Every project has a degree of relative complexity assigned. Default complexity degree is 0 for a basic website homepage. All the degrees are relative to this.
Example : 15 Personal Blog # means unknown complexity. Probably 25 < C < 55
Command line tools
- 2 Caesar Cipher
- 4 Calculator
- 10 Task Manager
- 20 Music Player
Command line tools
- 10 Personal Dictionary
- 15 Join n images in one
- 30 File Manager
- 6 Tokenizer
- 12 Lexical analyzer
- 24 Syntax analyzer
- 36 Garbage Collector
- 10 Process Scheduler (Round Robin)
- 15 Process Scheduler (Shortest Remaining Time First)
- 30 Process Scheduler (Least Recently Used)
- 10 Disk Scheduler (Shortest Seek Time First)
- 30 Bootloader
- 30 Banker's algorithm
- 40 File System
- 10 Hackernews
- 25 Google
- 30 Twitter
- 35 Reddit
- 40 Flickr
- 45 Tumblr
- 50 Apple cloud
- 30 Yandex Passport
- 15 URL Shortener
- 35 Image editor with filters
- 50 Document scanner
- 35 File converter (jpg to png , docx to pdf, mp3 to ogg/aac/flac)
- 25