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What is GoJira ?

GoJira is a Go tool designed to enhance and expedite the use of Jira, a popular management software. This version of GoJira focuses on enabling Definition of Done (DoD) injection.

How to install GoJira ?

Download binary

  • Visit the Releases page to access the latest GoJira release.
  • Copy the executable file to a directory included in your system's PATH
  • The executable file will be named as gojira-version-type+platform.arch.exe. For ease of use, rename it to "gojira.exe".

Verify the Executable

Verify the executable installation by opening your preferred command-line interface (CLI) and entering the command "gojira". You should see output similar to the following:

$ gojira.exe
Gojira is a modern CLI Tool for Jira Server, allowing DoD injection and plenty other stuff impossible to achieve using Jira plugins.

  gojira [flags]
  gojira [command]

Available Commands:
  config      Manage gojira configuration.
  dod         Apply Definition of Done to a set of US.
  help        Help about any command
  login       Create wincred credential to authenticate to a dedicated Jira Server / Project via Basic Authentication.
  pi-wl       List all PI sprints workload
  sprints     List all sprints in configured project.
  stories     List all User Stories in the configured Sprint.
  tokenlogin  Create wincred credential to authenticate to a dedicated Jira Server / Project via Bearer Token.
  version     Print the version of Gojira

  -h, --help   help for gojira

Use "gojira [command] --help" for more information about a command.

If you see the above output, the installation is complete. Otherwise, double-check that you placed the gojira.exe file in the correct directory and correctly added it to your system's PATH variable.

Configure gojira

  • Create Jira credentials: Set up your Jira credentials once to establish authentication.
$ gojira.exe login
Jira URL:
Jira Username: username
Jira Password: *********
Jira account was successfully logged on!
$ gojira.exe tokenlogin
Jira URL:
Jira Personal Access Token:
Jira account was successfully logged on!
  • Configure the Jira Project: Specify the Jira Project that you want to work with using GoJira.
$ gojira.exe config project "<MY_PROJECT_NAME>"
Several boards matching, please pick one by ID.
Board : {XXXXX MY_PROJECT_NAME scrum 0}
Selected Board ID: XXXXX
Board selected!
  • Configure the Jira Project ID: You can also specify the Jira Project ID (if you have it) that you want to work with using GoJira.
$ gojira.exe config projectId <MY_PROJECT_ID>
Board selected!
  • Configure the desired sprint: Specify the GoJira configuration to use the desired sprint in the selected project. (Note: This configuration can be updated later by reusing the same command and selecting another sprint.)
$ gojira.exe config sprint
 Sprint ID : AAAAA : Sprint 1
 Sprint ID : CCCCC : Sprint 3
Please input desired sprint ID: CCCCC


List of User Stories
  • It is possible to list all User Stories (US) present in the selected sprint, for example in order to select some we need to modify using another gojira command.
$ gojira.exe stories
Stories/Bugs in selected sprint :
 PROJ-DDDDD | Story  | A User Story
 PROJ-EEEEE | Story  | Another US   
 PROJ-FFFFF | Story  | Again a US   
As list :
DoD Injection
  • GoJira enables you to apply a desired Definition of Done to a list of User Stories.
  • Usage : gojira dod [ dodname ] US-XXXXX,US-YYYYY,....
$ gojira.exe dod standardstory PROJ-DDDDD,PROJ-EEEEE
 Pushing standardstory DoD for US PROJ-DDDDD ...............
 Pushing standardstory DoD for US PROJ-EEEEE ...............
Number of US treated : 2

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