A de-duplicating priority queue that uses mongodb as the storage engine.
Heavily inspired by Mongo::Queue github.com/skiz/mongo_queue
Atomic Locking (provided by Mongo)
Thread Safe
Priority Support
Fully Tested
Simple API
Mongo::Dequeue requires a Mongo::Collection, and allows you to configure the default read timeout of items in your queue. Items popped from the queue must be confirmed complete, or they will be reissued after the timeout specified.
mc = Mongo::Connection.new collection = mc.db("whateverdb").collection("my_queue") options = { :timeout => 60 } queue = Mongo::Dequeue.new(collection, options)
Items have a body, passed as the first argument to push(). A body can be a string, number, hash, or array. These values are preserved in the Mongo collection used to store the queue, allowing you to inspect the queue and see these values. The optional options argument is a hash of values. you can set a custom duplicate_key that will be used to de-duplicate queue items. There are no keys or reserved values in the body of an item. Pass in anything you like.
options = { :duplicate_key => 'match' } body = "foo" body = 5 body = { :stuff => "here" } body = ["a", "b", "c"] queue.push(body,options)
When you need to push more then a few items, the delay of network requests can start to add up. In these cases, you can add more then a single item with a single call, like so:
queue.batchpush("foo") queue.batchpush("bar")
To perform the actual push, call the batchprocess method:
Pop items with the pop() method. Specifying a timeout (in seconds) will override the default timeout set in the queue options. After the timeout, the popped item will be available in another pop() call.
item = queue.pop(:timeout => 1)
The pop call will return a hash, with an :id and a :body. After the queue item is done, be sure to call the complete() method, with the id of the message.
Note that completed items are not removed from the database immediately, allowing inspection of completion times, duplication numbers, etc. Calling the cleanup() method removes completed items.
You can call the stats
method to take a quick peek at your queue. Locked items are items that have been popped, but not confirmed.
queue.stats # => {:available => 3, :locked => 2, :complete => 5, :total => 10}
Items are not deleted immediately after completion.
Item locks auto-expire
Items are de-duplicated
No reserved words in item body
Adjust auto generated duplication_key to be more accurate.
Full examples