All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog] and this project attempts to adhere to [Semantic Versioning].
Changes will be documented under Added, Changed, Deprecated, Removed, Fixed or Security headers.
- on_create, on_update, on_delete...
- test on_default builder
- order should not use field name, but property name and be mapped somewhere.
- readme documentation
- cover edge cases (boolean testing for non-boolean transformations)
- fixes update error in pdo storage interface (did not count as update if no changes were made!)
- added strict types and strict trait
- fetch one and fetch_by_id to entity manager
- changes return type of entity manager create, update and delete
- fixes entity inflator not working properly with default datetimes.
- fixes entity inflator not assigning null to nullable datetime values.
- fixes bug when selecting different types of entities with the same entity manager.
- bare minimals
- added mapping from property name to storage name for queries.
- added inflators so arrays and maps can be turned into entities.
- added data transformers from and to storage
- quick documentation on each class and method