- The createimage script will parse the ks-or-preseed.template file in the templates directory. It will treat the file as an ERB template.
- The createimage script will then save this file which is the file that packer will use to build against. This allows customizations like a custom root password.
For autoprovisioning to work it requires the network name to be changed. When packer builds the vmx file it calls the network nat but it should be renamed to none otherwise you will get an error saying nat network not found.
The documentation for VMWare tools can be found at: [http://partnerweb.vmware.com/GOSIG/home.html] where you can select the specific OS for detailed instructions.
For Red Hat 7.0 you should install open-vm-tools-deploypkg which will also install open-vm-tools as dependency. In addition the installation of gcc make gcc-c++ kernel-devel-`uname -r` perl
is required for Guest Customization to work correctly in Skyscape and potentially elsewhere.
The openvm tools does not currently recognize CentOS7.0 . To fix it you should change the /etc/redhat-release to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.0 (Maipo)
TODO: Add why are packages being removed and or added