diff --git a/src/main/resources/lang/de-DE.yml b/src/main/resources/lang/de-DE.yml index de95d1336..751d60c35 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/lang/de-DE.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/lang/de-DE.yml @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ msg_swa_set_plunder_lost_success: '&bErfolgreich den Neutenachlass auf %d für % msg_err_nation_not_registered: '&cNation %s ist nicht regestriert.' msg_err_cannot_remove_enemy: '&cDu kannst eine Nation nicht als Feind entfernen wenn du eine aktive Belagerung gegen sie am laufen hast!' #Added in 0.09 -nation_help_12: 'Bezahle deine Soldaten. Die gegebene Menge wird verteilt gemäß den Rängen.' +nation_help_siegewar_12: 'Pay your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank.' msg_siege_war_military_salary_available: "Ein Militärseinkommen von %s ist nun verfügbar. Es kann eingesammelt werden mit '/sw collect'." msg_siege_war_military_salary_collected: "Du hast ein Militärseinkommen im Wert von %s erhalten." msg_err_siege_war_no_soldiers_to_pay: "Es gibt keine Soldaten zum bezahlen." @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ hover_message_click_to_claim: "Klicke um das Geld zu erhalten welches dir gehör #Added in 0.31 msg_next_session_cannot_be_determined: "The next Siege Session has not been scheduled. Try again later." #Added in 0.33 -nation_help_11: 'Sammel jegliches Einkommen von: Beute, Militärseinkommen oder Nationsrückzahlungen.' +nation_help_siegewar_11: 'Collect any income due to you from military salary.' msg_err_siege_war_collect_unavailable: "Ihnen stehen keine Einkünfte aus Plünderungen, Militäreinkommen oder Nationsrückzahlungen zu." msg.battle.session.cleanup.starting: "The previous Battle Session did not complete. Initiating Battle Session Cleanup. Each battle will be resolved as a draw, with both attacker and defender battle points being applied to the siege balance." msg.battle.session.cleanup.complete: "Battle Session Cleanup complete. %d battles were resolved." @@ -539,3 +539,5 @@ msg_err_you_arent_able_to_abandon_or_surrender_this_siege: "You do not have the msg_err_cannot_change_capital_because_peaceful: "&cYou cannot change the capital of the nation, because the new capital is peaceful." msg_err_your_town_cannot_be_peaceful_while_a_capital_city: "&cYour town could not change to peaceful because capital cities are not allowed to be peaceful." msg_err_cannot_start_siege_as_a_peaceful_town: "&cYou cannot begin a siege, because your town is peaceful." +msg_err_town_already_plundered_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot invade an already plundered nation." +msg_err_town_already_invaded_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot plunder an already invaded nation." diff --git a/src/main/resources/lang/es-AR.yml b/src/main/resources/lang/es-AR.yml index 8113b136d..88b6846d1 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/lang/es-AR.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/lang/es-AR.yml @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ msg_swa_set_plunder_lost_success: '&bSuccessfully set plunder lost to %d for %s. msg_err_nation_not_registered: '&cNation %s is not registered.' msg_err_cannot_remove_enemy: '&cYou cannot remove a nation as enemy if you have an active siege against them!' #Added in 0.09 -nation_help_12: 'Pay your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank.' +nation_help_siegewar_12: 'Pay your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank.' msg_siege_war_military_salary_available: "A Military Salary of of %s is now available to you. It can be collected using '/sw collect'." msg_siege_war_military_salary_collected: "You have collected a military salary of %s." msg_err_siege_war_no_soldiers_to_pay: "There were no soldiers to pay." @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ hover_message_click_to_claim: "Click to claim money owed to you." #Added in 0.31 msg_next_session_cannot_be_determined: "The next Siege Session has not been scheduled. Try again later." #Added in 0.33 -nation_help_11: 'Collect any income due to you from military salary.' +nation_help_siegewar_11: 'Collect any income due to you from military salary.' msg_err_siege_war_collect_unavailable: "There is nothing for you to collect." msg.battle.session.cleanup.starting: "The previous Battle Session did not complete. Initiating Battle Session Cleanup. Each battle will be resolved as a draw, with both attacker and defender battle points being applied to the siege balance." msg.battle.session.cleanup.complete: "Battle Session Cleanup complete. %d battles were resolved." @@ -539,3 +539,5 @@ msg_err_you_arent_able_to_abandon_or_surrender_this_siege: "You do not have the msg_err_cannot_change_capital_because_peaceful: "&cYou cannot change the capital of the nation, because the new capital is peaceful." msg_err_your_town_cannot_be_peaceful_while_a_capital_city: "&cYour town could not change to peaceful because capital cities are not allowed to be peaceful." msg_err_cannot_start_siege_as_a_peaceful_town: "&cYou cannot begin a siege, because your town is peaceful." +msg_err_town_already_plundered_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot invade an already plundered nation." +msg_err_town_already_invaded_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot plunder an already invaded nation." diff --git a/src/main/resources/lang/es-ES.yml b/src/main/resources/lang/es-ES.yml index 4b3fe444c..55a895136 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/lang/es-ES.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/lang/es-ES.yml @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ msg_swa_set_plunder_lost_success: '&bSe estableció saqueno perdido para %d por msg_err_nation_not_registered: '&cNación %s no está registrada.' msg_err_cannot_remove_enemy: '&c!No puedes eliminar una nación como enemiga si tienes un asedio activo en contra de esa nación!' #Added in 0.09 -nation_help_12: 'Paga a tus soldados. La cantidad será distribuida de acuerdo a su rango militar.' +nation_help_siegewar_12: 'Pay your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank.' msg_siege_war_military_salary_available: "Un Salario Militar de %s está disponible. Puedes reclamarlo usando \"/sw collect\"." msg_siege_war_military_salary_collected: "Has reclamado un salario militar de %s." msg_err_siege_war_no_soldiers_to_pay: "No habian soldados a quien pagar." @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ hover_message_click_to_claim: "Haz clic para reclamar el dinero que se te debe." #Added in 0.31 msg_next_session_cannot_be_determined: "La próxima sesión de asedio no ha sido programada. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde." #Added in 0.33 -nation_help_11: 'Recoge cualquier ingreso de tu salario militar.' +nation_help_siegewar_11: 'Collect any income due to you from military salary.' msg_err_siege_war_collect_unavailable: "No hay nada que recolectar." msg.battle.session.cleanup.starting: "La Sesión de Batalla anterior no se completó. Iniciando Limpieza de Sesión de Batalla. Cada batalla se resolverá como un empate y se aplicarán los puntos de batalla tanto del atacante como del defensor al saldo del asedio." msg.battle.session.cleanup.complete: "Limpieza de la sesión de batalla completada. %d batallas fueron resueltas." @@ -539,3 +539,5 @@ msg_err_you_arent_able_to_abandon_or_surrender_this_siege: "You do not have the msg_err_cannot_change_capital_because_peaceful: "&cYou cannot change the capital of the nation, because the new capital is peaceful." msg_err_your_town_cannot_be_peaceful_while_a_capital_city: "&cYour town could not change to peaceful because capital cities are not allowed to be peaceful." msg_err_cannot_start_siege_as_a_peaceful_town: "&cYou cannot begin a siege, because your town is peaceful." +msg_err_town_already_plundered_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot invade an already plundered nation." +msg_err_town_already_invaded_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot plunder an already invaded nation." diff --git a/src/main/resources/lang/fr-FR.yml b/src/main/resources/lang/fr-FR.yml index e86588279..5e184fac5 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/lang/fr-FR.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/lang/fr-FR.yml @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ msg_swa_set_plunder_lost_success: '&bSuccessfully set plunder lost to %d for %s. msg_err_nation_not_registered: '&cNation %s is not registered.' msg_err_cannot_remove_enemy: '&cYou cannot remove a nation as enemy if you have an active siege against them!' #Added in 0.09 -nation_help_12: 'Pay your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank.' +nation_help_siegewar_12: 'Pay your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank.' msg_siege_war_military_salary_available: "A Military Salary of of %s is now available to you. It can be collected using '/sw collect'." msg_siege_war_military_salary_collected: "You have collected a military salary of %s." msg_err_siege_war_no_soldiers_to_pay: "There were no soldiers to pay." @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ hover_message_click_to_claim: "Click to claim money owed to you." #Added in 0.31 msg_next_session_cannot_be_determined: "The next Siege Session has not been scheduled. Try again later." #Added in 0.33 -nation_help_11: 'Collect any income due to you from: plunder or military salary.' +nation_help_siegewar_11: 'Collect any income due to you from military salary.' msg_err_siege_war_collect_unavailable: "There is nothing for you to collect." msg.battle.session.cleanup.starting: "The previous Battle Session did not complete. Initiating Battle Session Cleanup. Each battle will be resolved as a draw, with both attacker and defender battle points being applied to the siege balance." msg.battle.session.cleanup.complete: "Battle Session Cleanup complete. %d battles were resolved." @@ -539,3 +539,5 @@ msg_err_you_arent_able_to_abandon_or_surrender_this_siege: "You do not have the msg_err_cannot_change_capital_because_peaceful: "&cYou cannot change the capital of the nation, because the new capital is peaceful." msg_err_your_town_cannot_be_peaceful_while_a_capital_city: "&cYour town could not change to peaceful because capital cities are not allowed to be peaceful." msg_err_cannot_start_siege_as_a_peaceful_town: "&cYou cannot begin a siege, because your town is peaceful." +msg_err_town_already_plundered_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot invade an already plundered nation." +msg_err_town_already_invaded_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot plunder an already invaded nation." diff --git a/src/main/resources/lang/it-IT.yml b/src/main/resources/lang/it-IT.yml index 21a24e138..f842203e3 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/lang/it-IT.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/lang/it-IT.yml @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ msg_swa_set_plunder_lost_success: '&bImpostato con successo il saccheggio perso msg_err_nation_not_registered: '&cNazione %s non è registrata.' msg_err_cannot_remove_enemy: '&cNon puoi rimuovere una nazione come nemica se hai un assedio in corso contro loro!' #Added in 0.09 -nation_help_12: 'Paga i tuoi soldati. La somma indicata sarà distribuita in base al rango.' +nation_help_siegewar_12: 'Pay your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank.' msg_siege_war_military_salary_available: "Uno stipendio militare di %s è ora disponibile per te. Può essere collezionato usando '/sw collect'." msg_siege_war_military_salary_collected: "Hai collezionato uno stipendio militare di %s." msg_err_siege_war_no_soldiers_to_pay: "Non ci sono soldati da pagare." @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ hover_message_click_to_claim: "Clicca per riscattare i soldi dovuti a te." #Added in 0.31 msg_next_session_cannot_be_determined: "La prossima Sessione di Assedio non è stata programmata. Riprova più tardi." #Added in 0.33 -nation_help_11: 'Raccogliere qualsiasi entrata dovuta a lei dallo stipendio militare.' +nation_help_siegewar_11: 'Collect any income due to you from military salary.' msg_err_siege_war_collect_unavailable: "Non c'è nulla per te da raccogliere." msg.battle.session.cleanup.starting: "La precedente Sessione di Battaglia non è stata completata. Iniziando Pulizia Sessione di Battaglia. Ogni battaglia sara terminata con un pareggio, con sia i Punti Battaglia della offensiva e dei difensori applicati al saldo dell'assedio." msg.battle.session.cleanup.complete: "Pulizia Sessione di Battaglia completata. %d sono state terminate." @@ -539,3 +539,5 @@ msg_err_you_arent_able_to_abandon_or_surrender_this_siege: "You do not have the msg_err_cannot_change_capital_because_peaceful: "&cYou cannot change the capital of the nation, because the new capital is peaceful." msg_err_your_town_cannot_be_peaceful_while_a_capital_city: "&cYour town could not change to peaceful because capital cities are not allowed to be peaceful." msg_err_cannot_start_siege_as_a_peaceful_town: "&cYou cannot begin a siege, because your town is peaceful." +msg_err_town_already_plundered_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot invade an already plundered nation." +msg_err_town_already_invaded_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot plunder an already invaded nation." diff --git a/src/main/resources/lang/ja-JP.yml b/src/main/resources/lang/ja-JP.yml index e9cda9f49..50570aefd 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/lang/ja-JP.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/lang/ja-JP.yml @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ msg_swa_set_plunder_lost_success: '&b%sの略奪喪失を%dに正常に設定し msg_err_nation_not_registered: '&c国%sは登録されていません。' msg_err_cannot_remove_enemy: '&c対象の国とのアクティブな包囲がある場合、その国を敵として削除することはできません!' #Added in 0.09 -nation_help_12: '兵士に給料を支払います。指定した金額は階級に応じて分配されます。' +nation_help_siegewar_12: 'Pay your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank.' msg_siege_war_military_salary_available: "%sの軍事給与が利用可能です。'/sw collect' を使用して受け取れます。" msg_siege_war_military_salary_collected: "軍事給与%sを受け取りました。" msg_err_siege_war_no_soldiers_to_pay: "給料を支払う兵士はいませんでした。" @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ hover_message_click_to_claim: "Click to claim money owed to you." #Added in 0.31 msg_next_session_cannot_be_determined: "The next Siege Session has not been scheduled. Try again later." #Added in 0.33 -nation_help_11: '軍の給与から支給された収入を受け取ります。' +nation_help_siegewar_11: 'Collect any income due to you from military salary.' msg_err_siege_war_collect_unavailable: "受け取るものがありません。" msg.battle.session.cleanup.starting: "前回のバトルセッションが完了しませんでした。バトルセッションのクリーンアップを開始します。各バトルは引き分けとして解決され、攻撃者と防御者のバトルポイントが包囲のバランスに適用されます。" msg.battle.session.cleanup.complete: "バトルセッションのクリーンアップが完了しました。%d つのバトルが解決されました。" @@ -539,3 +539,5 @@ msg_err_you_arent_able_to_abandon_or_surrender_this_siege: "You do not have the msg_err_cannot_change_capital_because_peaceful: "&cYou cannot change the capital of the nation, because the new capital is peaceful." msg_err_your_town_cannot_be_peaceful_while_a_capital_city: "&cYour town could not change to peaceful because capital cities are not allowed to be peaceful." msg_err_cannot_start_siege_as_a_peaceful_town: "&cYou cannot begin a siege, because your town is peaceful." +msg_err_town_already_plundered_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot invade an already plundered nation." +msg_err_town_already_invaded_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot plunder an already invaded nation." diff --git a/src/main/resources/lang/ru-RU.yml b/src/main/resources/lang/ru-RU.yml index ee06e6ab9..68b291025 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/lang/ru-RU.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/lang/ru-RU.yml @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ msg_swa_set_plunder_lost_success: '&bУспешно потеряно от раз msg_err_nation_not_registered: '&cНация %s не зарегистрирована.' msg_err_cannot_remove_enemy: '&cВы не можете удалить страну как врага, если у вас есть активная осада!' #Added in 0.09 -nation_help_12: 'Платите своим солдатам. Указанная сумма будет распределена согласно рангам.' +nation_help_siegewar_12: 'Pay your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank.' msg_siege_war_military_salary_available: "Военный оклад из %s теперь доступен для вас. Можно получить с помощью '/sw collect'." msg_siege_war_military_salary_collected: "Вы получили зарплату военнослужащего в размере %s." msg_err_siege_war_no_soldiers_to_pay: "Нет солдат, кому можно заплатить." @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ hover_message_click_to_claim: "Нажмите, чтобы потребовать #Added in 0.31 msg_next_session_cannot_be_determined: "Следующая сессия осад не запланирована. Попробуйте позже." #Added in 0.33 -nation_help_11: 'Соберите доход с военной заработной платы.' +nation_help_siegewar_11: 'Collect any income due to you from military salary.' msg_err_siege_war_collect_unavailable: "Вам нечего собирать." msg.battle.session.cleanup.starting: "Предыдущая боевая сессия не завершена. Запуск очистки боевой сессии. Каждая битва будет завершена вничью, при этом боевые очки как атакующего, так и защитника будут применены к балансу осады." msg.battle.session.cleanup.complete: "Очистка боевой сессии завершена. Закончено %d сражений." @@ -539,3 +539,5 @@ msg_err_you_arent_able_to_abandon_or_surrender_this_siege: "You do not have the msg_err_cannot_change_capital_because_peaceful: "&cYou cannot change the capital of the nation, because the new capital is peaceful." msg_err_your_town_cannot_be_peaceful_while_a_capital_city: "&cYour town could not change to peaceful because capital cities are not allowed to be peaceful." msg_err_cannot_start_siege_as_a_peaceful_town: "&cYou cannot begin a siege, because your town is peaceful." +msg_err_town_already_plundered_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot invade an already plundered nation." +msg_err_town_already_invaded_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot plunder an already invaded nation." diff --git a/src/main/resources/lang/tl-PH.yml b/src/main/resources/lang/tl-PH.yml index 029a0dc05..ba77ff858 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/lang/tl-PH.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/lang/tl-PH.yml @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ msg_swa_set_plunder_lost_success: '&bSuccessfully set plunder lost to %d for %s. msg_err_nation_not_registered: '&cNation %s is not registered.' msg_err_cannot_remove_enemy: '&cYou cannot remove a nation as enemy if you have an active siege against them!' #Added in 0.09 -nation_help_12: 'Pay your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank.' +nation_help_siegewar_12: 'Pay your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank.' msg_siege_war_military_salary_available: "A Military Salary of of %s is now available to you. It can be collected using '/sw collect'." msg_siege_war_military_salary_collected: "You have collected a military salary of %s." msg_err_siege_war_no_soldiers_to_pay: "There were no soldiers to pay." @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ hover_message_click_to_claim: "Click to claim money owed to you." #Added in 0.31 msg_next_session_cannot_be_determined: "The next Siege Session has not been scheduled. Try again later." #Added in 0.33 -nation_help_11: 'Collect any income due to you from military salary.' +nation_help_siegewar_11: 'Collect any income due to you from military salary.' msg_err_siege_war_collect_unavailable: "There is nothing for you to collect." msg.battle.session.cleanup.starting: "The previous Battle Session did not complete. Initiating Battle Session Cleanup. Each battle will be resolved as a draw, with both attacker and defender battle points being applied to the siege balance." msg.battle.session.cleanup.complete: "Battle Session Cleanup complete. %d battles were resolved." @@ -539,3 +539,5 @@ msg_err_you_arent_able_to_abandon_or_surrender_this_siege: "You do not have the msg_err_cannot_change_capital_because_peaceful: "&cYou cannot change the capital of the nation, because the new capital is peaceful." msg_err_your_town_cannot_be_peaceful_while_a_capital_city: "&cYour town could not change to peaceful because capital cities are not allowed to be peaceful." msg_err_cannot_start_siege_as_a_peaceful_town: "&cYou cannot begin a siege, because your town is peaceful." +msg_err_town_already_plundered_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot invade an already plundered nation." +msg_err_town_already_invaded_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot plunder an already invaded nation." \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/resources/lang/tr-TR.yml b/src/main/resources/lang/tr-TR.yml index 3e6c4bbc4..cba71ba6d 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/lang/tr-TR.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/lang/tr-TR.yml @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ msg_swa_set_plunder_lost_success: '&7Successfully set plunder lost to A for B.' msg_err_nation_not_registered: '&c%s adlı ulus kayıtlı değildir.' msg_err_cannot_remove_enemy: '&cAktif bir kuşatman varsa onlara karşı olan savaşçıl tutumunu hemen değiştiremezsin!' #Added in 0.09 -nation_help_12: 'Askerlerine biraz zab öde. Verilen miktar, rütbeye göre dağıtılacaktır.' +nation_help_siegewar_12: 'Pay your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank.' msg_siege_war_military_salary_available: "%s adlı kasabanın, size askeri maaştan bir geliri var. Temin edebilmek için '/sw collect' yazınız." msg_siege_war_military_salary_collected: "%s askeri maaşını başarıyla topladınız." msg_err_siege_war_no_soldiers_to_pay: "Ödeme yapılacak asker yok." @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ hover_message_click_to_claim: "Hakkın olan ödemeleri toplamak için tıkla." #Added in 0.31 msg_next_session_cannot_be_determined: "Bir sonraki Kuşatma Oturumu planlanmadı. Daha sonra tekrar deneyin." #Added in 0.33 -nation_help_11: 'Herhangi bir gelir toplayın: yağma, askeri maaş veya ulusal borç iadesi.' +nation_help_siegewar_11: 'Collect any income due to you from military salary.' msg_err_siege_war_collect_unavailable: "Yağmalar, askeri maaş veya ulusal borç iadesinden sizin için gelir yoktur." msg.battle.session.cleanup.starting: "The previous Battle Session did not complete. Initiating Battle Session Cleanup. Each battle will be resolved as a draw, with both attacker and defender battle points being applied to the siege balance." msg.battle.session.cleanup.complete: "Battle Session Cleanup complete. %d battles were resolved." @@ -539,3 +539,5 @@ msg_err_you_arent_able_to_abandon_or_surrender_this_siege: "You do not have the msg_err_cannot_change_capital_because_peaceful: "&cYou cannot change the capital of the nation, because the new capital is peaceful." msg_err_your_town_cannot_be_peaceful_while_a_capital_city: "&cYour town could not change to peaceful because capital cities are not allowed to be peaceful." msg_err_cannot_start_siege_as_a_peaceful_town: "&cYou cannot begin a siege, because your town is peaceful." +msg_err_town_already_plundered_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot invade an already plundered nation." +msg_err_town_already_invaded_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot plunder an already invaded nation." diff --git a/src/main/resources/lang/vi-VN.yml b/src/main/resources/lang/vi-VN.yml index ebbbcb86d..f4f4f722b 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/lang/vi-VN.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/lang/vi-VN.yml @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ msg_swa_set_plunder_lost_success: '&bĐã đặt số lần cướp bóc thất msg_err_nation_not_registered: '&cQuốc gia %s chưa được đăng ký.' msg_err_cannot_remove_enemy: '&cBạn không thể loại bỏ một quốc gia khỏi danh sách kẻ thù nếu bạn đang xâm chiếm họ!' #Added in 0.09 -nation_help_12: 'Trả lương cho binh lính của bạn. Số tiền nhất định sẽ được phân phát theo thứ hạng.' +nation_help_siegewar_12: 'Pay your soldiers. The given amount will be distributed according to rank.' msg_siege_war_military_salary_available: "Mức lương Quân đội %s là của bạn. Nó có thể được thu thập bằng cách sử dụng '/sw collect'." msg_siege_war_military_salary_collected: "Bạn đã nhận được tiền lương quân sự là %s." msg_err_siege_war_no_soldiers_to_pay: "Không có binh lính để trả tiền." @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ hover_message_click_to_claim: "Nhấp để yêu cầu số tiền nợ của b #Added in 0.31 msg_next_session_cannot_be_determined: "Phiên Xâm lược tiếp theo chưa được lên lịch. Thử lại sau." #Added in 0.33 -nation_help_11: 'Thu bất kỳ khoản thu nhập nào do bạn trả từ lương quân sự.' +nation_help_siegewar_11: 'Collect any income due to you from military salary.' msg_err_siege_war_collect_unavailable: "Không có gì để bạn thu thập." msg.battle.session.cleanup.starting: "Phiên chiến đấu trước đó chưa hoàn thành. Bắt đầu dọn dẹp phiên chiến đấu. Mỗi trận chiến sẽ được giải quyết như một trận hòa, với điểm chiến đấu của cả kẻ tấn công và người phòng thủ bằng nhau." msg.battle.session.cleanup.complete: "Hoàn tất dọn dẹp phiên chiến đấu. %d trận chiến đã được giải quyết." @@ -539,3 +539,5 @@ msg_err_you_arent_able_to_abandon_or_surrender_this_siege: "You do not have the msg_err_cannot_change_capital_because_peaceful: "&cYou cannot change the capital of the nation, because the new capital is peaceful." msg_err_your_town_cannot_be_peaceful_while_a_capital_city: "&cYour town could not change to peaceful because capital cities are not allowed to be peaceful." msg_err_cannot_start_siege_as_a_peaceful_town: "&cYou cannot begin a siege, because your town is peaceful." +msg_err_town_already_plundered_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot invade an already plundered nation." +msg_err_town_already_invaded_only_one_action: "&cYou cannot plunder an already invaded nation."