When testing in Project Builder, it is possible that locators "forget" their test results, and hence following locator don't get the input they need. Here are 3 solutions to solve this problem
- Open the "Test" Button in the Locator and select "Run all previous Locators"
- Test a previous locator.
- Don't close it (that can make it forget)
- Rather, double-click the next locator you need. This double-clicking closes the current locator WITHOUT forgeting it's results.
- Use the following script, where you can tell the script locator what the previous locators are, and they are run dynamically if they have "forgotten" their results.
*Your XDoc must be classified for this to work (Press F5 or F6 to classify the XDoc to the Class selected in the tree). If the XDoc is unclassified, the script will assume the Default Class. If the locator is not found on that class then an error will occur. *
Private Function XDoc_PreviousLocator(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument,LocatorName As String) As CscXDocFieldAlternatives
'This makes sure that the previous locators have been run. Project Builder can sometimes forget a locator's results.
Dim ClassName As String
With pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName(LocatorName)
If .Alternatives.Count=0 And Project.ScriptExecutionMode =CscScriptExecutionMode.CscScriptModeServerDesign Then 'Check that we are in Project Builder
Project.ClassByName(ClassName).Locate(pXDoc,.Index) 'find the locator in the Class Tree and run it
End If
Return .Alternatives 'return the locator's results
End With
End Function
Private Sub Scriptlocator_Alternatives(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument,pLocator As CSCXDocField)
Dim PONumbers as CSCXDocFieldAlternatives
Set PONumbers=XDoc_PreviousLocator(pXDoc,"AE_PONumber") ' This will get all the alternatives found by the locator "AE_PONumber". The locator will be executed if empty.
If PONumbers.Count=0 Then Exit Sub
End Sub