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TrueBit Example Application

NOTE This has only been tried on Ubuntu NOTE

This repository serves as an example project that uses truebit-os as a dependency.

Video demonstration


You will need:

  • npm installed
  • solc installed
  • An Ethereum node on port 8545 (ganache-cli)
  • ipfs daemon on port 5001
  • browserify installed
npm i

chmod 755

browserify public/js/app.js -o public/js/bundle.js


In a separate terminal window start truebit-os in the background.

cd truebit-os
npm run truebit wasm-client/config.json

This will start up the shell. We can start a solver on account 1 like so:

start solve -a 1

In a new terminal window, we need to deploy the Scrypt contract that the webapp will be interfacing with. We can do this by running:

node deploy.js

Now that we have all the dependencies setup, we will be able to send tasks to the solver via our simple webapp.

Start up the webapp:

node index.js

And navigate to localhost:3000 in a MetaMask compatible browser.

Make sure to connect MetaMask to localhost:8545, and send the initial account some Ether so it can send transactions. The easiest way is to import the private key of an account in ganache-cli and then send some Ether to Account 1.

Once you enter some text, and press Submit. It will fire off a TrueBit task and wait for the task to complete. The TrueBit task requires two periods of timeouts so you will need to use the skip command in the truebit-os shell.

For best results (skip can be a bit finnicky):

skip 300
skip 300

Ends challenge period

skip 300
skip 300

Once the task is finalized the results should show up on the web page.


MIT License