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The wallet is a basic component of Neo and the bridge for users to access the Neo network. It's responsible for transaction operations such as transfer, contract deployment, asset registration, etc.

Developers are allowed to redesign and modify the Neo wallet under the following rules and patterns.

Changes in NEO3

    • Address Script: change the way to construct the address script with the public key

      • Ordinary Address
      NEO2: 0x21 + publicKey(compressed 33bytes) + 0xac
      NEO3: 0x21 + publicKey(compressed 33bytes) + 0x68 + 0x747476aa
      • Multi-Signature Address
      NEO2: emitPush(N) + 0x21 + publicKey1(compressed 33bytes) + .... + 0x21 + publicKeym(compressed 33bytes)  + emitPush(M) + 0xae
      NEO3: emitPush(N) + 0x21 + publicKey1(compressed 33bytes) + .... + 0x21 + publicKeym(compressed 33bytes)  + emitPush(M) + 0x68 + 0xc7c34cba


In Neo, the account is the smart contract and the address represents a contract script. The below flow diagram shows how to derive the public key from the private key and then to the address:

private key 2 address

Private Key

A private key is a random value generated between 1 and N (N is a constant, less than 2^256 slightly), and is represented by a 256 bit (32 bytes) number generally.

There are two main encoding formats for private keys in Neo.

  • hexString Format

    The hexString format is a string that uses hexadecimal characters to represent byte array.

  • WIF Format

    The WIF format is to add prefix 0x80 and suffix 0x01 in the original 32-bit data and get a string of Base58Check encoding.

    WIF format


Format Value
byte[] [0xc7,0x13,0x4d,0x6f,0xd8,0xe7,0x3d,0x81,0x9e,0x82,0x75,0x5c,0x64,0xc9,0x37,0x88,0xd8,0xdb,0x09,0x61,0x92,0x9e,0x02,0x5a,0x53,0x36,0x3c,0x4c,0xc0,0x2a,0x69,0x62]
hexString c7134d6fd8e73d819e82755c64c93788d8db0961929e025a53363c4cc02a6962
WIF L3tgppXLgdaeqSGSFw1Go3skBiy8vQAM7YMXvTHsKQtE16PBncSU

Public Key

The public key is a point (x, y) obtained through the ECC algorithm with the private key. The X, Y points can be represented by 32-byte data. Different from Bitcoin, Neo chooses secp256r1 as the curve of the ECC algorithm. There are two public key formats as following.

  • Uncompressed Public Key: 0x04 + X (32 bytes) + Y (32 bytes)

  • Compressed Public Key: 0x02/0x03 + X (32 bytes)


Format Value
Private Key c7134d6fd8e73d819e82755c64c93788d8db0961929e025a53363c4cc02a6962
Public Key (Compressed) 035a928f201639204e06b4368b1a93365462a8ebbff0b8818151b74faab3a2b61a
Public Key (Uncompressed) 045a928f201639204e06b4368b1a93365462a8ebbff0b8818151b74faab3a2b61a35dfabcb79ac492a2a88588d2f2e73f045cd8af58059282e09d693dc340e113f


Note: The address script in NEO3 has changed not using the Opcode.CheckSig and OpCode.CheckMultiSig but the interoperable service call SysCall "Neo.Crypto.CheckSig".hash2uint, SysCall "Neo.Crypto .CheckMultiSig".hash2unit instead.

Ordinary Address

  1. Build a CheckSig script with the public key, and the format is as follows: (changed in NEO3)

    0x21 + Public Key(Compressed 33 bytes) + 0x68 + 0x747476aa

    address checksign

  2. Calculate script hash of the contract (20 bytes, make once SHA256 and RIPEMD160 of the script)

  3. Add the version prefix in the hash. (Currently, the NEO version is 0x17)

  4. Make Base58Check encoding for the above byte data.


Format Value
Private Key 3bf2c2c3a43ee817c5a7704b60e5265e73e585eb85b17091c451ddf72fd80c41
Public Key (Compressed) 02208aea0068c429a03316e37be0e3e8e21e6cda5442df4c5914a19b3a9b6de375
Script 2102208aea0068c429a03316e37be0e3e8e21e6cda5442df4c5914a19b3a9b6de37568747476aa
Address Aa63RMYRWHPRcrZNzUnq5SNrPqoV866Spu

Multi-Signature Address

  1. Construct an N-of-M CheckMultiSig script with multiple addresses. The script format is as follows: (changed in NEO3)

    emitPush(N) + 0x21 + Public Key1(Compressed 33 bytes)  + .... + 0x21 + Public KeyM + emitPush(M) +  0x68 + 0xc7c34cba

    address checksign

  2. Calculate script hash of the contract (20 bytes, make once SHA256 and RIPEMD160 of the script).

  3. Add the version prefix in the hash. (Currently, the NEO version is 0x17)

  4. Make Base58Check encoding for the above byte data.


Format Value
Private Key 97374afac1e801407d6a60006e00d555297c5019788795f017d4cd1fff3df529, aab9d4e4223e088aa6eb1f0ce75c11d149625f6d6a19452d765f8737200a4c35
Public Key (Compressed) 035fdb1d1f06759547020891ae97c729327853aeb1256b6fe0473bc2e9fa42ff50,03eda286d19f7ee0b472afd1163d803d620a961e1581a8f2704b52c0285f6e022d
Script 5221035fdb1d1f06759547020891ae97c729327853aeb1256b6fe0473bc2e9fa42ff502103eda286d19f7ee0b472afd1163d803d620a961e1581a8f2704b52c0285f6e022d5268c7c34cba
Address AQuqfBZmzejZt4CQc7mkgvEXmSvdMUEBok

Please pay attention to the interval of the number for the usage of emitPush(number). Here is an example in the case of the number being BigInteger:

Number Emit OpCode Value
-1 OpCode.PUSHM1 0x4F
0 OpCode.PUSH0 0x00
0 < number <= 16 OpCode.PUSH1 - 1 + (byte)number 0x51 -1 + number
number > 16 number.bytes.length + number.bytes

Wallet File

DB3 File

db3 wallet file uses SQLite to store data, and the file suffix is .db3. There are four tables created in db3 file:

  • Account

    Field Type isRequired Note
    PrivateKeyEncrypted VarBinary(96) Yes AES256 encrypted
    PublicKeyHash Binary(20) Yes Primary Key
  • Address

    Field Type isRequired Note
    ScriptHash Binary(20) Yes Primary Key
  • Contract

    Field Type isRequired Note
    RawData VarBinary Yes
    ScriptHash Binary(20) Yes Primary Key,Foreign Key,associated Address table
    PublicKeyHash Binary(20) Yes Index,Foreign Key,associated Account table
  • Key

    Field Type isRequired Note
    Name VarChar(20) Yes Primary Key
    Value VarBinary Yes

In Key table,it mainly stores the AES256 attributes:

  • PasswordHash: the hash of the password by using SHA256 method.
  • IV: a randomly generated initial vector of AES.
  • MasterKey: an encrypted ciphertext, obtained by encrypting the private key by AES256 method with PasswordKey, IV as the parameters.
  • Version: the version of the wallet

The db3 wallet uses the AES (symmetrical encryption) as its encryption and decryption method.

The db3 wallet is commonly used in wallets of the exchange to facilitate a large amount of account information storage and the retrieval queries.

NEP6 File

NEP6 wallet file meets the NEP6 standard, and the file suffix is .json. The JSON format is as follows:

	"name": null,
	"version": "3.0",
	"scrypt": {
		"n": 16384,
		"r": 8,
		"p": 8
	"accounts": [{
		"address": "Nhet9QtFPWzBNB7sRXcRPPbMdjVmkYWCC5",
		"label": null,
		"isDefault": false,
		"lock": false,
		"key": "6PYV2baXHjFYhEN8z1M9ca6Tmj6v1MmugtFeEfVfEL1vUQxMVpPHCtr7bW",
		"contract": {
			"script": "IQNCaDWy3nPIdBMO4YprNZasTMXDs\u002BjS2iue5GxBTltOp1BoCpBq1A==",
			"parameters": [{
				"name": "signature",
				"type": "Signature"
			"deployed": false
		"extra": null
	"extra": null

The password of this example is 123456

Field Description
name a label that the user attaches to the wallet file
version currently fixed at 1.0 and will be used for functional upgrades in the future
scrypt(n/r/p) (n/r/p) are parameters for scrypt algorithm used for encrypting and decrypting the private keys in the wallet
accounts an array of Account objects which describe the details of each account in the wallet
account.address account address
account.label account label, null by default
account.isDefault whether is the default account of wallet
account.lock whether the account is locked
account.key export nep2key of the privatekey
account.contract the contract of the script
account.contract.script address script
account.contract.parameters parameter list for the address script contract parameter name for the address script contract
account.contract.parameter.type parameter name for the address script contract
account.contract.deployed whether is deployed
account.extra additional attributes of the account, null by default
extra additional attributes of the wallet, null by default

NEP6 wallet uses scrypt algorithm as the core method of wallet encryption and decryption which is NEP2.

Encryption Steps


  1. The address is derived from the public key, and the address hash is computed through SHA256(SHA256(Address))

  2. Calculate a derivedkey using the Scrypt algorithm, and divide the 64-byte data into two halves as derivedhalf1 and derivedhalf2. Scrypt uses the following parameters:

    • ciphertext: password entered (UTF-8 format)
    • salt: address hash
    • n:16384
    • r:8
    • p: 8
    • length: 64
  3. Perform xor operation on the private key and derivedhalf1, and then use derivedhalf2 to encrypt the result with the AES256 algorithm to get the encryptedkey .

  4. Concat the data in the following format and encode it with Base58Check to get NEP2Key.

    0x01 + 0x42 + 0xe0 + addressHash + encryptedKey

Decryption Steps

  1. Decode NEP2Key with Base58Check.

  2. Verify whether the length of the result is 39 and the first three bytes are 0x01, 0x42 and 0xe0.

  3. Take data[3-6] as addresshash

  4. Pass the password and addresshash as the parameters in the Scrypt algorithm. Specify the length of the result to 64 bytes and then get the Derivedkey.

  5. Take Derivedkey[0-31] as Derivedhalf1, and Derivedkey[32-63] as Derivedhalf2.

  6. Take data[7-38] as Encryptedkey (32 bytes), and decrypt it by AES256 algorithm with Derivedhalf2 as the initial vector.

  7. Perform xor operation on the decrypted data and Derivedhalf1 to obtain the private key.

  8. Calculate the public key from the private key with ECC algorithm, and then generate the address. Perform Sha256 on the address twice and then take the first four bytes of the result to check whether it is identical with the addresshash. If so, the private key is correct.

NEP2 proposal:

NEP6 proposal:

The NEP6-JSON wallet is currently recommended for higher security and cross-platform features.


Neo employs the ECDSA algorithm to sign the transaction through the wallet component and take the nistP256 or Secp256r1 as the ECC curve and SHA256 as the hash algorithm.

C# code:

 public byte[] Sign(byte[] message, byte[] prikey, byte[] pubkey)
     using (var ecdsa = ECDsa.Create(new ECParameters
                                         Curve = ECCurve.NamedCurves.nistP256,
                                         D = prikey,
                                         Q = new ECPoint
                                             X = pubkey.Take(32).ToArray(),
                                             Y = pubkey.Skip(32).ToArray()
         return ecdsa.SignData(message, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256);

Java code:

   public byte[] sign(byte[] message, byte[] privateKey, byte[] publicKey) {
        ECDSASigner signer = new ECDSASigner();
        BigInteger d = new BigInteger(1, privateKey);
        ECPrivateKeyParameters privateKeyParameters = new ECPrivateKeyParameters(d, ECC.Secp256r1);
        signer.init(true, privateKeyParameters);

        BigInteger[] bi = signer.generateSignature(sha256(message));
        byte[] signature = new byte[64];
        System.arraycopy(BigIntegers.asUnsignedByteArray(32, bi[0]), 0, signature, 0, 32);
        System.arraycopy(BigIntegers.asUnsignedByteArray(32, bi[1]), 0, signature, 32, 32);
        return signature;


Format Value
data hello world
PrivateKey f72b8fab85fdcc1bdd20b107e5da1ab4713487bc88fc53b5b134f5eddeaa1a19
PublicKey 031f64da8a38e6c1e5423a72ddd6d4fc4a777abe537e5cb5aa0425685cda8e063b
signature 261e894dd456a190f9e99e39cea9f64ca4f939b24cf47ee3498bf883967035b446f554753d5f76219397bc2abb281a13a3c3acce43978c02c510ccb91cb03f87

Click here to see the Chinese edition of the Wallets