Overview 🏠 {#Overview}
This library will contains the Button component agnostic of any styles which means it will contain only the algorithm to make the Button works.
ℹ️ The hook useStates is here to allow the client to simulate state for the Button. It uses the notion of context in ReactJS. So keep it if you want the whole solution to work. Of course, if you have a better solution, we are looking forward to see your solution!
ℹ️ The code is here to help but you can changes anything you want to improve it
- All components have to be created by respecting the specifications
- No style has to be created (styled, css, less, etc)
- All components have to be exported to be used by the themes library
- Propose a clean code solution that respects principles (SOLID, KISS, DRY, etc)
- Typescript has to be used
- Explain your architecture in the Architecture section below
- Test your solution
Explain your choices and anything you would have to do but did not have time