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pvenode acme account deactivate [<name>]

Deactivate existing ACME account at CA.

<name>: <name> ('default =' default)

ACME account config file name.

pvenode acme account info [<name>] [FORMAT_OPTIONS]

Return existing ACME account information.

<name>: <name> ('default =' default)

ACME account config file name.

pvenode acme account list

ACMEAccount index.

pvenode acme account register [<name>] {<contact>} [OPTIONS]

Register a new ACME account with a compatible CA.

<name>: <name> ('default =' default)

ACME account config file name.

<contact>: <string>

Contact email addresses.

--directory ^https?://.*

URL of ACME CA directory endpoint.

pvenode acme account update [<name>] [OPTIONS]

Update existing ACME account information with CA. Note: not specifying any new account information triggers a refresh.

<name>: <name> ('default =' default)

ACME account config file name.

--contact <string>

Contact email addresses.

pvenode acme cert order [OPTIONS]

Order a new certificate from ACME-compatible CA.

--force <boolean> ('default =' 0)

Overwrite existing custom certificate.

pvenode acme cert renew [OPTIONS]

Renew existing certificate from CA.

--force <boolean> ('default =' 0)

Force renewal even if expiry is more than 30 days away.

pvenode acme cert revoke

Revoke existing certificate from CA.

pvenode cert delete [<restart>]

DELETE custom certificate chain and key.

<restart>: <boolean> ('default =' 0)

Restart pveproxy.

pvenode cert info [FORMAT_OPTIONS]

Get information about node’s certificates.

pvenode cert set <certificates> [<key>] [OPTIONS] [FORMAT_OPTIONS]

Upload or update custom certificate chain and key.

<certificates>: <string>

PEM encoded certificate (chain).

<key>: <string>

PEM encoded private key.

--force <boolean> ('default =' 0)

Overwrite existing custom or ACME certificate files.

--restart <boolean> ('default =' 0)

Restart pveproxy.

pvenode config get

Get node configuration options.

pvenode config set [OPTIONS]

Set node configuration options.

--acme domains=<domain[;domain;…​]> [,account=<name>]

Node specific ACME settings.

--delete <string>

A list of settings you want to delete.

--description <string>

Node description/comment.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA1 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--wakeonlan <string>

MAC address for wake on LAN

pvenode help [OPTIONS]

Get help about specified command.

--extra-args <array>

Shows help for a specific command

--verbose <boolean>

Verbose output format.

pvenode migrateall <target> [OPTIONS]

Migrate all VMs and Containers.

<target>: <string>

Target node.

--maxworkers <integer> (1 - N)

Maximal number of parallel migration job. If not set use 'max_workers' from datacenter.cfg, one of both must be set!

--vms <string>

Only consider Guests with these IDs.

pvenode startall [OPTIONS]

Start all VMs and containers (when onboot=1).

--force <boolean>

force if onboot=0.

--vms <string>

Only consider Guests with these IDs.

pvenode stopall [OPTIONS]

Stop all VMs and Containers.

--vms <string>

Only consider Guests with these IDs.

pvenode task list [OPTIONS] [FORMAT_OPTIONS]

Read task list for one node (finished tasks).

--errors <boolean> ('default =' 0)

no description available

--limit <integer> (0 - N) ('default =' 50)

Only list this amount of tasks.

--source <active | all | archive> ('default =' archive)

List archived, active or all tasks.

--start <integer> (0 - N) ('default =' 0)

List tasks beginning from this offset.

--typefilter <string>

Only list tasks of this type (e.g., vzstart, vzdump).

--userfilter <string>

Only list tasks from this user.

--vmid <integer> (1 - N)

Only list tasks for this VM.

pvenode task log <upid> [OPTIONS]

Read task log.

<upid>: <string>

no description available

--start <integer> (0 - N) ('default =' 0)

no description available

pvenode task status <upid> [FORMAT_OPTIONS]

Read task status.

<upid>: <string>

no description available

pvenode wakeonlan <node>

Try to wake a node via 'wake on LAN' network packet.

<node>: <string>

target node for wake on LAN packet