iBanking based on the Flask platform using MongoDB to store data.
+ flask
+ flask_mail
+ itsdangerous
+ flask_mongoengine
0/ Start.
1/ User login to the system, the system will retrieve user information and available balance in the account.
2/ User enter student ID, the system will retrieve information about the full name and the corresponding amount of tuition to pay.
3/ When the user click "Confirm", an OTP will be sent to the user's email (Set the validity time of OTP to 5 minutes).
4/ The system also navigate to the OTP authentication page.
5/ User enter OTP, and click "Confirm" again.
6/ System proceed to deduct and update account balance when OTP is not expired.
7/ Send mail to announce payer of successful payment.
8/ Finish the transaction, return to the payment page.
9/ End. / /login /logout /otp /confirm /announce /student/
1/ Open "config.cfg" file and enter your email and password
2/ Setup MongoDB:
>> Install mongodb shell
>> Install Robo3T
>> Open Robot3T and create a database named as iBanking
>> In the iBanking database, create 2 collections named as user and student_tuition_fee
>> Right click on each collection and choose Insert Document
>> In the Insert Document section, make sure you have remove the curly brackets before the next step
>> Open the db collections folder and copy each content of those files into the Insert Document section of each collection
>> Refesh the database and check if all data have been imported
3/ Enter these command lines to run the app:
>> cd flask
>> source venv/bin/activate
>> export FLASK_APP=index.py
>> export FLASK_DEBUG=1
>> python3 -m flask run
username: khang
password: 123456KKLteam