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Releases: TheBastionBot/Bastion

Bastion v8.16

11 Apr 02:11
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  • You can now set a custom message for live stream notifications that supports mentions. See streamers --help for an example.
  • You can now send plain text (non-embedded) message with the echo command on your instance of Bastion if you use the --plain option.
  • You can now disable entire command categories with the commandModule command using the --category option.


  • The echo command won't show the sender of message if it's your own instance of Bastion.


  • Fixed definitions not working if the word is not in lowercase.
  • Fixed the permalink format in the apod command.
  • Some under-the-hood fixes as always to make Bastion even better!

Bastion v8.15

09 Mar 14:28
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  • Added wotd command so you can use it to get the word of the day and improve your vocabulary.


  • We won't give karma to users being thanked if gamification is not enabled.
  • The apod command will now link to the permanent archive page of the APOD so you can visit them whenever you want.
  • Added some more aliases for commands.
  • Some under-the-hood improvements as always to make Bastion even better!


  • Fixed an issue with textMute that didn't show the success message after successfully muting someone server wide.

Bastion v8.14

20 Dec 15:42
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Happy Holidays


  • Profile Bio & Location are back!
    On popular demand, you can once again set your bio and location in your Bastion Profile. See profile --help command for more details.


  • Improvements to invite cache for Invite Roles & Rewards.
  • Some under-the-hood improvements as always to make Bastion even better!


  • Fixed an issue where level up roles gave rewards for the previous level instead of the current level.
  • Some under-the-hood fixes to make Bastion even better!

Bastion v8.13

05 Dec 10:44
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  • Dank Memes!
    Added the dankmeme command for people who who didn't think meme wasn't nasty enough!


  • Members can now completely hide and unhide their temporary voice channels from other members using the new 🔐 and 👁️ reactions, respectively.
  • A few of you complained about the 🆙 reaction for auto-karmas given by Bastion when someone thanked someone. So, we've now updated it to 👍🏻.
  • Some under-the-hood changes as usual to make Bastion even better!

Bastion v8.12

21 Nov 13:45
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  • New Game!
    Added a new multiplayer game called Number Nash. Checkout #!numberNash --help for more info.
  • Added the ticTacToe command to allow users to play a game of Tic Tac Toe with their friends.
  • Added the phdComics command to get comic strips from PHD Comics.
  • Added support for re-rolling giveaways. You can now reroll a giveaway after it has ended with the --reroll flag and specify how many winners you wanna reroll with the --winner flag.


  • You can now use the --user flag with the echo command to Direct Message a member through Bastion instead. But this would require the user to have at least the Manage Server permission in the server.
  • Some under-the-hood improvements to make Bastion even better.


  • Some under-the-hood fixes to make Bastion better than ever.

Bastion v8.11

11 Nov 16:14
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  • Added some more commands to the Fun module, like pickupLine, roast, ship, and simpness, so you can have some more fun in your server.


  • Added some more easter eggs.


  • Fixed an issue when finding the Muted role in servers which have roles with blank names (good old times).
  • Some under-the-hood fixes to make Bastion better than ever.

Bastion v8.10

30 Oct 16:58
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  • Trivia game is back again with the trivia command.
  • Added new meme, joke, pun, showerThought, lifeProTips, and todayILearned commands to get a random post from respective subreddits.
  • Brought back the old catify and robotify commands to allow you to generate your unique cat and robot avatars, respectivey.
  • Bastion now uses YouTube API to search for the music queries as youtube-dl doesn't support it anymore.

Bastion v8.9

25 Oct 14:47
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  • Private Greeting Messages are back! You can now set the --private flag when setting greeting messages to set it as a Private Greeting Message. See greetings --help for more details.
  • You can now use the voiceSessions command without any arguments to list all the Voice Session categories in the server.
  • When you create a Voice Session a session-control text channel will be created where you can use reactions to control your voice session.
  • You can now use the new "COMPETING" activity type for Bastion's activities.


  • Voice Sessions will be locked by default now. You can invite others to your voice channel by sending an invite or unlocking your voice session in session-control.
  • Voice Sessions' names will now be based on the name of the + New [NAME] channel that's used to create a new session.
  • The play command will now automatically recognize URLs; no need to use the --link or -l option anymore.
  • Some major improvements in YouTube playlist support.
  • Automatically delete Voice Session categories if the categories have been deleted by the user.
  • Some improvements to Level-up Roles so that users can keep their roles until they can get new ones.
  • Some under-the-hood improvements to make Bastion better than ever!


  • Fixed an issue with the link filter that treated some custom emojis as links.
  • Fixed an issue in the invite filter that caused it to ignore invites in some guilds.
  • Added a workaround to make play work with only links until youtube-dl fixes the issue with song search.
  • Fixed some error messages that were not using the proper locale.
  • Some under-the-hood fixes to make Bastion more stable than ever.


  • The lockSession command has been deleted as you can now do that using reactions as mentioned above.

Bastion v8.8

08 Oct 10:17
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Among Us ✕ Bastion

  • Among Us Lobbies
    Server members can now create Discord Lobbies for their Among Us party and manage it automatically, using the new amongUs command.
  • Lobby Channel
    Server Managers, don't fret, you can restrict the usage of amongUs command to a specific channel using the new amongUsChannel command.
  • Lobby Restrictions
    And lobby hosts, your lobbies are private by default. And you have complete control over whether to allow everyone or only your friends.


  • Did you ever want to add a personalized message when giving rep/karma to someone? You can do it now! See karma --help for more details.
  • You can now give karma/rep anyone simply by thanking them in a message reply. Thank you @alice for suggesting this! Works even when you mention multiple users.
  • Have you ever deleted all the messages from a channel by mistake? I have. So, from now on, clear will always ask for confirmation if no --limit is explicitly specified.
  • Added support back for server wide text muting members in the server with the --server flag in the textMute command.
  • Did you want to go back to Bastion's random greetings and farewells after setting a custom message? Now you can do that by using the --random flag with the greetings and farewells commands respectively.
  • Bastion will now give double Experience Points to server members if they are boosting your server.


  • Temporary voice channels' names will now be based on the name of the user who created it.
  • Some optimizations to cache to reduce Bastion's memory usage.


  • Fixed an issue with the music command that prevented some servers from show up in the list of all servers where music is enabled.

Bastion v8.7

13 Sep 16:22
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  • Captcha Verification
    You can now opt to enable Captcha Verification in your server. When enabled, users joining the server would need to solve a captcha in the server's dashboard to verify themselves, and then they'll be assigned the role that was set using the new verification command.
  • You can now choose to include roles which should be included when pruning members from the server.


  • Previews from the greetings & farewells commands would now show up as embed objects instead of it being rendered.
  • Changed an implementation where using linkFilter or inviteFilter would reset their respective Safe List that was set using the safeList command.


  • Fixed an issue where the last streamer was not being removed.
  • Some under-the-hood fixes to make Bastion better than ever.