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------------------JAVASCRIPT CONSOLE.LOG()--------------------------------------------

this is how you write javascript console.log

java script console helps you to interact direct with the contract

example----> npx hardhat console --network localhost

rest of these two needs to be typed in terminal only.

const contract = await ethers.getContract("lottery")


BELOW is the eample of terminal.

PS D:\hardhat-lottery-fcc> npx hardhat console --network localhost Welcome to Node.js v16.6.2. Type ".help" for more information.

const contract = await ethers.getContract("lottery") undefined console.log(contract.address) 0xCf7Ed3AccA5a467e9e704C703E8D87F634fB0Fc9 undefined

--------------------------------- SOLIDITY CONSOLE.LOG()----------------------------------

solidity console.log interact within the contract

it helps us to debug contarcts and tests.

----------------------------HARDHAT AND LOCAL HOST-------------------------------------

Wther we deploy on hardhat(npx hardhat deploy) on localhost(npx hardhat deploy --network local host) we get the same acoounts in both.

while deployin on hardhat it end the blockchain when its done and has to be restarted.

on localhost it works on nodes and if we close node it will be stopped and has to restart again while running the node again.

the difference would be is in general we use hardhat and for localhost we use when we have a couplf of accounts to test since its gives us 20 accounts.

-----------------------------00-mocks and 01-deploy-------------------------------

whenever we run 01-deploy hardhat will automatically run 00-mock first. it works in order like 00 and 01 ..

01-deploy use getContract to fetch 00-mocks into 01-deploy so whenevr we deploy it always use 01 wthere its for local or testnet or mainchain.


helps us to find the error

helps us to fix the erros

-----------------------Javascript objects and variables----------------------------

let's say Car is a object and its proprties are = Fiat, car.model = 500, car.weight = 850kg, car.color = white,

and its methods are -

car.start(),, car.brake(), car.stop()

2- let car = fiat // car is a variable name and fiat is its value

3- const car = {type:"Fiat", model:"500", color:"white"}; //Objects are variables too. But objects can contain many values. // car is a here a object and has contaning lot of values. // The name:values pairs in JavaScript objects are called properties:


its ethers.js functions helps us to get the recipt.

we can get anynumber of it. number simply means how many block we wnt to mine

the more the number the more it take to mine.

good ppractice is to out maxium 2 number.

-----------------------------how contract is gonna work-----------------------------

we enter lottery

its gonna hit keepers .. they gonna be in checkup keep and it will hit performupkeep.

now performupkeep will call vrf



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