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Polari 🌈

Polari can perform two purposes:

  1. Detect the language of natural language text.
  2. Detect the sentiment of English language text with a basic pre-trained algorithm.

Python's simplicity with rust's speed and scale. 🚀

What's in a name?

"Polari (from Italian parlare 'to talk') is a form of slang or cant historically used in Britain."Wikipedia

Polari was spoken by "mostly camp gay men. They were a class of people who lived on the margins of society. Many of them broke the law - a law which is now seen... as being unfair and cruel - and so they were at risk of arrest, shaming, blackmail, and attack. They were not seen as important or interesting. Their stories were not told." Fabulosa!: The Story of Polari, Britain's Secret Gay Language p. 10-11

The polari library:

  • Performs language & sentiment detection.
  • Is a plugin for a library named polars.
  • Was, coincidentally, first released during Pride Month (June 2024).

If you have fun with this library, please consider donating to a charity which supports LGBTQIA+ folks.


Pull requests with further charity & organisation suggestions are welcome.1

Language Detection 🔎

Load the data quickly with hugging face & ducdkb

For quick setup with sample data, install the requirements in examples/example_requirements.txt

# Linux/MacOS
python -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate && python -m pip install polari duckdb==0.10.3 polars==0.20.30 pyarrow==16.1.0

Load some sample data:

import polari
import duckdb
from time import time
from polars import Config, col

# On row limits below the millions, the LazyFrame setup with duckdb will take most of the time.
rows = 5

# here are the languages that whichlang supports
languages = (
    # The MSA and Simplified Chinese less precise names in polari.
    "Modern Standard Arabic",
    "Simplified Chinese",
# set up the LazyFrame
lf = (
        f"SELECT inputs, language FROM 'hf://datasets/CohereForAI/aya_dataset/data/train-00000-of-00001.parquet' WHERE language in {languages} LIMIT {str(rows)};"

Detect the language 🌐 🔎


df =
    polari.detect_lang("inputs", algorithm="which_lang").alias("detected_lang"),

│ inputs                          ┆ detected_lang ┆ true_lang  │
│ ---                             ┆ ---           ┆ ---        │
│ str                             ┆ str           ┆ str        │
│ Hãy tiếp tục đoạn văn sau:      ┆ Vietnamese    ┆ Vietnamese │
│ "T…                             ┆               ┆            │
│ Bu paragrafın devamını yazın: … ┆ Turkish       ┆ Turkish    │
│ ¿Cuál es la respuesta correcta… ┆ Spanish       ┆ Spanish    │
│ 中押(ちゅうお)し勝ちといえば、  ┆ Japanese      ┆ Japanese   │
│ どんなゲームの勝負の決まり方…   ┆               ┆            │
│ Em que ano os filmes deixaram … ┆ Portuguese    ┆ Portuguese │


The above is only with the whichlang algorithm, the quickest and simplest algorithm.

Two of the algorithms can output a confidence score with detect_lang_confidence: what_lang, and lingua.

Supported algorithms:2

  • what_lang
  • lingua
  • whichlang

what_lang and lingua support language subsets and language exclusion. lingua supports high and low accuracy mode.

Detect the script 📜

It is also possible to detect the script of the dataset with what_lang and lingua.

df =

│ inputs                                                 ┆ language        ┆ detected_script │
│ ---                                                    ┆ ---             ┆ ---             │
│ str                                                    ┆ str             ┆ str             │
│ Heestan waxaa qada Khalid Haref Ahmed                  ┆ Somali          ┆ Latin           │
│ OO ku Jiray Kooxdii Dur Dur!                           ┆                 ┆                 │
│ Quels président des États-Unis ne s’est jamais marié ? ┆ French          ┆ Latin           │
│ كم عدد الخلفاء الراشدين ؟ أجب على السؤال السابق.    ┆ Standard Arabic ┆ Arabic          │

Sentiment Detection 😀😠

polari can detect the sentiment of English language text via a rust port of VADER.

The pre-trained model was originally trained for sentiment detection on social media posts, but has semi-decent performance on opinionated text. The below performs analysis on amazon reviews.

Sample Data

import polari
import duckdb
from time import time
from polars import Config

# On row limits below the millions, the LazyFrame setup with duckdb will take most of the time.
# This will load {rows} of 1*, 3*, and 5* reviews.
rows = 1
dataset = f"hf://datasets/McAuley-Lab/Amazon-Reviews-2023/raw/review_categories/{subset}.jsonl"
# set up the LazyFrame
lf = (
    WITH positive as(
            SELECT text, rating FROM '{dataset}' WHERE rating = 5 LIMIT {rows}
        , neutral as(
            SELECT text, rating FROM '{dataset}' WHERE rating = 3 LIMIT {rows}
        , negative as(
            SELECT text, rating FROM '{dataset}' WHERE rating = 1 LIMIT {rows}
    SELECT * FROM positive
    SELECT * FROM negative
    SELECT * FROM neutral;

Detect Sentiment 😀😠🔎

df =
    polari.get_sentiment("text", output_type="compound").alias("sentiment"),
    polari.get_sentiment("text", output_type="pos").alias("pos"),
    polari.get_sentiment("text", output_type="neu").alias("neu"),
    polari.get_sentiment("text", output_type="neg").alias("neg"),

│ text                                                 ┆ sentiment ┆ pos      ┆ neu      ┆ neg      ┆ rating │
│ ---                                                  ┆ ---       ┆ ---      ┆ ---      ┆ ---      ┆ ---    │
│ str                                                  ┆ f64       ┆ f64      ┆ f64      ┆ f64      ┆ f64    │
│ Bought this for my granddaughter.  Her entire family…┆ 0.63695   ┆ 0.21875  ┆ 0.78125  ┆ 0.0      ┆ 5.0    │
│ This is a good product but it doesn't last very long…┆ 0.238227  ┆ 0.130435 ┆ 0.869565 ┆ 0.0      ┆ 3.0    │
│ Tops the list for worst purchase. Tried these for al…┆ -0.939365 ┆ 0.094854 ┆ 0.735183 ┆ 0.169963 ┆ 1.0    │

Output types include:

  • compound
  • neutral
  • positive
  • negative.


Language detection:





  1. In the extremely unlikely scenario that this project becomes popular, and therefore a library that needs to sustain itself, users could also be invited to donate to the project in a separate section of the README.

  2. Benchmarking algorithm prediction precision/recall can be done with polari. Difference in detection speed by algorithm may be due to the implementation in polari, rather than the original rust crate.