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How To Use The Associations Functions

epanipinto-jc edited this page May 2, 2019 · 17 revisions

What Are Associations?

What Are Associations?

Any discrete item within a JumpCloud tenant is a JumpCloud object with a unique JumpCloud id value.

As a JumpCloud tenant is configured objects are created.

JumpCloud object can be of the following types: active_directory, command, ldap_server, policy, system, user, application, g_suite, office_365, radius_server, system_group, and user_group.

Objects in JumpCloud are linked to one another via associations between object id values.

When an object is created in JumpCloud by default it is created without any associations.

Associations are configured and represented in the JumpCloud admin portal UI using checkboxes.

Objects can be associated either directly or indirectly with one another.

Direct Associations

Direct associations are specific 1:1 links between objects in JumpCloud.

In the JumpCloud admin console a direct link between two objects occurs when a checkbox is selected and saved on an object to associate it directly with a target object.

Direct Checkbox

Bryan Alders, Am Anemali, and Adam Ant are all directly associated with the user group "New User Group".

Indirect Associations

Indirect associations are 1:many associations between the individual members of a JumpCloud group and the object directly bound to the group.

Indirect associations allow members of JumpCloud groups to inherit and become indirectly associated with all the direct associations of the group.

Indirect associations can be used to map systems to JumpCloud system groups, JumpCloud user groups, commands, and policies.

Indirect associations can be used to map users to JumpCloud user groups, JumpCloud system groups, applications, directories, and RADIUS servers.

Because JumpCloud user and system groups can be associated directly to one another indirect associations between users and systems can occur that create indirect links that span more then one indirect hop.

"user" -> "user_group" -> "system_group" -> "system"


"system" -> "system_group" -> "user_group" -> "user"

In the JumpCloud admin console indirect associations are represented by obfuscated checkboxes.

Indirect Checkbox

Christopher Froome, Steve Prefontaine, ldap service, and Jens Voit are all indirectly associated with JumpCloud LDAP. Admin user is directly associated with JumpCloud LDAP. An obfuscated checkbox represents an indirect association.

Using Get-JCAssociation

The function Get-JCAssociation can be used to query an objects association and provide information on how objects are associated with one another.

Specify Object Type

When using Get-JCAssocitaion you must specify an object type.

Object types include:

 Get-JCAssociation -Type:
active_directory  command           ldap_server       policy            system            user              
application       g_suite           office_365        radius_server     system_group      user_group 

After an object type is specified a name or id value must be entered to identify the object to query.

Specify Object Name

Get-JCAssociation -Type:user_group -Name:employee

This example will return all the associations for the user group "employee"

Note that if -Type:user is specified the alias -username is created for the -name property and can be used instead of -name.

Get-JCAssociation -Type:user -username:holly.flax

This example will return all the associations for the user with username "holly.flax"

Note that if -Type:system is specified the alias -displayName is created for the -name property and can be used instead of -name.

Get-JCAssociation -Type:system -displayName:Hollys-Mac

This example will return all the associations for the system with displayName "Hollys-Mac"

  • The field displayName is not enforced as a unique field for systems in JumpCloud. A warning will appear if a specified -name value returns more then one record.
 Get-JCAssociation -Type:system -displayName:admins-mac.local
WARNING: Found "4" "system" with the "name" of "admins-mac.local"

Specify Object Id

An object id value can be used to query associations as an alternative to searching by an objects name.

id values are always unique values that resolve to a single object within JumpCloud.

Get-JCAssociation -Type:system -Id:5c9o95o84lbe1376318an1s8

This example will return all the associations for the system with an id value of "5c9o95o84lbe1376318an1s8"

Get-JCAssociation -Type:user -Id:5c9o95o84lbo1376318ot1s8

This example will return all the associations for the user with an id value of "5c9o95o84lbo1376318ot1s8"

Get-JCAssociation -Direct Parameter

The -Direct switch parameter can be used with the Get-JCAssociations command to only output direct associations.

Get-JCAssociation -Indirect Parameter

The -Indirect switch parameter can be used with the Get-JCAssociations command to only output indirect associations.

Get-JCAssociation -TargetType Parameter

The -TargetType parameter can be used with the Get-JCAssociations command to only search for specific associates of a given targetType.

Get-JCAssociation -Type:system -Id:5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148 -TargetType system_group

action          : get
associationType : direct
id              : 5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148
type            : system
targetId        : 5c8a81131f24752158a420a4
targetType      : system_group
paths           : {System.Object[]}

This example will return all the system_group associations for the system with an id value of "5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148"

To see available target types for an input type "intellisense" and tab complete can be used to populate the available

Get-JCAssociation Output

Default Output

The default output of the Get-JCAssociation command will return a formatted object that includes all associations for a given input object.

Get-JCAssociation -Type:system -Id:5c9a95f84tdo1376318g5148

action          : get
associationType : direct
id              : 5c9a95f84tdo1376318g5148
type            : system
targetId        : 5c75cbcebfe8c0429a816d56
targetType      : user
paths           : {System.Object[]}

action             : get
associationType    : indirect
id                 : 5c9a95f84tdo1376318g5148
type               : system
targetId           : 5c75d403ee8df27f82a8051a
targetType         : user
compiledAttributes : @{ldapGroups=System.Object[]}
paths              : {  }

action          : get
associationType : direct
id              : 5c9a95f84tdo1376318g5148
type            : system
targetId        : 5c8a81131f24752158a420a4
targetType      : system_group
paths           : {System.Object[]}

This object by default will return seven fields.

Field Name Description
action Describes the action the command is executing. Get-JCAssociation will always return Get
associationType Returns indirect or direct
id The JumpCloud id for the input object
type The type of the input object
targetId The JumpCloud id of the associated target object
targetType The type of the associated target object
compiledAttributes Attributes (if any) of the associated target object
paths* The path(s) to the target object
  • A path of "paths : { }" on indirect associates appears blank but when expanded using -expandProperty or ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 using the pipeline will reveal full path information.
Get-JCAssociation -Type:system -Id:5c9a95f84tdo1376318g5148 -Indirect | Select-Object paths |  ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
  "paths": [
        "attributes": null,
        "to": {
          "attributes": null,
          "id": "5c8a81131f24752158a420a4",
          "type": "system_group"
        "attributes": null,
        "to": {
          "attributes": {
            "ldapGroups": ""
          "id": "5c8a8103232e1164e95c7abc",
          "type": "user_group"
        "attributes": null,
        "to": {
          "attributes": null,
          "id": "5c75d403ee8df27f82a8051a",
          "type": "user"

Get-JCAssociation -IncludeNames Parameter

The -IncludeNames switch parameter can be used with the Get-JCAssociations command to include the names of objects in the formatted output.

Adding the -IncludeNames increases the number of API requests the Get-JCAssociations command runs which will increase the time it takes to gather the results of the command.

Get-JCAssociation -Type:system -Id:5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148 -IncludeNames

action          : get
associationType : direct
id              : 5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148
name            : Holly-Flax-Mac.local
type            : system
targetId        : 5c75cbcebfe8c0429a816d56
targetName      : holly.flax
targetType      : user
paths           : {System.Object[]}

action             : get
associationType    : indirect
id                 : 5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148
name               : Holly-Flax-Mac.local
type               : system
targetId           : 5c75d403ee8df27f82a8051a
targetName         : jcadmin
targetType         : user
compiledAttributes : @{ldapGroups=System.Object[]}
paths              : {  }

action          : get
associationType : direct
id              : 5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148
name            : Holly-Flax-Mac.local
type            : system
targetId        : 5c8a81131f24752158a420a4
targetName      : All Systems
targetType      : system_group
paths           : {System.Object[]}

Including the parameter -IncludeNames adds name and targetName to the output of Get-JCAssociation

Get-JCAssociation -IncludeVisualPath Parameter

The -IncludeVisualPath switch parameter can be used with the Get-JCAssociations command to include output which represents a visual depiction of associations in the formatted output.

Adding the -IncludeVisualPath increases the number of API requests the Get-JCAssociations command runs which will increase the time it takes to gather the results of the command.

Get-JCAssociation -Type:system -Id:5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148 -IncludeVisualPath

action           : get
associationType  : direct
id               : 5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148
type             : system
targetId         : 5c75cbcebfe8c0429a816d56
targetType       : user
visualPathById   : "5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148" -> "5c75cbcebfe8c0429a816d56"
visualPathByName : "Holly-Flax-Mac.local" -> "holly.flax"
visualPathByType : "system" -> "user"
paths            : {System.Object[]}

action             : get
associationType    : indirect
id                 : 5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148
type               : system
targetId           : 5c75d403ee8df27f82a8051a
targetType         : user
visualPathById     : "5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148" -> "5c8a81131f24752158a420a4" -> "5c8a8103232e1164e95c7abc" -> 
visualPathByName   : "Holly-Flax-Mac.local" -> "All Systems" -> "Default Admin" -> "jcadmin"
visualPathByType   : "system" -> "system_group" -> "user_group" -> "user"
compiledAttributes : @{ldapGroups=System.Object[]}
paths              : {  }

action           : get
associationType  : direct
id               : 5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148
type             : system
targetId         : 5c8a81131f24752158a420a4
targetType       : system_group
visualPathById   : "5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148" -> "5c8a81131f24752158a420a4"
visualPathByName : "Holly-Flax-Mac.local" -> "All Systems"
visualPathByType : "system" -> "system_group"
paths            : {System.Object[]}

Get-JCAssociation -IncludeInfo Parameter

The -IncludeInfo switch parameter can be used with the Get-JCAssociations command to include output that contains all attributes of the input and target objects in the formatted output.

Adding the -IncludeInfo increases the number of API requests the Get-JCAssociations command runs which will increase the time it takes to gather the results of the command.

Get-JCAssociation -Type:system -Id:5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148 -IncludeInfo

action          : get
associationType : direct
id              : 5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148
type            : system
info            : @{organization=5c71807298ce437512b9e8b7; created=3/27/19 3:25:44 PM; lastContact=3/27/19 11:31:22 
                  PM; os=Mac OS X; version=10.14; arch=x86_64; networkInterfaces=System.Object[]; 
                  hostname=Holly-Flax-Mac.local; displayName=Holly-Flax-Mac.local; systemTimezone=-600; 
                  templateName=macosx-darwin-x86_64; remoteIP=; active=False; sshdParams=System.Object[]; 
                  allowSshPasswordAuthentication=False; allowSshRootLogin=False; 
                  allowMultiFactorAuthentication=False; allowPublicKeyAuthentication=False; modifySSHDConfig=False; 
                  agentVersion=0.10.53; connectionHistory=System.Object[]; sshRootEnabled=True; 
                  id=5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148; _id=5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148; serialNumber=VMqYxmXmp3io; ById=_id; 
                  ByName=displayName; TypeName=; TypeNameSingular=system; TypeNamePlural=systems; 
                  Targets=System.Object[]; TargetSingular=System.Object[]; TargetPlural=System.Object[]}
targetId        : 5c75cbcebfe8c0429a816d56
targetType      : user
targetInfo      : @{account_locked=False; activated=True; addresses=System.Object[]; allow_public_key=True; 
                  attributes=System.Object[]; company=Dunder Mifflin; costCenter=Scranton; department=Corporate; 
                  description=; displayname=Holly Flax;; employeeType=Corporate; 
                  enable_managed_uid=False; enable_user_portal_multifactor=False; externally_managed=False; 
                  firstname=Holly; jobTitle=HR Execuative; lastname=Flax; ldap_binding_user=False; location=WFH; 
                  mfa=; middlename=; password_never_expires=False; passwordless_sudo=False; 
                  phoneNumbers=System.Object[]; samba_service_user=False; ssh_keys=System.Object[]; sudo=False; 
                  unix_guid=5029; unix_uid=5029; username=holly.flax; created=2/26/19 11:29:18 PM; 
                  password_expiration_date=7/15/19 7:15:07 AM; password_expired=False; totp_enabled=False; 
                  _id=5c75cbcebfe8c0429a816d56; id=5c75cbcebfe8c0429a816d56; ById=_id; ByName=username; TypeName=; 
                  TypeNameSingular=user; TypeNamePlural=users; Targets=System.Object[]; 
                  TargetSingular=System.Object[]; TargetPlural=System.Object[]}
paths           : {System.Object[]}

action             : get
associationType    : indirect
id                 : 5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148
type               : system
info               : @{organization=5c71807298ce437512b9e8b7; created=3/27/19 3:25:44 PM; lastContact=3/27/19 
                     11:31:22 PM; os=Mac OS X; version=10.14; arch=x86_64; networkInterfaces=System.Object[]; 
                     hostname=Holly-Flax-Mac.local; displayName=Holly-Flax-Mac.local; systemTimezone=-600; 
                     templateName=macosx-darwin-x86_64; remoteIP=; active=False; 
                     sshdParams=System.Object[]; allowSshPasswordAuthentication=False; allowSshRootLogin=False; 
                     allowMultiFactorAuthentication=False; allowPublicKeyAuthentication=False; 
                     modifySSHDConfig=False; agentVersion=0.10.53; connectionHistory=System.Object[]; 
                     sshRootEnabled=True; id=5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148; _id=5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148; 
                     serialNumber=VMqYxmXmp3io; ById=_id; ByName=displayName; TypeName=; TypeNameSingular=system; 
                     TypeNamePlural=systems; Targets=System.Object[]; TargetSingular=System.Object[]; 
targetId           : 5c75d403ee8df27f82a8051a
targetType         : user
targetInfo         : @{account_locked=False; activated=True; addresses=System.Object[]; allow_public_key=True; 
                     attributes=System.Object[]; company=Dunder Mifflin; costCenter=Scranton; department=Operations; 
                     description=; displayname=;; employeeType=Salaried; 
                     enable_managed_uid=False; enable_user_portal_multifactor=False; externally_managed=False; 
                     firstname=Default; jobTitle=Office Administrator; lastname=Admin; ldap_binding_user=False; 
                     location=WFH; mfa=; middlename=; password_never_expires=False; passwordless_sudo=False; 
                     phoneNumbers=System.Object[]; samba_service_user=False; ssh_keys=System.Object[]; sudo=True; 
                     unix_guid=5045; unix_uid=5045; username=jcadmin; created=2/27/19 12:04:19 AM; 
                     password_expiration_date=7/14/19 1:22:16 AM; password_expired=False; totp_enabled=False; 
                     _id=5c75d403ee8df27f82a8051a; id=5c75d403ee8df27f82a8051a; ById=_id; ByName=username; 
                     TypeName=; TypeNameSingular=user; TypeNamePlural=users; Targets=System.Object[]; 
                     TargetSingular=System.Object[]; TargetPlural=System.Object[]}
compiledAttributes : @{ldapGroups=System.Object[]}
paths              : {  }

action          : get
associationType : direct
id              : 5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148
type            : system
info            : @{organization=5c71807298ce437512b9e8b7; created=3/27/19 3:25:44 PM; lastContact=3/27/19 11:31:22 
                  PM; os=Mac OS X; version=10.14; arch=x86_64; networkInterfaces=System.Object[]; 
                  hostname=Holly-Flax-Mac.local; displayName=Holly-Flax-Mac.local; systemTimezone=-600; 
                  templateName=macosx-darwin-x86_64; remoteIP=; active=False; sshdParams=System.Object[]; 
                  allowSshPasswordAuthentication=False; allowSshRootLogin=False; 
                  allowMultiFactorAuthentication=False; allowPublicKeyAuthentication=False; modifySSHDConfig=False; 
                  agentVersion=0.10.53; connectionHistory=System.Object[]; sshRootEnabled=True; 
                  id=5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148; _id=5c9b95f84cbd1376318c5148; serialNumber=VMqYxmXmp3io; ById=_id; 
                  ByName=displayName; TypeName=; TypeNameSingular=system; TypeNamePlural=systems; 
                  Targets=System.Object[]; TargetSingular=System.Object[]; TargetPlural=System.Object[]}
targetId        : 5c8a81131f24752158a420a4
targetType      : system_group
targetInfo      : @{attributes=; id=5c8a81131f24752158a420a4; name=All Systems; type=system_group; ById=id; 
                  ByName=name; TypeName=; TypeNameSingular=system_group; TypeNamePlural=systemgroups; 
                  Targets=System.Object[]; TargetSingular=System.Object[]; TargetPlural=System.Object[]}
paths           : {System.Object[]}

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