormat can be 'google-analytics-4' or 'universal-analytics' (default).

When you set the eventFormat to 'google-analytics-4' and use the trackEvent boolean prop, the tracked event will have this form:

  name: 'user_interaction',
  component_type: 'primary_button', // or the corresponding button type
  component_copy: '<the button copy>',


You can also define an eventFormat for a specific part of your app, using the TrackingConfig context provider:


<TrackingConfig eventFormat="google-analytics-4">
    <AnotherComponent/> // this will track using GA4 format


A hook to obtain the tracking config is also available:

const {eventFormat} = useTrackingConfig();