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Instalação via Docker

Marcelo Pilatti Mendes da Silva edited this page Aug 25, 2020 · 18 revisions


Docker e Docker compose

Siga os passos da instalação do Docker e do Docker Compose.


Siga os passos da instalação do Git.

Clone do repositório

Faça o clone do repositório com os arquivos de configuração do Docker:

git clone

Estrutura de pastas e arquivos


  • conf - Pasta com todos os arquivos de configuração das aplicações web;
  • geoserver - Dockerfile do Geoserver;
  • satalertas - Dockerfiles e docker-compose-yml da aplicação SatAlertas;
  • terrama2 - Dockerfile e scripts da imagem do TerraMA²;
  • webapp - Dockerfile da imagem do Módulo de administração;
  • webmonitor - Dockerfile da imagem do Módulo de monitoramento.


  • - Saves a backup of the Geoserver, database and SatAlertas documents on the folder configured on the .env file;
  • - Build the images for TerraMA² project;
  • - Build the images for SatAlertas project;
  • - Generates the TerraMA² configuration files (running script) and containers, including the Geoserver;
  • - Generate configuration files of the projects, Dockerfiles and docker-compose.yml files using the .env variables;
  • - Generates PostgreSQL container;
  • - Updates TerraMA² images;
  • - Updates SatAlertas images;
  • - Pushes the SatAlertas images to the DockerHub;
  • - Pushes the TerraMA² images to the DockerHub;
  • - Restores the backup generated with the script.

Arquivo de variáveis de ambiente

The .env file contains configurable variables used on all scripts and docker-compose.yml files. There's an .env.example file on the root folder with the default variable values.

  • TERRAMA2_PROJECT_NAME - Name of the project used on Docker Compose project (-p) parameter;
  • TERRAMA2_DOCKER_REGISTRY - Name of the registry on Docker Hub;
  • TERRAMA2_TAG - TerraMA² version;
  • SATALERTAS_TAG - SatAlertas version;
  • TERRAMA2_CONFIG_DIR - Path of the config folder (located on ./conf);
  • TERRAMA2_DATA_DIR - Name of the data volume;
  • TERRAMA2_WEBAPP_ADDRESS - Host and port to access the webapp container;
  • TERRAMA2_WEBMONITOR_ADDRESS - Host and port to access the webmonitor container;
  • TERRAMA2_GEOSERVER_ADDRESS - Host and port to access the geoserver container;
  • SATALERTAS_CLIENT_PORT - Port to access the SatAlertas client container;
  • SATALERTAS_SERVER_PORT - Port to access the SatAlertas server container;
  • TERRAMA2_DNS - DNS of the server including protocol;
  • TERRAMA2_BASE_PATH - Base URL of the application included after the DNS (default is '/');
  • POSTGRES_DATABASE - Name of the database;
  • BACKUP_DIR - Directory used to store backup files;
  • PUBLIC_URI - Server DNS including the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS).


Just configure .env file if necessary and run:



To build postgresql container, run:


Configuração manual

If you want to manually configure, follow the next steps.

Check 3rd-party dependencies

Create a volume terrama2_shared_vol:

docker volume create terrama2_shared_vol


If you don't have a running version of GeoServer or you want to try an experimental version, you can use the built-in TerraMA² GeoServer image.

Create a new volume to store the GeoServer data files:

docker volume create terrama2_geoserver_vol

Pull the GeoServer image and run a new container named terrama2_geoserver:

docker run -d \
           --restart unless-stopped --name terrama2_geoserver \
           -p \
           -e "GEOSERVER_URL=/geoserver" \
           -e "GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=/opt/geoserver/data_dir" \
           -v terrama2_data_vol:/data \
           -v terrama2_shared_vol:/shared-data \
           -v terrama2_geoserver_vol:/opt/geoserver/data_dir \
           -v ${PWD}/conf/ \

The above command will link the host address on port 8080 to the container port 8080 and it will run the container as a daemon in background. You can try the following address in your browser: http://localhost:8080/geoserver.

PostgreSQL + PostGIS

If you don't have a running version of PostgreSQL with the PostGIS extension or you want to try an experimental version, you can use the image prepared by mdillon/postgis.

Create a new volume to store the PostgreSQL data files:

docker volume create terrama2_pg_vol

Pull the PostgreSQL image and run a new container named terrama2_pg:

docker run -d \
           --restart unless-stopped --name terrama2_pg \
           -p \
           -v terrama2_pg_vol:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
           -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \

The above command will link the host address on port 5433 to the container port 5432 and it will run the container as a daemon in background. You can try the following address in psql or pgAdmin:

psql -U postgres -p 5433 -h localhost -d postgres

In the above command use the password: mysecretpassword.

Running TerraMA²

In order to link all the pieces of TerraMA², you can create a network named terrama2_net:

docker network create terrama2_net

If you have installed the GeoServer and PostgreSQL as docker containers, as explained in above sections, link them together:

docker network connect terrama2_net terrama2_geoserver
docker network connect terrama2_net terrama2_pg

Edit the file conf/terrama2_webapp_db.json with database credentials.

After that, configure files version properly:


This command will generate conf/terrama2_webapp.json file. You may edit this file for connection parameters.

Now run the docker-compose in daemon mode:

docker-compose -p terrama2 up -d

Post Installation Tips

Run TerraMA² localhost

On unix environment, add in the file /etc/hosts with following statements:       terrama2_geoserver       terrama2_webapp_1       terrama2_webmonitor_1


We must configure service parameters in Web Application to associate with respective container. On service hosts, unmark the option Local Service and then set the respective container name to the service at Host Address. For example, in the service Local Collector, use address terrama2_collector_1. For Local Analysis, use terrama2_analysis_1 and so on.

When registering Local View, make sure that you have configured the directive provided on section Run TerraMA² localhost and specify the Maps Server URL with terrama2_geoserver.