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Text Deskew Algorithm for Kofax Transformation

This script enables Kofax Transformation to deskew B&W images, PDF documents, and any other document that fails to deskew correctly with VRS or OCR Engine.
Kofax VRS can deskew color and grayscale images, but it cannot deskew B&W images.
Kofax Transformation cannot deskew PDFs.
Kofax RPA has no access to VRS.
Abby Finereader within Kofax Transformation can rotate ±90°,180°, but it has difficulties deskewing text reliably.
This algorithm runs after OCR is performed in Kofax Transformation and calculates the deskew angle of the page based on the OCR text.
This angle can then be used to physically rotate the image (TODO) or to rotate the text layer of document, run locators, and re-rotate words back for User Validation.(TODO)
All locators except Zone Locator and Barcode Locator rely on words being assigned to the correct text lines. If this fails because of skewing then locators will fail. This seriously impacts particularly the Table Locator and the learing Group Locators. It also has an impact on format locators and the Database Locator.
This script solves all of these problems and also handles B&W deskew and PDF deskew

The algorithm calculates the angle between all word pairs that are "next to" each other on the page and builds a histogram of these angles. The peak of the histogram is then taken as the skew angle (including some smoothing for neighbours)

Option Explicit
'#Language "WWB-COM"

' Class script: NewClass1

Const π= Atn(1)*4    ' 3.141592653589793238

Private Sub SL_RotateText_LocateAlternatives(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument,ByVal pLocator As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)
End Sub

Public Sub XDocument_RotateText(pXDoc As CscXDocument)
   Dim Angle As Double, P As Long
   If pXDoc.Representations.Count=0 Then Exit Sub ' there is no OCR text
   Dim OCR As CscXDocRepresentation, Rotated As CscXDocRepresentation
   Set OCR=pXDoc.Representations(0)
   Set Rotated= pXDoc.Representations.Create(OCR.Name & " Rotated")
   For P=0 To pXDoc.CDoc.Pages.Count-1
      Page_RotateText(pXDoc, P, Rotated, Angle)
   'rebuild the text lines on the document
   pXDoc.Representations.Remove(0)' remove old rep
End Sub

Public Sub Page_RotateText(pXDoc As CscXDocument, PageNumber As Long, Rep As CscXDocRepresentation, Angle As Double)
   'This rotates all text on the page through an angle (in radians) about the center of the page
   'it saves all word coordinates in an XValue for restoration later.
   'it saves the rotated words into the Representation provided
   Dim C As Double, S As Double, Page As CscXDocPage, W As Long, Word As CscXDocWord
   Dim XValue As CscXValue, XValueName As String
   If pXDoc.Representations.Count=0 Then Exit Sub ' there is no OCR text
   XValueName="Page " & Format(PageNumber,"000")
   If pXDoc.XValues.ItemExists(XValueName) Then Exit Sub ' we have already rotated this page
   Set Page=pXDoc.Pages(PageNumber)
   Set XValue=pXDoc.XValues.ItemByName(XValueName)
   For W=0 To Page.Words.Count-1
      Set Word=New CscXDocWord
      With Page.Words(W)
         XValue.Value=XValue.Value & CStr(.Left) & "," & CStr(.Top) & ";"
         Word.Top=Round(.Top*C-.Left*S,0) ' the minus sign is there as XDoc has vertical coordinate going down, not up
      End With
End Sub

Public Function Page_CalculateTextSkew(XDocument As CscXDocument, PageNumber As Long) As Double
   Dim hist(100) As Long, T As Long, Words As CscXDocWords, W As Long, Word1 As CscXDocWord, Word2 As CscXDocWord
   Dim H As Long, N As Long, BestN As Long, Mean As Double, Weight As Double, V As Long
   Dim Angle As Double, Page As CscXDocPage
   Dim Skewrange As Double
   Skewrange=Radians(22.5)  'only consider skews between -22.5° and 22.5°.
   Set Page=XDocument.Pages(PageNumber)
   For T=0 To Page.TextLines.Count-1
      Set Words=XDocument.TextLines(T).Words
      For W=0 To Words.Count-2
         Set Word1=Words(W)
         For V=W+1 To Words.Count-1
            Set Word2=Words(V)
            If Word_Gap(Word1,Word2)>0.5 Then ' only consider words that are right after each other - no large gaps
               Angle =arctan(Word_MidV(Word2)-Word_MidV(Word1),Word_MidH(Word2)-Word_MidH(Word1))
               If Abs(Angle)<Skewrange Then ' we ignore skews outside of skewrange
                  'The histogram maps the angle range -Skewrange-->+SkewRange onto the array [0...100]
               End If
            End If

   For N=0 To UBound(hist) 'find peak of histogram
      If hist(N)>hist(BestN) Then BestN=N

   For N=0 To UBound(hist) ' build a cheap 'Guassian' around the peak to consider the near neighbors to optimize the angle
      Mean=Mean+N*hist(N)/(Abs(BestN-N)+1)  'Weight the neighbours to consider their size, but punish by distance.
   Return (Mean/Weight/UBound(hist)-0.5)*Skewrange*2 'convert the histogram coordinate back to radians
End Function

Private Function Radians(Degrees As Double) As Double
   Return Degrees*π/180
End Function

Private Function Degrees(Radians As Double) As Double
   Return Radians*180End Function

Private Function Word_MidV(Word As CscXDocWord) As Double
   'returns the vertical coordinate through the middle of the word
   Return Word.Top+Word.Height/2.0
End Function

Private Function Word_MidH(Word As CscXDocWord) As Double
   'returns the horizontal coordinate through the middle of the word
   Return Word.Left+Word.Width/2.0
End Function

Private Function Word_Gap(Word1 As CscXDocWord, Word2 As CscXDocWord) As Double
   'returns the size of the relative gap between words. returns zero of the word doesn't follow closely
   If Word2.Left<=Word1.Left Then Return 0
   Return Word1.Width/(Word2.Left-Word1.Left)
End Function

Private Function arctan(y As Double, x As Double) As Double
   If x=0 Then
      return Sgn(y)* π/2 ' We don't throw an undefined exception because
   ElseIf x>0 Then
      Return Atn(y/x)
   ElseIf y>=0 Then
      Return Atn(y/x)+π
      Return Atn(y/x)-π
   End If
End Function