This section covers advanced scenarios of the documentation solution.
The simplest way to connect is by using the following command which will prompt you to enter your credentials in the well known Microsoft dialogs.
Per default the module will use an app registration hosted in my tenant, which is completely free to use. But sometimes companies have restrictions and would like to create their own app registrations, especially when the documentation should be generated silently.
You can create the app registration on your own with these permission. If you can't grant specific permissions, then the documentation module will still work but the part which requires the permission will not be documented.
Current list of scopes: "AccessReview.Read.All","Agreement.Read.All","AppCatalog.Read.All","Application.Read.All","CloudPC.Read.All","ConsentRequest.Read.All","Device.Read.All","DeviceManagementApps.Read.All","DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All","DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All","DeviceManagementRBAC.Read.All","DeviceManagementServiceConfig.Read.All","Directory.Read.All","Domain.Read.All","Organization.Read.All","Policy.Read.All","Policy.ReadWrite.AuthenticationMethod","Policy.ReadWrite.FeatureRollout","PrintConnector.Read.All","Printer.Read.All","PrinterShare.Read.All","PrintSettings.Read.All","PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureAD","PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureADGroup","PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources","User.Read"
$p = New-M365DocAppRegistration
$p | fl
ClientID : d5cf6364-82f7-4024-9ac1-73a9fd2a6ec3
ClientSecret : S02AESdMlhLQIPYYw/cYtLkHkQS0H49jXh02AS6Ek0U=
ClientSecretExpiration : 21.07.2023 21:39:02
TenantId : d873f16a-73a2-4ccf-9d36-67b8243ab99a
After the successfull creation of an app registration in AzureAD you can use the following command to connect:
Connect-M365Doc -ClientId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -ClientSecret (ConvertTo-SecureString 'SuperSecretString' -AsPlainText -Force) -TenantId '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
The Connect-M365Doc command is built around the MSAL.PS (Get-MsalToken) module which allows to use any authentication methods Azure AD supports. Because of that it is possible to provide just an authentication token which should be used by the module:
[Microsoft.Identity.Client.AuthenticationResult]$yourtoken = Get-MsalToken
Connect-M365Doc -token $yourtoken
The default case to create a documentation is collecting all information directly from Microsoft Graph. This can be done viua the following commands:
$doc = Get-M365Doc -Components Intune -ExcludeSections "MobileAppDetailed"
It's important to know that this command can take some minutes and I suggest collecting only the data you really need. Therefore the command supports selecting the Component (AzureAD, Intune, ...) and withtin these components selecting just a few sections. For example I exclude (-ExcludeSections) normally the MobileAppDetailed section because this one takes a lot of time and is in most cases not required. But you can also just collect specific sections with the -IncludeSections parameter.
You can import a previous exported JSON file. This can be useful if you want to recreate the documentation offline without collecting all information again. In this example you can see that it is not required to execute the Conmnect-M365Doc.
# Import existing configuration
$bkp = Get-M365Doc -BackupFile "c:\temp\20210503-WPNinjas-Doc.json"
# Create word file from Json file
$bkp | Write-M365DocWord -FullDocumentationPath "c:\temp\$($bkp.CreationDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm"))-WPNinjas-DocBkp.docx"
Outputing the documentation to JSON allows you to reimport the documentation at a later time and recreate a word file or to compare the json files between multiple dates.
$doc = Get-M365Doc -Components Intune -ExcludeSections "MobileAppDetailed"
# JSON export
$doc | Write-M365DocJson -FullDocumentationPath "c:\temp\$($doc.CreationDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm"))-WPNinjas-Doc.json"
Outputing the data to CSV files, one per Section can be used if you document for example Conditional Access.
$doc = Get-M365Doc -Components Intune -ExcludeSections "MobileAppDetailed"
# CSV export
$doc | Write-M365DocCSV -FullDocumentationPath "c:\temp\"
The documented names are normally the API names of the properties. Sometimes it's helpful to be able to document the correct name from the UI. For this we precreated many translation files which automatically does this job for you. You can even extend that for the objects which we haven't done this yet.
$doc = Get-M365Doc -Components Intune -ExcludeSections "MobileAppDetailed"
# Optimize content including translation
$docnew = $doc | Optimize-M365Doc -UseTranslationFiles
# Create Word file
$docnew | Write-M365DocWord -FullDocumentationPath "c:\temp\$($doc.CreationDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm"))-WPNinjas-Doc-Translated.docx"
Other options of the Optimize-M365Doc command are:
UseTranslationFiles: If available the function will translate property names with the name in the UI. Note: These Translations need to be created manually, only a few are translated yet. If you are willing to support this project. You can do this with the help of Invoke-M365DocTranslationUI.
UseCamelCase: If no tranlsation is available for a property or the -UseTranslationFiles switch was not used, then property names are beautified based on Caml case standard.
MaxStringLengthSettings: Values with texts longer than the amount of characters specified by this property then they are trimmed.
ExcludeEmptyValues: Properties with empty values are removed from the output.
ExcludeValues: This removes all values from the documentation which is helpful if you wish to discuss and define the planned settings before a proiject starts.
ExcludeProperties: Properties with these names are skipped and remove from the output. This can be helpful to remove for example the id or created by property.