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PyShiftAE - Python for After Effects!

Table of Contents:

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  • Check it out here!


ExtendScript, the established scripting language in AE, poses certain limitations particularly around sophisticated tasks such as pixel or audio data manipulation, as well as certain automation tasks.

Its capabilities are somewhat confined, often demanding a transition to the more complex C++ SDK for advanced functionalities, or packaging 3rd party node modules or python venvs to achieve the functionality you truly want.

  • PyShiftAE is an experimental, Open Source library designed to transcend the boundaries of the built-in ExtendScript library in Adobe After Effects (AE), heralding a new era of scripting possibilities in AE.

  • By offering a Python library as an alternative to ExtendScript, PyShiftAE not only enriches the existing feature set but simplifies and amplifies the scripting experience. PyShiftAE is NOT a wrapper around extendscript. Instead, it is a python library written around the c++ SDK.

  • PyShiftAE not only allows scripting of AE through python, but integration of most (if not all) external python libraries, provided you have the installed.

As ways to script shapes/masks/text et alia are implemented, this will open doors to python data-driven animation within AE, utilization of various ML and AI libraries, and much, much more.

Problem Statement:

ExtendScript, the established scripting language in AE, poses certain limitations particularly around sophisticated tasks such as pixel or audio data manipulation. Its capabilities are somewhat confined, often demanding a transition to the more complex C++ SDK for advanced functionalities.

Why PyShiftAE?:

  • Ease of Use: Python, being a more intuitive and widely adopted language compared to ExtendScript, lowers the entry barrier for scriptwriters.
  • Extended Functionality: PyShiftAE is not a mere wrapper around ExtendScript; it's a full-fledged library offering novel functionalities and a simplified approach to existing ones.
  • Community Empowerment: With PyShiftAE, a broader spectrum of developers including CEP developers and those proficient in Python can effortlessly script in AE, thus democratizing advanced scripting capabilities.
  • Innovation Unleashed: Direct integration with APIs, machine learning libraries, and more becomes a reality with PyShiftAE, paving the way for innovative scripts and extensions.


The ripple effect of PyShiftAE in the AE community could be profound. Scriptwriters could venture into more advanced coding territories, and CEP extension authors could craft hybrid extensions blending SDK features via PyShiftAE, thereby catalyzing a wave of innovative solutions in the AE ecosystem.


To Use PyShiftAE, you must have the following core dependencies installed;

  • Windows 10/11, x64 build

  • Python 3.5 or above.

    • PyShiftAE will use the python version on PATH, as long as it is 3.5 or above. Otherwise, if PyShiftBase is installed, it will use the built in python version (3.12).
  • After Effects 2023 or above.


PyShiftAE Provides two installers for ease of use (COMING SOON):

  • PyShiftBase:

    • Installer contains the .aex plugin file, and installs a minimal python installation along with the plugin. This is useful for distributing your CEPy extensions.
  • PyShiftExtended:

    • Installer contains only the .aex file. It is up to the user to ensure python is installed to their PATH to use this option. For Developers and anyone who already has python installed.

For Manual Installation:

(For Developers, or anyone with python installed)

  • First, Pip install PyShiftAE.
pip install PyShiftAE
  • Secondly, create a build script. PyShiftAE provides functions to not only install the PyShiftAE plugin, but also for creating template CEPy extensions, and installing CEPy extensions.

Your Script should look something like this:

import PyShiftAE as psc

def main():
    # Create a template extension

    # Install the PyShiftAE plugin

    # To install a CEPy extension, uncomment the following line and specify the folder path
    # psc.install_extension(folder_path)

if __name__ == "__main__":


All Updates should be assumed to come with updated documentation, and an updated binary .aex file located in dist, unless otherwise specified. ChangeLog will contain a brief description of changes. See Wiki API docs for more info.

  • [1.29.24]

    • Updated Documentation, release PyShiftAE 1.0.1
    • Release pypi project.
      pip install PyShiftAE
    • Include Docs for CEPy extensions
  • [1.28.24]

    • Ability to write full python GUI extensions! (Docs coming soon)
    • Ability to control AE from ANY python process!
    • Slight Refactorings, deletions, and changes.
    • TODO: Refactor further, finalize API transfer to .pyd, and fully test extension and python process communication.
  • [1.24.24]

    • Various small changes and refactorings.
    • Compatible with python 3.1x and up.
    • If using a previous version, please delete, clear AE cache, and then reinstall the new .aex binary.
    • Removed JS communication (will replace later).
    • Cleaned up plugin main entry.
    • Added submodule for external python library [WiP].
  • [12.22.23]

    • Added replace method to FootageItem.
    • Created PSC.exe to help install PyShiftAE in the correct location, with the correct python version. Find this in /dist/.
  • [12.21.23]

    • Massive Overhaul and Feature Updates. Slight API doc changes.
    • Included a Debug Console, found under Window -> Python Console.
    • Added to the CEPy-Resources Repo
      • See this repo for how to run PyShiftAE from CEP extensions, and instructions for setup.
    • Fixed issues with using iterator, fixed some memory and pointer issues.
    • Added layer.source, use to get source Item, which is used to alter/change source item.
    • Added selectedLayer(s) to CompItem class, shows you which layers are selected.
    • Added selectedItems to Project class.
    • Added activeLayer to Project.
    • Added selected boolean attribute to Item base class.
    • Added a script to help user generate the boilerplate for CEP integration.
  • [11.29.23]

    • Added ProjectCollection and ItemCollection classes, similar to LayerCollection

    • Updated API Reference with some more detailed information.

    • Added constructor to FolderItem.

    • Removed Item creation methods from Project class in favor of constructor usage.

    • Demonstration of recursive searching through ProjectCollection and FolderItem using a pythonic interace:

      from PyShiftCore import *
      NAME = "NAME"
      PATH = "PATH"
      project = app.project
      items = project.items
      new_folder = FolderItem(NAME)  # create a new folder item
      new_footage = FootageItem(NAME, PATH)  # create a new footage item
      new_folder.children.append(new_footage)  # add the footage item to the folder item
      for item in items:  # loop through all items in the project
          if isinstance(item, FolderItem): # check if the item is a folder
              if != "PyShiftAE": # check if the folder is not the PyShiftAE folder
                  item.children.append(new_folder) # add the new folder to the folder we found
              app.reportInfo( # report the name of the item
      for item in items: # loop through all items in the project
          if isinstance(item, FolderItem): # check if the item is a folder
              app.reportInfo("Folder Found!:" + # report the name of the folder
              children = item.children # get the children of the folder
              app.reportInfo("Looking for Child Items!") # report that we are looking for child items
              for child in children: # loop through all the children
                  app.reportInfo("Child Found!:" + # report the name of the child
                  if isinstance(child, FolderItem): # check if the child is a folder
                      app.reportInfo("Child is Folder!:" + # report that the child is a folder
                      children2 = child.children # get the children of the child
                      for child2 in children2: # loop through all the children of the child
                          app.reportInfo("Child Folder Child Item:" + # report the name of the child of the child       
  • [11.28.23 [Pt.2]]

    • Adjusted LayerCollection to have getter/setter methods, access as you normally would lists.
    • Removed addLayer and addSolid from CompItem in favor of list manipulation.
    • Started on python stub files .pyi, contained under PyShiftCore.pyi.
    • Added SolidItem class.

      from PyShiftCore import *
      NAME = "NAME"
      WIDTH = 1920
      HEIGHT = 1080
      RED = 0.55  # Floating Point in range [0.00, 1.00]
      GREEN = 0.22  # Floating Point in range [0.00, 1.00]
      BLUE = 0.10  # Floating Point in range [0.00, 1.00]
      ALPHA = 1.0  # Floating Point in range [0.00, 1.00]
      DURATION = 10.0  # Floating Point in range [0.00, 1.00]
      active_comp_layers = app.project.activeItem.layers
      for layer in active_comp_layers:
          # TODO: Implement Logic to have the following usage: if isinstance(layer, AVLayer):
          if == "NAME":
  • [11.28.23]

    • Added constructors for CompItem, FootageItem.

      from PyShiftCore import *
      # declaring args for clarity
      NAME = "NAME"
      WIDTH = 1920
      HEIGHT = 1080
      FRAMERATE = 24.0
      DURATION = 10.0
      ASPECT_RATIO = 1.0
      ITEM_NAME = "TEST"
      PATH = "C:\\Users\\"
      # get the activeItem
      comp = app.project.activeItem
      new_comp = CompItem(NAME, WIDTH, HEIGHT, FRAMERATE, DURATION, ASPECT_RATIO) # returns a CompItem for use
      new_item = FootageItem(ITEM_NAME, PATH)
      # add items to the new comp
      layers = new_comp.layers
      # add the new comp to the activeItem
    • Adjusted comp.layers/comp.layer to return a LayerCollection object, presented as a standard list.
      • append, insert, remove, pop, all available, but slightly different from standard python.
        • See API reference.
    • Adjusted app.reportInfo() to take args more gracefully.
      • Previously, had to create a separate "info_str" arg to pass in.
      • Now you can simply run something like app.reportInfo(comp.numLayers).
  • [11.27.23]

    • Added effects_active, frame_blending, locked, shy, collapse, auto_orient_rotation, adjustment_layer, time_remapping, layer_is_3d, look_at_camera, look_at_poi, solo, markers_locked, null_layer, hide_locked_masks, guide_layer, advanced_frame_blending, sublayers_render_separately, and environment_layer read-write attributes to Layer class.

    • Slight modification to quality attribute, now takes global attributes of "WIREFRAME", "DRAFT", or "BEST".

      • ex; layer.quality = BEST
  • [11.26.23]

    • Added several attributes and methods to Layer class. See Docs.
    • Added saveAs to Project Class.
    • Added newSolid to CompItem Class.
  • [11.22.23]

    • Added addLayer method to CompItem.
    • Added addFolder, addFootage, and addComp to Project.
    • Adjusted index attribute of Layer to be read-write. Changing this adjust other layers as well.
  • [11.21.23]

    • Added layer/layers attributes to CompItem.
    • Added basic methods (name, index) to layer/layers.
      • Can access as standard python list (for layer in layers, layer[0], etc)
    • Adjusted app.reportInfo to work with str, int, float, etc.
    • Updated Documentation with TODO attributes and methods.
    • Updated Task_Utils.h to send AEGP_CauseIdleRoutinesToBeCalled() when enqueueing a message, leading to faster execution.
  • [11.19.23]

    • Removed frameAtTime and replaceFrameAtTime methods.
      • These will be reimplemented in a different way using other subclasses.
    • Full Refactor to Separate Python Thread.
    • Refactored into CoreSDK, CoreLib, and PyUtils folders.
      • CoreSDK contains the base wrappers for the AE SDK. -See docstring in Core.cpp
      • CoreLib contains the class implementations for CoreSDK
        • This is a bit special. It utilizes a thread safe message queue to wrap the functions.
      • PyUtils contains the python init, script running, and embedded module.
    • Overall refactoring to ensure separation of concerns and easier maintainability.