--- external help file: JumpCloud-help.xml Module Name: JumpCloud online version: https://github.com/TheJumpCloud/support/wiki/ schema: 2.0.0 --- # Backup-JCOrganization ## SYNOPSIS Backup your JumpCloud organization to local json files ## SYNTAX ### All (Default) ``` Backup-JCOrganization -Path [-All] [-Format ] [-PassThru] [] ``` ### Type ``` Backup-JCOrganization -Path [-Type ] [-Association] [-Format ] [-PassThru] [] ``` ## DESCRIPTION This function exports objects and associations from your JumpCloud organization to local json files. Association takes a significant amount of time to gather. The -Format:('csv') is slower than standard json output. ## EXAMPLES ### EXAMPLE 1 ``` Backup all available JumpCloud objects and their associations PS C:\> Backup-JCOrganization -Path:('C:\Temp') ``` ### EXAMPLE 2 ``` Backup all available JumpCloud objects and their associations to CSV (default json) PS C:\> Backup-JCOrganization -Path:('C:\Temp') -Format:('csv') ``` ### EXAMPLE 3 ``` Backup selected types UserGroups and Users with no associations PS C:\> Backup-JCOrganization -Path:('C:\Temp') -Type:('UserGroup','User') ``` ### EXAMPLE 4 ``` Backup selected types UserGroups and Users with their associations PS C:\> Backup-JCOrganization -Path:('C:\Temp') -Type:('UserGroup','User') -Association ``` ### EXAMPLE 5 ``` Backup UserGroups and Users without their associations PS C:\> Backup-JCOrganization -Path:('C:\Temp') -Type:('UserGroup','User') ``` ### EXAMPLE 6 ``` Backup all available JumpCloud objects and their associations and return metadata PS C:\> $BackupJcOrganizationResults = Backup-JCOrganization -Path:('C:\Temp') -PassThru PS C:\> $BackupJcOrganizationResults.Keys PS C:\> $BackupJcOrganizationResults.User ``` ## PARAMETERS ### -All Backup all available types and associations ```yaml Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter Parameter Sets: All Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Association Use to backup association data ```yaml Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter Parameter Sets: Type Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Format The format of the output files ```yaml Type: System.String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: Json Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -PassThru Return object metadata to pipeline ```yaml Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Path File path for backup output ```yaml Type: System.String Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: True Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### -Type JumpCloud objects that you want to backup ```yaml Type: System.String[] Parameter Sets: Type Aliases: Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ### CommonParameters This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216). ## INPUTS ## OUTPUTS ## NOTES ## RELATED LINKS [https://github.com/TheJumpCloud/support/tree/master/PowerShell/JumpCloud%20Module/Docs/Backup-JCOrganization.md](https://github.com/TheJumpCloud/support/tree/master/PowerShell/JumpCloud%20Module/Docs/Backup-JCOrganization.md)