diff --git a/tests/test_patch_extraction.py b/tests/test_patch_extraction.py
index 1f00bcf92..f72216f12 100644
--- a/tests/test_patch_extraction.py
+++ b/tests/test_patch_extraction.py
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ def test_get_patch_extractor(source_image, patch_extr_csv):
     assert isinstance(points, patchextraction.PointsPatchExtractor)
+    assert len(points) == 1860
     sliding_window = patchextraction.get_patch_extractor(
@@ -424,97 +425,62 @@ def test_filter_coordinates():
     mask = np.zeros([9, 6])
     mask[0:4, 3:8] = 1  # will flag first 2
     mask_reader = VirtualWSIReader(mask)
-    # Tests for (original) filter_coordinates method
-    # functionality test
-    flag_list = PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates(
-        mask_reader, bbox_list, resolution=1.0, units="baseline"
-    )
-    assert np.sum(flag_list - np.array([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])) == 0
-    # Test for bad mask input
-    with pytest.raises(
-        ValueError, match="`mask_reader` should be wsireader.VirtualWSIReader."
-    ):
-        PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates(
-            mask, bbox_list, resolution=1.0, units="baseline"
-        )
-    # Test for bad bbox coordinate list in the input
-    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r".*should be ndarray of integer type.*"):
-        PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates(
-            mask_reader, bbox_list.tolist(), resolution=1.0, units="baseline"
-        )
-    # Test for incomplete coordinate list
-    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r".*`coordinates_list` of shape.*"):
-        PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates(
-            mask_reader, bbox_list[:, :2], resolution=1.0, units="baseline"
-        )
+    slide_shape = [6, 9]  # slide shape (w, h) at requested resolution
-    # Tests for filter_coordinates_fast (new) method
+    # Tests for filter_coordinates (new) method
     _info = mask_reader.info
     _info.mpp = 1.0
     mask_reader._m_info = _info
     # functionality test
-    flag_list = PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates_fast(
+    flag_list = PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates(
-        coordinate_resolution=1.0,
-        coordinate_units="mpp",
-        mask_resolution=1,
+        slide_shape,
     assert np.sum(flag_list - np.array([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])) == 0
-    flag_list = PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates_fast(
-        mask_reader, bbox_list, coordinate_resolution=(1.0, 1.0), coordinate_units="mpp"
-    )
+    flag_list = PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates(mask_reader, bbox_list, slide_shape)
     # Test for bad mask input
     with pytest.raises(
         ValueError, match="`mask_reader` should be wsireader.VirtualWSIReader."
-        PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates_fast(
+        PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates(
-            coordinate_resolution=1.0,
-            coordinate_units="mpp",
+            slide_shape,
     # Test for bad bbox coordinate list in the input
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r".*should be ndarray of integer type.*"):
-        PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates_fast(
+        PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates(
-            coordinate_resolution=1,
-            coordinate_units="mpp",
+            slide_shape,
     # Test for incomplete coordinate list
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r".*`coordinates_list` must be of shape.*"):
-        PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates_fast(
+        PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates(
             bbox_list[:, :2],
-            coordinate_resolution=1,
-            coordinate_units="mpp",
+            slide_shape,
     # Test for put of range min_mask_ratio
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`min_mask_ratio` must be between 0 and 1."):
-        PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates_fast(
+        PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates(
-            coordinate_resolution=1.0,
-            coordinate_units="mpp",
+            slide_shape,
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`min_mask_ratio` must be between 0 and 1."):
-        PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates_fast(
+        PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates(
-            coordinate_resolution=1.0,
-            coordinate_units="mpp",
+            slide_shape,
@@ -529,7 +495,7 @@ def test_mask_based_patch_extractor_ndpi(sample_ndpi):
     # Generating a test mask to read patches from
     mask_dim = (int(slide_dimensions[0] / 10), int(slide_dimensions[1] / 10))
-    wsi_mask = np.zeros(mask_dim, dtype=np.uint8)
+    wsi_mask = np.zeros(mask_dim[::-1], dtype=np.uint8)  # reverse as dims are (w, h)
     # masking two column to extract patch from
     wsi_mask[:, :2] = 255
diff --git a/tiatoolbox/models/dataset/classification.py b/tiatoolbox/models/dataset/classification.py
index 9b3e804bb..17ecdac3f 100644
--- a/tiatoolbox/models/dataset/classification.py
+++ b/tiatoolbox/models/dataset/classification.py
@@ -142,13 +142,8 @@ class WSIPatchDataset(dataset_abc.PatchDatasetABC):
             See (:class:`.WSIReader`) for details.
-            Preprocessing function used to transform the input data. If
-            supplied, then torch.Compose will be used on the input
-            preprocs. preprocs is a list of torchvision transforms for
-            preprocessing the image. The transforms will be applied in
-            the order that they are given in the list. For more
-            information, visit the following link:
-            https://pytorch.org/vision/stable/transforms.html.
+            Preprocessing function used to transform the input data. It will
+            be called on each patch before returning it.
@@ -162,6 +157,8 @@ def __init__(
+        min_mask_ratio=0,
+        preproc_func=None,
         """Create a WSI-level patch dataset.
@@ -187,12 +184,22 @@ def __init__(
                 `units`. Expected to be positive and of (height, width).
                 Note, this is not at level 0.
-              Check (:class:`.WSIReader`) for details. When
-              `mode='tile'`, value is fixed to be `resolution=1.0` and
-              `units='baseline'` units: check (:class:`.WSIReader`) for
-              details.
+                Check (:class:`.WSIReader`) for details. When
+                `mode='tile'`, value is fixed to be `resolution=1.0` and
+                `units='baseline'` units: check (:class:`.WSIReader`) for
+                details.
+            units:
+                Units in which `resolution` is defined.
+            auto_get_mask:
+                If `True`, then automatically get simple threshold mask using
+                WSIReader.tissue_mask() function.
+            min_mask_ratio:
+                Only patches with positive area percentage above this value are
+                included. Defaults to 0.
-                Preprocessing function used to transform the input data.
+                Preprocessing function used to transform the input data. If
+                supplied, the function will be called on each patch before
+                returning it.
             >>> # A user defined preproc func and expected behavior
@@ -233,6 +240,7 @@ def __init__(
             raise ValueError(f"Invalid `stride_shape` value {stride_shape}.")
+        self.preproc_func = preproc_func
         img_path = pathlib.Path(img_path)
         if mode == "wsi":
             self.reader = WSIReader.open(img_path)
@@ -299,8 +307,8 @@ def __init__(
             selected = PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates(
                 mask_reader,  # must be at the same resolution
                 self.inputs,  # must already be at requested resolution
-                resolution=resolution,
-                units=units,
+                wsi_shape=wsi_shape,
+                min_mask_ratio=min_mask_ratio,
             self.inputs = self.inputs[selected]
diff --git a/tiatoolbox/tools/patchextraction.py b/tiatoolbox/tools/patchextraction.py
index 1bcf2f044..540d56c65 100644
--- a/tiatoolbox/tools/patchextraction.py
+++ b/tiatoolbox/tools/patchextraction.py
@@ -158,6 +158,9 @@ def __iter__(self):
         self.n = 0
         return self
+    def __len__(self):
+        return self.locations_df.shape[0] if self.locations_df is not None else 0
     def __next__(self):
         n = self.n
@@ -202,21 +205,10 @@ def _generate_location_df(self):
         if self.mask is not None:
-            # convert the coordinate_list resolution unit to acceptable units
-            converted_units = self.wsi.convert_resolution_units(
-                input_res=self.resolution,
-                input_unit=self.units,
-            )
-            # find the first unit which is not None
-            converted_units = {
-                k: v for k, v in converted_units.items() if v is not None
-            }
-            converted_units_keys = list(converted_units.keys())
-            selected_coord_indices = self.filter_coordinates_fast(
+            selected_coord_indices = self.filter_coordinates(
-                coordinate_resolution=converted_units[converted_units_keys[0]],
-                coordinate_units=converted_units_keys[0],
+                wsi_shape=slide_dimension,
             self.coordinate_list = self.coordinate_list[selected_coord_indices]
@@ -234,13 +226,12 @@ def _generate_location_df(self):
         return self
-    def filter_coordinates_fast(
+    def filter_coordinates(
         mask_reader: wsireader.VirtualWSIReader,
         coordinates_list: np.ndarray,
-        coordinate_resolution: float,
-        coordinate_units: str,
-        mask_resolution: float = None,
+        wsi_shape: Tuple[int, int],
         min_mask_ratio: float = 0,
+        func: Callable = None,
         """Validate patch extraction coordinates based on the input mask.
@@ -260,19 +251,19 @@ def filter_coordinates_fast(
                 default `func=None`, K should be 4, as we expect the
                 `coordinates_list` to be bounding boxes in `[start_x,
                 start_y, end_x, end_y]` format.
-            coordinate_resolution (float):
-                Resolution value at which `coordinates_list` is
-                generated.
-            coordinate_units (str):
-                Resolution unit at which `coordinates_list` is generated.
-            mask_resolution (float):
-                Resolution at which mask array is extracted. It is
-                supposed to be in the same units as `coord_resolution`
-                i.e., `coordinate_units`. If not provided, a default
-                value will be selected based on `coordinate_units`.
+            wsi_shape (tuple(int, int)):
+                Shape of the WSI in the requested `resolution` and `units`.
             min_mask_ratio (float):
                 Only patches with positive area percentage above this value are
-                included. Defaults to 0.
+                included. Defaults to 0. Has no effect if `func` is not `None`.
+            func (callable):
+                Function to be used to validate the coordinates. The function
+                must take a `numpy.ndarray` of the mask and a `numpy.ndarray`
+                of the coordinates as input and return a bool indicating
+                whether the coordinate is valid or not. If `None`, a default
+                function that accepts patches with positive area proportion above
+                `min_mask_ratio` is used.
@@ -287,113 +278,46 @@ def filter_coordinates_fast(
             raise ValueError("`coordinates_list` should be ndarray of integer type.")
         if coordinates_list.shape[-1] != 4:
             raise ValueError("`coordinates_list` must be of shape [N, 4].")
-        if isinstance(coordinate_resolution, (int, float)):
-            coordinate_resolution = [coordinate_resolution, coordinate_resolution]
         if not 0 <= min_mask_ratio <= 1:
             raise ValueError("`min_mask_ratio` must be between 0 and 1.")
-        # define default mask_resolution based on the input `coordinate_units`
-        if mask_resolution is None:
-            mask_res_dict = {"mpp": 8, "power": 1.25, "baseline": 0.03125}
-            mask_resolution = mask_res_dict[coordinate_units]
-        tissue_mask = mask_reader.slide_thumbnail(
-            resolution=mask_resolution, units=coordinate_units
-        )
+        # the tissue mask exists in the reader already, no need to generate it
+        tissue_mask = mask_reader.img
         # Scaling the coordinates_list to the `tissue_mask` array resolution
+        scale_factors = np.array(tissue_mask.shape[::-1]) / np.array(wsi_shape)
         scaled_coords = coordinates_list.copy().astype(np.float32)
-        scaled_coords[:, [0, 2]] *= coordinate_resolution[0] / mask_resolution
+        scaled_coords[:, [0, 2]] *= scale_factors[0]
         scaled_coords[:, [0, 2]] = np.clip(
             scaled_coords[:, [0, 2]], 0, tissue_mask.shape[1]
-        scaled_coords[:, [1, 3]] *= coordinate_resolution[1] / mask_resolution
+        scaled_coords[:, [1, 3]] *= scale_factors[1]
         scaled_coords[:, [1, 3]] = np.clip(
             scaled_coords[:, [1, 3]], 0, tissue_mask.shape[0]
         scaled_coords = list(np.int32(scaled_coords))
-        flag_list = []
-        for coord in scaled_coords:
+        def default_sel_func(tissue_mask, coord):
+            """Default selection function to filter coordinates.
+            This function selects a coordinate if the proportion of
+            positive mask in the corresponding patch is greater than
+            `min_mask_ratio`.
+            """
             this_part = tissue_mask[coord[1] : coord[3], coord[0] : coord[2]]
             patch_area = np.prod(this_part.shape)
             pos_area = np.count_nonzero(this_part)
-            if (
+            return (
                 (pos_area == patch_area) or (pos_area > patch_area * min_mask_ratio)
-            ) and (pos_area > 0 and patch_area > 0):
-                flag_list.append(True)
-            else:
-                flag_list.append(False)
-        return np.array(flag_list)
-    @staticmethod
-    def filter_coordinates(
-        mask_reader: wsireader.VirtualWSIReader,
-        coordinates_list: np.ndarray,
-        func: Callable = None,
-        resolution: float = None,
-        units: str = None,
-    ):
-        """Indicates which coordinate is valid for mask-based patch extraction.
-        Locations are validated by a custom or default filter `func`.
-        Args:
-            mask_reader (:class:`.VirtualReader`):
-                A virtual pyramidal reader of the mask related to the
-                WSI from which we want to extract the patches.
-            coordinates_list (ndarray and np.int32):
-                Coordinates to be checked via the `func`. They must be
-                in the same resolution as requested `resolution` and
-                `units`. The shape of `coordinates_list` is (N, K) where
-                N is the number of coordinate sets and K is either 2 for
-                centroids or 4 for bounding boxes. When using the
-                default `func=None`, K should be 4, as we expect the
-                `coordinates_list` to refer to bounding boxes in
-                `[start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y]` format.
-            func:
-                The coordinate validator function. A function that takes
-                `reader` and `coordinate` as arguments and return True
-                or False as indication of coordinate validity.
-            resolution (float):
-                The resolution value at which coordinates_list are
-                generated.
-            units (str):
-                The resolution unit at which coordinates_list are
-                generated.
-        Returns:
-            :class:`numpy.ndarray`:
-                List of flags to indicate which coordinates are valid.
-        """
+            ) and (pos_area > 0 and patch_area > 0)
-        def default_sel_func(reader: wsireader.VirtualWSIReader, coord: np.ndarray):
-            """Accept coord as long as its box contains bits of mask."""
-            roi = reader.read_bounds(
-                coord,
-                resolution=reader.info.mpp if resolution is None else resolution,
-                units="mpp" if units is None else units,
-                interpolation="nearest",
-                coord_space="resolution",
-            )
-            return np.sum(roi > 0) > 0
-        if not isinstance(mask_reader, wsireader.VirtualWSIReader):
-            raise ValueError("`mask_reader` should be wsireader.VirtualWSIReader.")
-        if not isinstance(coordinates_list, np.ndarray) or not np.issubdtype(
-            coordinates_list.dtype, np.integer
-        ):
-            raise ValueError("`coordinates_list` should be ndarray of integer type.")
-        if func is None and coordinates_list.shape[-1] != 4:
-            raise ValueError(
-                f"Default `func` does not support "
-                f"`coordinates_list` of shape {coordinates_list.shape}."
-            )
         func = default_sel_func if func is None else func
-        flag_list = [func(mask_reader, coord) for coord in coordinates_list]
+        flag_list = []
+        for coord in scaled_coords:
+            flag_list.append(func(tissue_mask, coord))
         return np.array(flag_list)
diff --git a/tiatoolbox/tools/registration/wsi_registration.py b/tiatoolbox/tools/registration/wsi_registration.py
index 4eb80d5c0..54fb48f1a 100644
--- a/tiatoolbox/tools/registration/wsi_registration.py
+++ b/tiatoolbox/tools/registration/wsi_registration.py
@@ -716,8 +716,8 @@ def find_points_inside_boundary(mask: np.ndarray, points: np.ndarray) -> np.ndar
         # convert coordinates of shape [N, 2] to [N, 4]
         end_x_y = points[:, 0:2] + 1
         bbox_coord = np.c_[points, end_x_y].astype(int)
-        return PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates_fast(
-            mask_reader, bbox_coord, 1.0, "baseline", 1.0
+        return PatchExtractor.filter_coordinates(
+            mask_reader, bbox_coord, mask.shape[::-1]
     def filtering_matching_points(
diff --git a/tiatoolbox/wsicore/wsireader.py b/tiatoolbox/wsicore/wsireader.py
index fc1a2e527..62d671e45 100644
--- a/tiatoolbox/wsicore/wsireader.py
+++ b/tiatoolbox/wsicore/wsireader.py
@@ -3881,7 +3881,7 @@ def _info(self) -> WSIMeta:
             for level in self.wsi.levels
-        dataset = self.wsi.base_level.datasets[0]
+        dataset = self.wsi.levels.base_level.datasets[0]
         # Get pixel spacing in mm from DICOM file and convert to um/px (mpp)
         mm_per_pixel = dataset.pixel_spacing
         mpp = (mm_per_pixel.width * 1e3, mm_per_pixel.height * 1e3)