总结一下 Web 开发的环节,知识模块和技能点,这里想罗列的其实是给我自己一个学习的方向,相当于提供一个 roadMap,对于从业的我们来说也可以对全局有一个较好的把握,利于看到自己的薄弱环节,这里就先不对软技能和业务技能进行总结,只关注工程技能
- 本文其实是做英文强字眼翻译,中英文相对应方便查找对应的知识
authentication, oauth(鉴权)
Api Design(api 接口设计) RESTFUL, GraphQL
Payment intergration (支付集成)
social intergration (社交服务集成)
Session/cookie management (会话/时域管理)
user management (用户管理)
server(服务器), e.g. nginx, connection, model, conf, rewrite
CRM(Custom Relationship Management 客户关系管理系统)
Deployment, Env management, Container(部署,环境管理,容器)
rollback/rollforward (回滚/前滚)
No-downtime, non-disruptive deployment (无宕机时间,无破坏性变更部署)
Deploy to downStreams, e.g. npm, chrome extension store (下游部署, npm,插件存储)
artefact management, e.g. gzips, OS specific builds (手动管理, gzips, 操作系统特定环境构建)
container technology e.g Docker, k8s, AWS ami(容器技术)
DataBase (数据库)
- schema design(模式设计)
- ORM (Object Relational Mapping) 对象关系映射
- language /env specific driver (语言,特定环境驱动)
- test/ seed data (测试,源数据)
- backup (备份)
- batching, DB perfgomancs (批量查询,数据库性能)
- Query syntax, e.g SQL, mongo query syntax (查询语法)
- connection pool/ concurrent connection management (连接池, 持久化管理工具)
- Connection restriction e.g. localhost only (远程连接限制)
messagingQueue / MiddleWare (消息队列,中间件)
- parallel execution (并行执行)
- UI automated testing (界面自动化测试)
- browser / OS compatibility, e.g. headless browser, cloud solutions (浏览器/操作系统适配,如 无头浏览器,云解决方案)
- screenshot diff regression (快照对比、回归测试)
- unit test, isolation (单元测试,模块隔离)
- mocking (数据模拟)
- intergation test techniques (集成测试)
- Coverage (line Coverage, path Coverage etc.), permutaions (覆盖测试,链路覆盖、路径覆盖等等)(排列组合)
CSRF, XSS, SQL injection,DDos, brute force etc. (跨站点伪造请求攻击,跨站点脚本攻击,SQL 注入,分布式拒绝服务攻击,穷举爆破攻击)
automated tools (自动化工具)
OS (操作系统)
OS differences, e.g. fileSystem, path separator (操作系统差异: 例:文件系统,路径分割名)
run daemon, startup job, process manager (运行进程,初始化工作,进程管理)
ssh (secure shell) 安全壳协议
everything bash, zsh, powershell, e.g wildcard, expansion syntax (终端工具,命令行工具)
Everything *nix, du, filesystem, ps , process model ,netstat, pipes (系统指令)
Network (计算机网络)
HTTP, and everything it entails e.g. CORS, MIME types, chunked (协议层)
websocket (套接层协议)
webworker, service worker(线程执行)
Proxy (代理)
Web visualization technologies and principles (web 可视化技术和准则)
2D/ 3D systems and calculations (二维三维系统和计算)
Web standards, e.g. webassembly (web 标准)
performance tuning (性能优化)
frontend: lighthouse 8
backend: load balancing, pref monitoring and profiling
Source control (版本控制)
work flow (工作流)
tagging, release, branching (打点标签,发布版本,分支)
PR, collaboration (多人协作)
commit message conventions (提交信息约定)
Project management, Production management (项目管理,产品管理)
main success scenario (成功构想)
PRD doc, sketch (出图工具, 产品原型文档)
milestone, timeline, estimate (里程碑,时间线,估期)
daily report,weekly report (日报,周报)
software Monitoring (监控)
performance monitor (性能监控)
exception monitor (异常监控)
alert and alarm rule (报警和报警规则)
logging (日志)
Engineering (工程化)
lint, prettier, custom rules, autofix (代码风格规范)
editor, IDE,plugins,e.g. intellisense
debugging,remote debug,debug mobile (调试, 远程调试, 移动端调试)
Analytics (分析)
heatmap(热力图, chrome dev tools performance)
bounce rate (跳出率 [https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1009409?hl=en](Google 文档))
Frontend (前端)
data flow (数据流)
state management (状态管理)
componentization (组件化)
Transpile, packing tools, e.g. webpack gulp coffeeScript typeScript (编译,打包工具)
tamplating, e.g. handlebar (模板)
ajax, jsonp etc.
Design pattern (设计模式)
Design / styling (设计,css)
- cascading rules (选择器嵌套规则) nesting rules
- preprocessor, e.g. scss less (预处理器)
- box model (盒模型)
- Z-index (层叠样式)
- flexbox (弹性盒模型)
- design principles, layout , color , theme (设计准则,布局,背景)