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File metadata and controls

379 lines (325 loc) · 14.8 KB

Python job type

"python3" job type is intended to handle the calls to your Python function. Racetrack will wrap it up in a web server.

Set jobtype: python3:latest in your job.yaml manifest file in order to use this type of job.

Job standards

Let's assume you already have your code in a repository at supersmart/

def just_do_it(x: float, y: float) -> float:
    return x * y

Now you need to make a few adjustments to adhere to job standards. Basically, you need to embed your code into an entrypoint class with def perform method. Create

from supersmart.model import just_do_it

class JobEntrypoint:
    def perform(self, x: float, y: float) -> float:
        Return the product of two numbers.
        :param x: The first number.
        :param y: The second number.
        :return: The product of x and y.
        return self.just_do_it(x, y)

This method will be called by Racetrack when calling /perform endpoint on your job. The parameters you declared in a perform method signature will be visible at /parameters endpoint. For example, /parameters response may look like:

    "name": "x",
    "type": "float"
    "name": "y",
    "type": "float"

When calling /perform endpoint, pass the parameters as a JSON object:

  "x": 20,
  "y": 5

Input payload: docs_input_example method

Optionally, you can also add a docs_input_example method returning exemplary input values for your job. It should return a dictionary mapping every parameter name to its sample value. That is an exemplary payload for your service (it will be seen in Swagger UI). This should be the input giving not erroneous result so that it can be used by others to see how the entrypoint works. For instance:

def docs_input_example(self) -> dict:
    return {
        'x': 20,
        'y': 5,

Auxiliary endpoints: auxiliary_endpoints method

If you need more callable endpoints, you can extend Job API with custom auxiliary endpoints (besides /perform). Do it by implementing auxiliary_endpoints method in your entrypoint class, returning dict with endpoint paths and corresponding methods handling the request:

def auxiliary_endpoints(self) -> Dict[str, Callable]:
    """Dict of custom endpoint paths (besides "/perform") handled by Entrypoint methods"""
    return {
        '/explain': self.explain,

def explain(self, x: float, y: float) -> Dict[str, float]:
    Explain feature importance of a model result.
    :param x: First element to add.
    :param y: Second element to add.
    :return: Dict of feature importance.
    result = self.perform(x, y)
    return {'x_importance': x / result, 'y_importance': y / result}

If you want to define example data for your auxiliary endpoints, you can implement docs_input_examples method returning mapping of Job's endpoints to corresponding exemplary inputs. So it should return a dictionary of dictionaries (endpoint path -> parameter name -> parameter value). You can even use it to define sample input data for the default entrypoint (/perform endpoint) instead of using docs_input_example method to keep it concise. Exemplary payloads will be visible in Swagger UI for corresponding endpoints. It should be the input giving not erroneous result so that it can be used by others to see how the endpoint works. For instance:

def docs_input_examples(self) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
    """Return mapping of Job's endpoints to corresponding exemplary inputs."""
    return {
        '/perform': {
            'numbers': [40, 2],
        '/explain': {
            'x': 1,
            'y': 2,

See python-auxiliary-endpoints for an example.

Static endpoints: static_endpoints method

You can configure static endpoints to expose your local files at particular path by your Job. Do it by implementing static_endpoints method in your entrypoint class, returning dict with endpoint paths and corresponding file metadata. File metadata can be either just the filename (relative to the root of repository) or the tuple of filename and mimetype. If mimetype is not given, it will be guessed based on the file. Mimetype is needed for browsers to interpret the content properly.

    def static_endpoints(self):
        """Dict of endpoint paths mapped to corresponding static files that ought be served."""
        return {
            '/xrai': 'xrai.yaml',
            '/manifest': ('job.yaml', 'application/x-yaml'),
            '/docs/readme': '',

Whole directories can also be handled by static_endpoints to serve recursively all of its content.

See python-static-endpoints for an example.

Custom Webview UI: webview_app method

You can expose user-defined webview pages in your job. Implement def webview_app(self, base_url: str) method in your entrypoint class. base_url parameter is a base URL prefix where the webview app is exposed. The method should return a WSGI application (eg. Flask and Django apps are compliant with that standard). Here's an exemplary implementation:

    def webview_app(self, base_url: str):
        Create WSGI app serving custom UI pages
        :param base_url Base URL prefix where WSGI app is deployed.
        app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates')

        @app.route(base_url + '/')
        def index():
            return render_template('index.html', base_url=base_url)

        @app.route(base_url + '/postme', methods=['POST'])
        def postme():
            return jsonify({"hello": request.json})

        return app.wsgi_app

The frontend app will be available at /api/v1/webview/ endpoint. If there is a static directory in your job repo, those resources will be available at /webview/static/ endpoint.

See python-ui-flask for an example.

Prometheus metrics

Customized Prometheus metrics can be exported by implementing metrics method in your entrypoint class. It should return list of Metric objects consisting of:

  • name (required) - Prometheus metric name,
  • value (required) - float number,
  • description (optional) - a string indicating the purpose of the metric,
  • labels (optional) - dictionary of additional labels to differentiate the characteristics of the thing that is being measured (see Prometheus Metric and Label naming).
def metrics(self):
    return [
            'name': 'job_is_crazy',
            'description': 'Whether your job is crazy or not',
            'value': random.random(),
            'labels': {
                'color': 'blue',

Your metrics will be exposed at /metrics endpoint along with the other generic ones (including number of calls, number of errors, duration of requests).

See python-metrics for an example.

Environment variables

If you need to access specific env variables during job building, you can set them by using build_env field in a manifest:

  DEBIAN_FRONTEND: 'noninteractive'

If you need to access specific env variables during job runtime, you can set them by using runtime_env field in a manifest:

  DJANGO_DEBUG: 'true'

When using your runtime vars, don't use the following reserved names: PUB_URL, JOB_NAME.

Secret variables

If you need to set secret environment vars during building your job, use secret_build_env_file field in a manifest and point it to the env file containing the secret env variables. The secret file shouldn't be checked into source control. It will be loaded from your local machine each time you deploy your job.

For instance, you can use it for installing pip dependencies from a private repository.

  1. Refer to a secret file in a manifest:
  1. file should adhere to ".env" format:
# Git username or email
# Use read_repo access token instead of your password
  1. Then use these vars in requirements.txt:

Since the file is not included in git repository, every new user cloning your repository will have to recreate this file. We recommend to use file as a template in repository, copy from it and fill it out before deploying a job.

Runtime secret variables are handled correspondingly by secret_runtime_env_file field in a manifest.

When the same env var name appears in both build_env/runtime_env and in secrets (secret_build_env_file/secret_runtime_env_file), secret values take precedence before the former ones (overwrites them).

See python-env-secret for an example.

Public endpoints

To expose selected job endpoints to the public (to be accessible without authentication) include them in the public_endpoints field in a manifest. Every endpoint opens access to an exact specified path as well as all subpaths starting with that path. Use short path endings without /pub/job/.../ prefix:

  - '/api/v1/perform'
  - '/api/v1/webview'

!!! warning Exempting a path /foo also exempts any path under it like /foo/secret. Use this feature with care.

After deploying such job, there will be created a request that needs to be approved by Racetrack admin. Such approval needs to be done once for every new job version (with distinct version field).

See python-ui-flask for an example.

Home page

You can configure the home page of your job. Home page is the one you see when opening a job through the Dashboard or at the root endpoint. By default, it shows the SwaggerUI page. Now you can change it, for instance, to a webview endpoint:

  home_page: '/api/v1/webview'


To produce logs, use logging module inside your job:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class JobEntrypoint:
    def perform(self):'something happened')

Caller name

Setting LOG_CALLER_NAME in a manifest allows you to keep record of a caller in the job's logs:


This will add caller identity (username or ESC name) to every log entry.

Concurrent requests cap

Maximum number of concurrent requests can be limited by jobtype_extra.max_concurrency field: By default, concurrent requests are unlimited. Setting max_concurrency to 1 will make the job process requests one by one. Overdue requests will be queued and processed in order.

Having such concurrency limits may cause some requests to wait in a queue. If a throughput is higher than the job can handle, the queue will grow indefinitely. To prevent that, you can also set jobtype_extra.max_concurrency_queue to limit the queue size. When the queue is full, the job will return 429 Too Many Requests status code.

Example (1 request at a time, with up to 10 requests waiting in a queue):

  max_concurrency: 1
  max_concurrency_queue: 10

Summary of principles

To sum up:

  1. You MUST create entrypoint .py file.
  2. Entrypoint file MUST contain an entrypoint class.
  3. The entrypoint class MUST have def perform(self, ...) method with any arguments.
  4. You SHOULD use type annotations and meaningful names for perform arguments.
  5. You SHOULD use named arguments, optional parameters (with default value) or **kwargs in a perform method signature.
  6. You MUST NOT use *args in a perform method signature.
  7. You SHOULD add docstring to a perform method that describes its parameters and return values.
  8. You MAY do some initialization in def __init__(self) (eg. loading pickled model).
  9. You MAY fetch some data during initialization and keep them in a working directory (eg. load model data from external sources). Working directory is the root of your git repository.
  10. You SHOULD use relative path ./file.txt (instead of abs like /src/job/file.txt) when accessing your model data.
  11. You MUST create job.yaml at the root of your repo.
  12. You MAY put some required Python packages to requirements.txt file (located anywhere) and refer to it in a manifest file.
  13. You MUST NOT refer to some local files that are not pushed to the repository. Keep in mind that your job is built from your git repository (for instance, include your trained model there).
  14. You SHOULD implement docs_input_example method that returns an example input payload for your job.
  15. You MAY implement auxiliary_endpoints method pointing to the methods handling your custom endpoint paths.
  16. You MAY implement static_endpoints method to serve static files. You SHOULD specify mimetype for them.
  17. You MAY implement metrics method to export your custom Prometheus metrics at /metrics endpoint.
  18. You MAY configure environment variables applied on build time and runtime by setting them explicitly or through a secret file.
  19. The Job application MUST be stateless. It MUST NOT depend on previous requests.

Manifest file

When using python3 job type, you MUST include the following fields in a job.yaml manifest file:

  • name - choose a meaningful text name for a job. It should be unique within the Racetrack cluster.
  • owner_email - email address of the Job's owner to reach out
  • jobtype - Set base image to "python3"
  • git.remote - URL to your remote repo
  • jobtype_extra.entrypoint_path - Specify relative path to a file with Job Entrypoint class. This file will be imported as a python module when the Job is started.

You MAY include the following fields:

  • jobtype_extra.requirements_path - Specify pip requirements.txt location
  • jobtype_extra.entrypoint_class - name of Python entrypoint class. Use it if you want to declare it explicitly. Otherwise, Racetrack will discover that on its own.
  • jobtype_extra.max_concurrency (integer) - to limit maximum number of concurrent requests.
  • jobtype_extra.max_concurrency_queue (integer) - to limit maximum number of requests waiting in a queue due to concurrency limits.

Check out The Job Manifest File Schema to see all available fields.

The final job.yaml may look like this:

name: supersmart
jobtype: python3:latest

  branch: master

  requirements_path: 'supersmart/requirements.txt'
  entrypoint_path: ''
  max_concurrency: 1
  max_concurrency_queue: 10