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251 lines (184 loc) · 7.44 KB

File metadata and controls

251 lines (184 loc) · 7.44 KB


After download:

  • Rename bookshelf-server/config/booklist.ini_tmpl to bookshelf-server/config/booklist.ini and adapt the configuration to your needs. See bookshelf-server/config/README for details.

  • Rename bookshelf-server/template/buecherregal_header.tmpl_sample to bookshelf-server/template/buecherregal_header.tmpl and adapt the example to your normal webpage header.

  • Rename proxy-server/ds/config.php_tmpl to proxy-server/ds/config.php and adapt the example to your needs.

  • Rename bookshelf-server/html/RufeExterneURL.config.php_tmpl to bookshelf-server/html/RufeExterneURL.config.php and adapt the example to your needs.

  • For QR codes a proxy-script is needed which redirects to Primo, you can use this script on another server or install it on the same server. You must configure the URL to the proxy script, which gets encoded in the QR code. In bookshelf-server/config/booklist.ini, [URL] section, specify variable "qr_base", see the example in this file.


A local version of Java is needed to minimize the js and css files. See

There you have to insert the path into the variable "javaprog".

apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk


It is needed for minimizing js and css files. See

  • bookshelf-server/html/js/ErzeugeMiniVersion.sh_sample (for Linux)
  • bookshelf-server/html/js/ErzeugeMiniVersion.cmd_sample (for Windows)

There you have to insert the path into the variable "yuicomp".

Download YUICompressor and download the actual jar file.

Install YUICompressor


Rename Scripts to use YUICompressor

Rename and adapt the example to your needs in this file you put the path and name of the jar file to the variable "yuicomp"



  • bookshelf-server/html/js/ErzeugeMiniVersionen.sh_sample to
  • bookshelf-server/html/js/

make the file executable

  • chmod u+x bookshelf-server/html/js/


  • bookshelf-server/html/js/ErzeugeMiniVersionen.cmd_sample to
  • bookshelf-server/html/js/ErzeugeMiniVersionen.cmd


For local tests in Windows I use

The scripts used the following perl modules. You can download them from cpan.

  • CGI

  • CGI::Carp

  • Encode

  • Unicode::Normalize

  • Getopt::Long

  • Template

  • Template::Filters

  • Template::Filters->use_html_entities

  • LWP::UserAgent

  • LWP::Protocol::https

  • GD

  • GD::Barcode::QRcode

  • Image::Resize

  • HTML::Hyphenate

  • Config::IniFiles

  • Business::ISBN

  • File::Basename

  • Cwd

  • JSON

  • Text::CSV

  • CGI::Enurl (Possibly unnecessary)

Install Perl-Module as Debian Pckages

(List is just under construction) libgd-barcode-perl - Perl module to create barcode images libtext-csv-perl - comma-separated values manipulator (using XS or PurePerl) libbusiness-isbn-perl - Perl library to work with International Standard Book Numbers libjson-perl - module for manipulating JSON-formatted data

apt-get install libgd-barcode-perl libtext-csv-perl libbusiness-isbn-perl libjson-perl

Install Perl-Module with CPAN

perl -MCPAN -e shell
install <name>


perl -MCPAN -e "install <name>"

Install Perl-Module manually

  • Download perl module
  • extract the module in temporary directory
  • change to the temporary directory
  • perl Makefile.PL
  • make
  • make test
  • make install

This procedure is described in the modules README.txt. There may be special hints for each module.

Create HTML-File, Download Covers ...

Now you can create the html files, with cd bookshelf-server

  • ./ (for Linux)
  • createFiles.cmd (for Windows)

Log-Files / Error-Log-Files

Infos from the perlscripts and are stored in

  • stored in
    • (Normal Infos and Errors)
  • stored in
    • (Normal Infos and Errors)
    • (Errors in csv-file)

Create minimized versions of js and css files

For Linux, this step is now integrated in the bookshelf-server/ (see above).


with cd bookshelf-server/html/js/

  • ./ (for Linux)
  • ErzeugeMiniVersion.cmd (for Windows)


Copy RufeExterneURL.config.php_tmpl to RufeExterneURL.config.php and adapt the example to your needs.

Link html path to /var/www/YourProjectName

create a symbolic link

  • from: /usr/local/bin/vMaBookShelf/bookshelf-server/html
  • to: /var/www/YourProjectName

Link proxy-server/ds/ path to /var/www/ds

create a symbolic link

  • from: /usr/local/bin/vMaBookShelf/proxy-server/ds
  • to: /var/www/ds, or copy the script to a different server

Client where you like to test the Website

Download Node.js

Install Node.js

execute the downloaded version of nodeXXXXXX.msi


The jpm tool is a Node-based replacement for cfx. It enables you to test, run, and package add-ons.

Install Node.js

After you have npm installed and node on your PATH, install jpm just as you would any other npm package.

Installing jpm globally

Depending on your setup, you might need to run this as an administrator!

  • open a "node.js command prompt" as Administrator
  • npm install jpm --global

Documentation for jqm

Firefox Add-On "vMaBookShelfHelper"

  • in Firefox-Add-on\vMaBookShelfHelper\data\js\erzeuge-close-button.js you have to change some strings: host: scriptname: /booklist/RufeExterneURL.php scriptpath: /booklist/ cgi-script-path: /cgi-bin/

    i working on that problem to make the Add-on more flexibel, with a config dialog, or something like that.

    if you have changed these strings you have to recreate the xpi file

    • open a "node.js command prompt"
    • change the directory to the "Firefox-Add-on\vMaBookShelfHelper"-directory
    • jpm run (Launch an instance of Firefox with the add-on installed)
      • ⚠️ IMPORTANT: jpm run does not work with the release version of Firefox 48, or later. You need to install and use a different version of Firefox
      • The simplest thing to do is to download Firefox Nightly: and start jpm using:
        • jpm run -b nightly (Launch an instance of Firefox with the add-on installed)

    • jpm xpi (Package the add-on as an XPI file, which is the install file format for Firefox add-ons.)

Client where you like to show the Website


Fullscreen mode:

  • Enable Firefox Fullscreen mode: Open in Firefox about:config


    change value to 'true' (you can click on the value to change)

Firefox Add-On "vMaBookShelfHelper"