From e8a5b526c12dea20f241cd7906e17f1e40a68bfd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jan Ferdinand Sauer Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2023 09:01:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] doc: delete cheatsheet It is recommended to use the website instead: --- specification/cheatsheet.tex | 136 ----------------------------------- 1 file changed, 136 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 specification/cheatsheet.tex diff --git a/specification/cheatsheet.tex b/specification/cheatsheet.tex deleted file mode 100644 index dfd827f06..000000000 --- a/specification/cheatsheet.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -\documentclass{article} -\PassOptionsToPackage{table}{xcolor} -\usepackage{amssymb} -\usepackage{geometry} -\usepackage{tikz} -\usepackage[most]{tcolorbox} -\usepackage{mathabx} -\usepackage{booktabs} -\usepackage{tabularx} -\usepackage{nicefrac} -\usepackage{pdflscape} -\usepackage{fontawesome} - -\usetikzlibrary{tikzmark} - -\geometry{a4paper, total={170mm, 257mm}, left=20mm} -\linespread{1.9} - -\tcbset{on line, box align=base, - sharp corners=northwest,sharp corners=southeast, - boxsep=4pt, left=0pt,right=0pt,top=0pt,bottom=0pt, - grow to left by=5pt, - colframe=white -} -\newcommand{\splitbox}[3]{ - \tcbox[enhanced, interior code={% - \path[fill=#1,rounded corners=5px] (interior.north west) |- (interior.south east); - \path[fill=#2,rounded corners=5px] (interior.south east) |- (interior.north west); - }]{#3} -} - -\colorlet{instr-arg}{red!30!green!20} -\colorlet{instr-jsp}{blue!90!green!20} -\colorlet{instr-mem}{red!90!blue!20} -\colorlet{instr-u32}{teal!20} -\colorlet{row1}{white} -\colorlet{row2}{gray!8} - -\begin{document} -\pagestyle{empty} -\hfill -\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay] - \node[anchor=north east, inner sep=0] at (1,1.5) { - \includegraphics[keepaspectratio,width=0.4\textwidth]{src/img/triton-logo.pdf} - }; - \node[anchor=north east, inner sep=0] at (1,0) {\texttt{\LARGE v0.19}}; -\end{tikzpicture} - -{ -\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.82} -\begin{tabular}{rllll} - \texttt{ 2} & $\ominus$ & \texttt{pop} & \texttt{\_ st$_0$} & \texttt{\_} \\ - \texttt{ 1} & $\oplus$ & \tcbox[colback=instr-arg]{\texttt{push + a}} & \texttt{\_} & \texttt{\_ a} \\ - \texttt{ 8} & $\oplus$ & \texttt{divine} & \texttt{\_} & \texttt{\_ a} \\ - \texttt{ 9} & $\oplus$ & \tcbox[colback=instr-arg]{\texttt{dup + i}} & \texttt{\_ st$_{15}$ $\dots$ st$_0$} & \texttt{\_ st$_{15}$ $\dots$ st$_0$ st$_i$} \\ - \texttt{ 17} & $\ovoid^{16}$ & \tcbox[colback=instr-arg]{\texttt{swap + i}} & \texttt{\_ $\dots$ st$_i$ $\dots$ st$_0$} & \texttt{\_ $\dots$ st$_0$ $\dots$ st$_i$} \\ - \texttt{ 16} & $\ovoid$ & \texttt{nop} & \texttt{\_} & \texttt{\_} \\ - \texttt{ 10} & $\ominus$ & \tcbox[colback=instr-jsp]{\texttt{skiz}} & \texttt{\_ st$_0$} & \texttt{\_} \\ - \texttt{ 25} & $\ovoid$ & \splitbox{instr-jsp}{instr-arg}{\texttt{call + d}} & \texttt{\_} & \texttt{\_} \\ - \texttt{ 24} & $\ovoid$ & \tcbox[colback=instr-jsp]{\texttt{return}} & \texttt{\_} & \texttt{\_} \\ - \texttt{ 32} & $\ovoid$ & \tcbox[colback=instr-jsp]{\texttt{recurse}} & \texttt{\_} & \texttt{\_} \\ - \texttt{ 18} & $\ominus$ & \texttt{assert} & \texttt{\_ st$_0$} & \texttt{\_} \\ - \texttt{ 0} & $\ovoid$ & \texttt{halt} & \texttt{\_} & \texttt{\_} \\ - \texttt{ 40} & $\ominus$ & \tcbox[colback=instr-mem]{\texttt{read\_mem}} & \texttt{\_ addr} & \texttt{\_ addr a} \\ - \texttt{ 26} & $\oplus$ & \tcbox[colback=instr-mem]{\texttt{write\_mem}} & \texttt{\_ addr a} & \texttt{\_ addr} \\ - \texttt{ 48} & $\ovoid^{10}$ & \texttt{hash} & \texttt{\_ st$_9$ $\!\!\dots\!\!$ st$_0$} & \texttt{\_ d$_4$ $\!\!\dots\!\!$ d$_0$ 0 $\!\!\dots\!\!$ 0} \\ - \texttt{ 56} & $\ovoid^{11}$ & \texttt{divine\_sibling} & \texttt{\_ idx st$_9$ $\!\!\dots\!\!$ st$_5$ d$_4$ $\!\!\dots\!\!$ d$_0$} & \texttt{\_ idx>>1 r$_4$ $\!\!\dots\!\!$ r$_0$ l$_4$ $\!\!\dots\!\!$ l$_0$} \\ - \texttt{ 64} & $\ovoid$ & \texttt{assert\_vector} & \texttt{\_} & \texttt{\_} \\ - \texttt{ 72} & $\ovoid$ & \texttt{absorb\_init} & \texttt{\_} & \texttt{\_} \\ - \texttt{ 80} & $\ovoid$ & \texttt{absorb} & \texttt{\_} & \texttt{\_} \\ - \texttt{ 88} & $\ovoid^{10}$ & \texttt{squeeze} & \texttt{\_ st$_9$ $\dots$ st$_0$} & \texttt{\_ sq$_9$ $\dots$ sq$_0$} \\ - \texttt{ 34} & $\ominus^1$ & \texttt{add} & \texttt{\_ st$_1$ st$_0$} & \texttt{\_ (st$_0$+st$_1$)} \\ - \texttt{ 42} & $\ominus^1$ & \texttt{mul} & \texttt{\_ st$_1$ st$_0$} & \texttt{\_ (st$_0\cdot$st$_1$)} \\ - \texttt{ 96} & $\ovoid^1$ & \texttt{invert} & \texttt{\_ st$_0$} & \texttt{\_ st$_0^{-1}$} \\ - \texttt{ 50} & $\ominus^1$ & \texttt{eq} & \texttt{\_ st$_1$ st$_0$} & \texttt{\_ (st$_0$==st$_1$)} \\ - \texttt{ 4} & $\oplus^2$ & \tcbox[colback=instr-u32]{\texttt{split}} & \texttt{\_ st$_0$} & \texttt{\_ hi lo} \\ - \texttt{ 12} & $\ominus^1$ & \tcbox[colback=instr-u32]{\texttt{lt}} & \texttt{\_ st$_1$ st$_0$} & \texttt{\_ (st$_0$