This is the repository for emission invetoring of the Department of Environmental Science business travels.
- csv: Contains the data (mainly .csv files) used in the emission inventory
- figures: Contains code and figures generated in the emission inventory (so far only the map of the travels)
- Script for creating the destination files ((lat, lon)coordinates for locations in survey) for the and scripts.
- Script for calculating the emissions from international travels
- Script for calculating the emissions from national travels
- ???
- Script for creating the map of the travels
- suswg_env.yaml: Environment file for setting up the environment for running the scripts
- Utility functions used in the emission inventory (Haversine distance calculation and OSRRM request)
- This file
To be able to run the and scripts, you need to set up a osrm (Open Source Routing Machine) backend. The scripts use the OSRM backend to calculate the distance between two points. The distance is used to calculate the emissions from the travels.
- Install Docker (e.g. from to avoid the need to install the osrm backend on your local machine.
- Download the necessary map data: Download the ´.osm.pbf´ map file for the region of interested, e.g. from Select country (or region) of interest, e.g. denmark-latest.osm.pbf or europe-latest.osm.pbf.
- Set up OSRM with Docker.
- Open a terminal and navigate to the folder where the .osm.pbf file is located.
- Pull the OSRM Docker backend image with ´docker pull osrm/osrm-backend´
- Prepare the map data (e.g. the denmark-latest.osm.pbf file) with ´docker run -t -v $(pwd):/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-extract -p /opt/car.lua /data/denmark-latest.osm.pbf´
- Create routing data from the prepared data: ´docker run -t -v $(pwd):/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-contract /data/denmark-latest.osrm´
- Run the OSRM server: ´docker run -t -i -p 5000:5000 -v $(pwd):/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-routed /data/denmark-latest.osrm´
- Test the setup with a simple request: curl ´http://localhost:5000/route/v1/driving/10.2134046,56.1496278;12.520215144442094,55.785414450000005?overview=false´
- This request calculates a route between Aarhus University and DTU Lyngby in meters.
The scripts should now be able to be executed without any problems. Run them (in an env corresponding to the ´suswg_env.yaml´-file) using ´python´ and ´python´.
Cleaning up the code: Simplify code (especially in and by looping through transportation types
Make more general: Use the knowledge from this script to develop a general emission inventory script for business travels (e.g. input: excel file with travels, output: excel file with emissions)
Make more advanced emissions calculations (emissions from planes different depending on distance, emissions from cars different depending on fuel type, etc.)
Make the script more user-friendly: Add a GUI for inputting the data, add a GUI for selecting the map data, etc.
Make OSRM setup easier: Make a script for setting up the OSRM backend
Make figures: Make more figures, e.g. emissions per department, emissions per transportation type, etc.
Add more data: Add more data to the emission inventory, e.g. emissions from food, emissions from electricity, etc.