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Jellybean has two purposes:

  1. Teach this damned fool how to write a basic metacompiler, including step-by-step inspection and debugging of both lexing and parsing steps.

  2. Provide a simple language-design studio to play around with grammar and syntax rules for quick-turnaround investigations.

Eventually, both these purposes will be combined when Jellybean reaches the point where it can export experimental langauge specifications to more formalized tools across interpreter targets.

v4 Warning

I am currently in the middle of refactoring (after some hiatus) this effort to reflect a more robust set of UI and general JS tools that I've adopted. This will also, one hopes, give me the chance to finally push something workable over the finish line. The Mogensen text continues to be the primary driver/guide, but a more consistent treatement of passes as transforms, and the data structures exchanged between them, can be expected.

For the time being, know that you can yarn install and yarn run dev your way to a roughly functional placeholder of an app build while the remainder of updates take place. Other updates (aside from a Vite build) include ES6 imports (no more require), more module-friendly decomposition for logic sharing, and a TripletUI-based presentation layer that should be better at getting out of the way.

In the meantime older pages can be found in (surprise!) the "old/" folder and should still be reasonable self-consistent.

Take Three

This new branch of JELLYbean is a step-by-step attempt to derive JavaScript-based compiler tools from scratch, based on Torben Mogensen's outstanding text, "Basics of Compiler Design":

At this time, the plan is to have a top-level chapter breakdown that opens into visualizations of structures and algorithms for each key chapter. This will correspond to the following outline:

  • Chapter 2: Lexical Analysis

  • Chapter 3: Syntax Analysis (including multiple parser algorithms)

  • Chapter 4: Scope and Symbol Tables

  • Chapter 5: Interpretation

The are many other chapters (aside from the introduction in Chapter 1), each of which cover special topics that may or may not be of interest and/or direct relevance to the fundamental JELLYbean application and objectives. Potential "extras" I am considering include:

  • Chapter 6: Type Checking

  • Chapter 7: Intermediate Code Generation

  • Chapter 10: Function Calls

  • Chapter 11: Analysis and Optimization

  • Chapter 13: Bootstrapping a Compiler

Because this is a JavaScript-based implementation, we avoid (for now) considerations of memory management, register allocation, and machine code generation.

The primary objective is the same as previous JELLYbean iterations: To have a working LALR(1) parser implementation in JavaScript that can ingest arbitrary token and grammar rules to generate a compiler for a user-defined programming language.

Update (v2)

A v2 has now been released! This includes:

  • Completely re-written parser logic based on a substantially more robust (and formally proof-backed) LR(1) algorithm.

  • Single-file module specification

  • Straight-from-CSV models (via Papaparse or csvloader plugin for RequireJS) for terminals and rules.

  • Much faster/more independent error and debugging reports.

  • Unnecessary models (input, tables, etc.) have been removed, as has rendering (and therefore Handlebars requirements).

However, this is not the version used by the front-facing web page, mainly because the final item above discourages detailed visualization. But if you don't need to manually inspect and verify each step of the parsing process, I'd recommend you jump straight to the new (v2.0.0) version.


The two spreadsheets (.CSV format) in the "data/" folder define a language:

  • "terminals.csv" defines a tag and RegExp-style pattern for identifying and tokenizing each terminal. Patterns will be used to instantiate a RegExp object, after being automatically prepended with a beginning-of-string token ("^"), with tag-pattern pairs stored in Terminal objects.

  • "rules.csv" lists tag and sequence pairs that define the language grammar. Two special cases exist for tags: "/" identifies valid top-level nullable sequences, while "" (empty string) identifies nullable sequences that can be dismissed.

We are able to define a language with static data structures because we do not attach any interpreter actions or logic to individual operations. These can be mapped to the Abstract Syntax Tree after parsing is complete, as each leaf node in the AST retains all information from the original Token object. This makes for much more transparent design and debugging of the language specification.


The "deps/" folder containts JavaScript dependencies utilized by this project. The license for the Jellybean package does not apply to dependencies, most of which have their own licenses in comment sections.


The "src/" folder contains JavaScript modules unique to this project. Most define models that support language lexing and parsing operations. The application entry point is in "main.js"; all utilize AMD-compatible module formats.


Opening "index.html" will populate terminal and rule tables with the contents of "data/terminals.csv" and "data/rules.csv", respectively. You can then step through individual lexing steps to observe how the terminals are applied, or batch all lexing operations at the same time.

Once the lexer table is sufficiently populated, you can step through individual parsing actions to see how the stack is constructed and tokens are consumed, or batch all parsing operations at the same time.

Once parsing has completed, the AST will be rendered into an indented format at the bottom of the page. This identifies reduction nodes (ending with ":") vs. leaf nodes (ending with " = [value]").


This lexer/parser application utilizes a mostly-LALR(1)-like algorithm that resolves conflicts in the following manner. This logic is primarly encoded in "src/Parser.js", under the "Parser.protoptype.step()" function.

  1. Two Arrays are generated to identify all matching shift and reduction operations. If both arrays are empty, a syntax error is raised.

  2. If only one reduction operation is available, with a dismissable nullable, it is prioritized to clean up the stack before additional actions are taken.

  3. If a single shift action is available, but no reduction actions are available, the shift action is performed.

  4. If a single reduction action is avaiable, but no shift actions are available, the reduction action is performed

  5. If shift and reduction actions exists, and the reduction action is a top-level nullable ("/"), it is ignored and the shift is performed regardless.

  6. If multiple shift and reduction actions exist, a "SHIFT-REDUCE" conflict is declared as a console warning, and the shift action is performed.

  7. If multiple reduction actions exists, a "REDUCE-REDUCE" conflict exists, which should never take place in a well-designed grammar (or so I'm told).

Like some other simplified LALR(1) algorithms, precendence and priority are not explicitly encoded into the grammar. While this could be supported at some point in the future, related issues can typically be solved by judicial review and modification of the grammar rules to isolate reduction paths and minimize conflicts. See David Beazley's excellent documentation at (which served as a major inspiration and reference for this project) to learn more.

Notes and Caveats

I'm just a humble aerospace engineer, who knows just enough about computer science to a. think he knows what he's doing, and b. therefore be potentially dangerous. Caveat user.

First: Yes, this isn't a "true" compiler in the sense that it does not generate instructions in the form of object, byte, or assembly. The final output is an AST, because a. I wanted to keep langauge specification static (i.e., not to require evaluation behavior, to keep specifications in flat text files), and b. I want to keep the underlying code flexible to apply across a number of domains and languages. Generating instructions from the resulting AST is "simply" (ha ha) a matter of "walking" the tree to perform each operation against a managed context. Because sources are static, we don't do much precedence comparison, either--though in some cases the first match will be used; this needs to be formalized, preferably in a way that retains the static specification pipeline.

Second: This isn't perfect. Keep in mind that the original objective was simply to teach this damned fool how to write a basic compiler. I know there are some conflicts in terms; "Nullable" and "dismissable" in particular are used in a manner similar to Chomsky Normal Form, but we differentiate here between "top-level nullables" (which are closer to a "start symbol") and "dismissable nullables" (which are closer to an "empty string"). You can compare terms (, while the actual metagrammar is more similar to a very streamlined Extended Backus-Naur Form (

Lastly: The shift-reduction logic probably isn't perfect (though I think I could prove that it's "good enough"), and it's definitely not optimized. Compared to traditional lexer/parser tools, the resource requirements in particular are huge. There are also some behaviors (like newline modification to the parser cursor coordinates) that are hard-coded here to retain the advantage of a static grammar specification with full reverse-inspection from the AST back to the original input.

Feel free to file an issue on GitHub ( if you have severe objections (pull requests appreciated, in that case), general feedback, bug reports, or ideas for future features that might be valuable for this particular use case (which is primarily educational in nature).
