We are using Hexo to convert Markdown documents to static HTML. Hexo comes with a large number of tags that extend Markdown with extra features. For example, you can insert a quote with beautiful footer using {% blockquote %}
{% blockquote David Levithan, Wide Awake %}
Do not just seek happiness for yourself. Seek happiness for all. Through kindness. Through mercy.
{% endblockquote %}
- images
{% img /img/examples/name-of-file.jpg "alt text describing img" %}
We have written multiple custom tags that Hexo loads from libs/tags folder. Most commonly used are the following tags
- requirements
To quickly describe what a command requires, see lib/tags/requirements.js
{% requirements parent cy.clearCookie %}
which generates output text
* `cy.clearCookie()` requires being chained off of `cy`.
- assertions
Describes what assertions can be chained of a command, see lib/tags/assertions.js
{% assertions none cy.clearCookie %}
- helper icons
We can insert a commonly used icon by name (for consistency).
// examples
{% helper_icon yields %}
{% helper_icon timeout %}
See lib/tags/icons.js for all icon names.
You can also use a specific Font Awesome icon by giving its name
{% fa fa-check-circle green %}
Often icons are used to highlight important statements.
**{% fa fa-check-circle green %} Correct Usage**
**{% fa fa-exclamation-triangle red %} Incorrect Usage**
**{% fa fa-angle-right %} value** ***(String)***