WIfinal = st_read("Data/Spatial/wi_final_census2_random4.shp")
## Reading layer `wi_final_census2_random4' from data source `D:\GIS\TDM\Transport-Demand-Modelling\Data\Spatial\wi_final_census2_random4.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 417 features and 34 fields
## geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## dimension: XY
## bbox: xmin: -88.5423 ymin: 42.84136 xmax: -87.79183 ymax: 43.54352
## CRS: NA
class(WIfinal) #it is a spatial feature dataset
## [1] "sf" "data.frame"
55131430100 | Milwaukee | 5068 | 1248 | 429 | 5005 | 5 | 6 | 32 | 17 | 2610 | 2458 | 1763 | 1628 | 2817 | 2690 | 127 | 1852 | 838 | 2854 | 1563 | 1291 | 477 | 456 | 44 | 58295 | 5057 | 185 | 157200 | 5 | 2201 | 0.860631 | 0.000987 | 1 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-88.28074 4… |
55089610100 | Milwaukee | 8003 | 1812 | 667 | 7720 | 35 | 36 | 129 | 59 | 3999 | 4004 | 2760 | 2764 | 4476 | 4237 | 239 | 2930 | 1307 | 4544 | 2386 | 2158 | 817 | 700 | 96 | 55124 | 7160 | 164 | 145900 | 35 | 26 | 0.005959 | 0.004373 | 2 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-87.8117 43… |
55131410100 | Milwaukee | 4393 | 1026 | 534 | 4320 | 2 | 19 | 19 | 27 | 2198 | 2195 | 1446 | 1387 | 2389 | 2316 | 73 | 1636 | 680 | 2418 | 1306 | 1112 | 466 | 352 | 23 | 51769 | 4327 | 211 | 129800 | 2 | 97 | 0.030012 | 0.000455 | 3 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-88.16157 4… |
55131400101 | Milwaukee | 7687 | 1801 | 703 | 7509 | 6 | 7 | 106 | 57 | 3943 | 3744 | 2652 | 2531 | 4296 | 4137 | 159 | 2637 | 1500 | 4358 | 2360 | 1998 | 736 | 896 | 61 | 62083 | 7682 | 224 | 162600 | 6 | 320 | 0.141892 | 0.000781 | 4 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-88.16078 4… |
55131420104 | Milwaukee | 5086 | 1065 | 821 | 4957 | 64 | 0 | 11 | 0 | 2485 | 2601 | 1598 | 1602 | 2701 | 2632 | 69 | 1767 | 865 | 2787 | 1479 | 1308 | 423 | 510 | 48 | 51858 | 5086 | 160 | 156000 | 64 | 40 | 0.010384 | 0.012584 | 5 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-88.21622 4… |
55131420102 | Milwaukee | 7619 | 1943 | 534 | 7253 | 0 | 143 | 103 | 15 | 3891 | 3728 | 2643 | 2499 | 4016 | 3898 | 118 | 2557 | 1341 | 4066 | 2187 | 1879 | 815 | 678 | 86 | 51844 | 7468 | 296 | 128800 | 0 | 2258 | 0.868852 | 0.000000 | 6 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-88.16137 4… |
R does not know in which coordinate system our data is (CRS = _NA_
and assumes it is in WGS84 (read more about it
here). WGS84 is
the global coordinate system for GPS data, for instance.
But it is not projected in a plan, as a cartesian XY, so if we want do
deal with distances in meters (and not angular distances), we should
project the data in another CRS, the 3857 (see
st_crs(WIfinal) = 4326 #set the crs to WGS84
WIfinal = st_transform(WIfinal, 3857) #project the data
Let’s look at the distribution of Hispanic people with a map, using a quantile classification.
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.0 44.0 91.0 225.1 192.0 3613.0
library(tmap) #tmap package
tm_shape(WIfinal) +
tm_polygons(style = "quantile", col = "HISP_", title= "Hispanic people", legend.hist = TRUE) +
tm_legend(outside = TRUE, text.size = .8)
You can use tmap()
as interactive view mode. Example, using the same
tmap_mode("view") #you can choose "plot" (as above) or "view"
## tmap mode set to interactive viewing
tm_shape(WIfinal) +
tm_polygons(style = "quantile", col = "HISP_", title= "Hispanic people")
The first step requires that we define “neighboring” polygons. This could refer to contiguous polygons, polygons within a certain distance band, or it could be non-spatial in nature and defined by social, political or cultural “neighbors”.
Here, we’ll adopt a contiguous neighbor definition where we’ll accept
any contiguous polygon that shares at least on vertex (this is the
“queen” case and is defined by setting the parameter queen=TRUE
If we required that at least one edge be shared between polygons then we
would set queen=FALSE
(rook neighbours).
neighbors <- poly2nb(WIfinal, queen=TRUE) #queen
## Neighbour list object:
## Number of regions: 417
## Number of nonzero links: 2628
## Percentage nonzero weights: 1.511309
## Average number of links: 6.302158
neighbors_rook <- poly2nb(WIfinal, queen=F) #rook
## Neighbour list object:
## Number of regions: 417
## Number of nonzero links: 2368
## Percentage nonzero weights: 1.361788
## Average number of links: 5.678657
Next, we need to assign weights to each neighboring polygon. In this
case, each neighboring polygon will be assigned equal weight
). Style can take values “W”, “B”, “C”, “U”,
“minmax” and “S”.
Use ?nb2listw
to see more details.
weightsW = nb2listw(neighbors, style="W")
## Characteristics of weights list object:
## Neighbour list object:
## Number of regions: 417
## Number of nonzero links: 2628
## Percentage nonzero weights: 1.511309
## Average number of links: 6.302158
## Weights style: W
## Weights constants summary:
## n nn S0 S1 S2
## W 417 173889 417 140.0808 1714.318
The correlation score is between -1 and 1. Much like a correlation coefficient:
- 1 determines perfect positive spatial autocorrelation (so your data is clustered)
- 0 identifies the data is randomly distributed, and
- -1 represents negative spatial autocorrelation (so dissimilar values are next to each other).
To get the Moran’s I value use the moran.test()
moran.test(WIfinal$HISP_, weightsW)
## Moran I test under randomisation
## data: WIfinal$HISP_
## weights: weightsW
## Moran I statistic standard deviate = 29.937, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## sample estimates:
## Moran I statistic Expectation Variance
## 0.8194219433 -0.0024038462 0.0007535949
What can you say about this result?
Note that the p-value computed from the moran.test
function is not
computed from an Monte Carlo simulation but analytically instead. This
may not always prove to be the most accurate measure of significance.
To test for significance using the Monte Carlo simulation method
instead, use the
#for a Monte Carlo simulation with 600 rounds$HISP_, weightsW, nsim=599)
## Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
## data: WIfinal$HISP_
## weights: weightsW
## number of simulations + 1: 600
## statistic = 0.81942, observed rank = 600, p-value = 0.001667
## alternative hypothesis: greater
Plot the distribution (note that this is a density plot instead of a histogram).
plot($HISP_, weightsW, nsim=599), main="", las=1) #density plot
moran.plot(WIfinal$HISP_, listw = weightsW)
Notice how the plot is split in 4 quadrants. The top right corner
belongs to areas that have high level of Hispanic people and are
surrounded by other areas that have above the average level of Hispanic
people This are the high-high locations. The bottom left corner belongs
to the low-low areas. These are areas with low level of Hispanic people
and surrounded by areas with below average levels of Hispanic people.
Both the high-high and low-low represent clusters.
A high-high cluster is what you may refer to as a hot spot. And the
low-low clusters represent cold spots. In the opposite diagonal we have
spatial outliers. They are not outliers in the standard sense, extreme
observations, they are outliers in that they are surrounded by areas
that are very unlike them. So you could have high-low spatial outliers,
areas with high levels of Hispanic people and low levels of surrounding
Hispanic people, or low-high spatial outliers, areas that have
themselves low levels of Hispanic people (or whatever else you are
mapping) and that are surrounded by areas with above average levels of
Hispanic people.
localmoranstats <- localmoran(WIfinal$HISP_, weightsW)
## Ii E.Ii Var.Ii Z.Ii Pr(z > 0)
## Min. :-0.23179 Min. :-0.002404 Min. :0.0536 Min. :-0.75376 Min. :0.0000
## 1st Qu.: 0.03026 1st Qu.:-0.002404 1st Qu.:0.1332 1st Qu.: 0.08241 1st Qu.:0.3558
## Median : 0.09557 Median :-0.002404 Median :0.1558 Median : 0.24318 Median :0.4039
## Mean : 0.81942 Mean :-0.002404 Mean :0.1650 Mean : 2.20017 Mean :0.3845
## 3rd Qu.: 0.14393 3rd Qu.:-0.002404 3rd Qu.:0.1874 3rd Qu.: 0.36976 3rd Qu.:0.4672
## Max. :33.54955 Max. :-0.002404 Max. :0.9455 Max. :92.01262 Max. :0.7745
The outputs of this statistics’ table are defined as:
- Ii: local moran statistic. One for each area.
- E.Ii: expectation of local moran statistic
- Var.Ii: variance of local moran statistic
- Z.Ii: standard deviate of local moran statistic
- Pr(): p-value of local moran statistic
Let’s map the local moran statistics Ii
and p-value
moranmap <- cbind(WIfinal, localmoranstats) #first, bind the statistics to the original data
names(moranmap)[39] <- "Pvalue" #change the name of this variable to make it easier to call it
tm_shape(moranmap) +
tm_polygons(col = "Ii", style = "pretty", title = "local Moran's statistic")
## Variable(s) "Ii" contains positive and negative values, so midpoint is set to 0. Set midpoint = NA to show the full spectrum of the color palette.
tm_shape(moranmap) +
col = "Pvalue",
breaks = c(-Inf, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, Inf),
palette = "-Blues",
title = "local Moran's I p-values")
A positive value for Ii
indicates that the unit is surrounded by units
with similar values.
Notice that with this variable we only have significant values at a
confidence level of 90% (pvalue > 0.1).
“Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.” - The First Law of Geography (Tobler)
In order to produce the LISA map we need to do some previous work. First
we are going to create some new variables that we are going to need.
First we scale the variable of interest. When we scale HISP_
what we
are doing is re-scaling the values so that the mean is zero.
We also want to account for the spatial dependence of our values, so we
create a spatial lag variable with lag.listw()
. Spatial lag is when
the dependent variable y in place i is affected by the independent
variables in both place i and j. This will be important to keep in
mind when considering spatial regression. With spatial lag in ordinary
least square regression, the assumption of uncorrelated error terms is
violated, because near things will have associated error terms.
Similarly, the assumption of independent observations is also violated,
as the observations are influenced by the other observations near them.
As a result, the estimates are biased and inefficient. Spatial lag is
suggestive of a possible diffusion process – events in one place predict
an increased likelihood of similar events in neighboring places.
#scale the variable of interest and save it to a new column
moranmap$HISP_scale <- as.vector(scale(moranmap$HISP_))
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -0.49380 -0.39729 -0.29420 0.00000 -0.07266 7.43120
#create a spatial lag variable and save it to a new column
moranmap$HISP_lag <- lag.listw(weightsW, moranmap$HISP_scale)
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -0.473697 -0.347207 -0.264430 0.004558 -0.074120 4.905265
Then we need to create a variable to distinguish in which quadrant each observation is (recall the Moran scatterplot!).
siglevel = 0.15 #we can change to different levels
moranmap <- moranmap %>% mutate(quad_sig = ifelse(moranmap$HISP_scale > 0 &
moranmap$HISP_lag > 0 &
moranmap$Pvalue <= siglevel,
ifelse(moranmap$HISP_scale <= 0 &
moranmap$HISP_lag <= 0 &
moranmap$Pvalue <= siglevel,
ifelse(moranmap$HISP_scale > 0 &
moranmap$HISP_lag <= 0 &
moranmap$Pvalue <= siglevel,
ifelse(moranmap$HISP_scale <= 0 &
moranmap$HISP_lag > 0 &
moranmap$Pvalue <= siglevel,
moranmap$quad_sig = factor(moranmap$quad_sig)
## high-high non-significant
## 31 386
And now let’s put the results in a map!
# palcolor = c("red",rgb(1,0,0,alpha=0.4),rgb(0,0,1,alpha=0.4),"blue", "white") #define the color palette for the 5 categories (HH, HL, LH, LL, NS)
palcolor = c("red", "white") #the color palette for only 2 categories
tm_polygons(col = "quad_sig", palette = palcolor, title = "local moran statistic")+
tm_legend(outside = TRUE)
What can
you conclude?
Now, try with other variable, for example the % of Black people per
tract (PCTBLCK
Some of these analysis may also be performed for points, instead of polygons. How? ##### Install packages Install and load ape package
# install.packages("ape")
It does not deal with ordered factors, zeros, or infinite distances.
So we need to clean data first.
TABLE$classfactor<-as.numeric(TABLE$CLASS) #make ordered factors as numeric
TABLEmoran$geometry<-NULL #drop geometry
TABLEmoran<-na.omit(TABLEmoran) #remove cases with NA
TABLEmoran<-TABLEmoran[TABLEmoran$Orig_Lat!=0,] #Remove cases with Lat/Lon equals to zero
To calculate Moran’s I, we will need to generate a matrix of inverse distance weights. In the matrix, entries for pairs of points that are close together are higher than for pairs of points that are far apart.
We can first generate a distance matrix, then take inverse of the matrix values and replace the diagonal entries with zero:
DISTANCES <- as.matrix(dist(cbind(TABLEmoran$Orig_Long, TABLEmoran$Orig_Lat)))
diag(DISTANCESinv) <- 0 #diagonal as zero
DISTANCESinv[is.infinite(DISTANCESinv)] <- 0 #remove infinite distances
We have created a matrix where each off-diagonal entry [ i, j] in the matrix is equal to 1/(distance between point i and point j). Note that this is just one of several ways in which we can calculate an inverse distance matrix.
We can now calculate Moran’s I using the command Moran.I
#First attempt
Moran.I(TABLEmoran$classfactor, DISTANCESinv)
#Remove distances over 15 km
#Second attempt
Moran.I(TABLEmoran$classfactor, DISTANCESbin) #Moran’s I =0.012, p = .001
Note: The result (observed) is the Moran’s I value, and if it is enough close to zero, we can affirm (with p=…) that ther is not a spatial pattern, suggesting an aleatory distribution in space. Tf the result was close to 1 or -1, it would suggest a pattern in distribuition in space.
See more here
work in progress Check more here, to perform SRL with R: