This function calculates the md5 checksum of an input string.
example: input hello outputs 5D41402ABC4B2A76B9719D911017C592
Public Function String_MD5(value As String) As String
'Calculate MD5 checksum of a string
Dim bytes() As Byte, b As Byte, h As String
bytes = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding").GetBytes_4(value) ' Convert unicode string to byte array
bytes = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider").ComputeHash_2(bytes) 'calculate md5 checksum
For Each b In bytes 'Convert binary array to hexadecimal string
If Len(h)=1 Then h="0" & h ' pad with 0 to two characters
String_MD5=String_MD5 & h
End Function