- Added particle demo project.
- Added options for text outline for Entity.Text.
- Added improved ability to switch inputs on CocoonJS between WebView and Canvas.
- Added run.exe for Windows users to improve easiness to launch editor on Node.js.
- Improved stability for particles.
- Fixed issues with sound on CocoonJS.
- Fixed broken this.ui.setStyle().
- Fixed broken UI onShow/onHide on CocoonJS.
- Fixed UI not loading on iOS on CocoonJS.
- Changed mighty.engine.bgColor to setter and getter.
- Added Entity.Particle. (particle editor coming soon!)
- Added UI editor.
- Added experimental support for WebGL.
- Added ability to change output quality.
- Added entity.flip() ability - AUTO(default), HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL_VERTICAL.
- Improved performance for patches/culling and entity.move() function.
- UI: data-click attribute support for CocoonJS.
- Ability to change if texture is preloaded (from editor). If not, load it manually by calling .load() function without giving path as parameter.
- Updated Texture API to support many different ways to create and use texture.
- Issue that Entity.Geometry.load() in some cases is called too soon if created from template.
- Issue that manually loaded texture had a wrong path.
- Fixed Scene.reloadLevel().
- Fixed all issue with volume calculations when entity is scaled or rotated.
- Auto reconnect if disconnected from Node.js server.
- Issue that could crash editor server if game was launched with "Open Game" button.