This is a research project by Students of the Chair of Business Informatics, Processes and Systems at University of Potsdam.
The project aims to enhance the immersion of alarm scenarios by implementating specific components as a simulation environment to intensify participants' stress levels and provide a realistic mVP scenario. This opens up research opportunities in the realm of human-machine interaction within the Industry 4.0 environment, including the assessment of participants' responsiveness and effectiveness in hazardous situations
This project is a monorepo. It contains the following packages:
- scenario-admin
- Contains the code for the admin which is responsible for the creation and management of scenarios
- The admin has been deployed to
- scenario-client
- Contains the code for the client which is handles the scenario's attendee's inputs
- The client has been deployed to
- scenario-controller
- Contains the code for the main controller which is responsible for the communication between the admin, client, and the local mqtt cloud
- scenario-shared
- Contains shared code and typescript typings between the packages
This project uses lerna to manage the monorepo. Husky is used to run linting before commits.
Run the following command to install all dependencies of all packages:
npm i
npm run build
This command will start the admin, client, and controller in parallel in development mode.
npm run dev
To run just one of the packages, use the following command:
npx lerna run dev --scope=@alaarm/scenario-admin
Further documentation can be found in the docs folder.