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To see version of nvm.
nvm version <!-- or --> nvm v
Show if node is running in 32 or 64 bit mode. Specify 32 or 64 to override the default architecture.
nvm arch [32|64]
To see all the node versions available for installation.
nvm list available
To install the latest version of node.
nvm install latest
To install the LTS version of node.
nvm install lts
Install a specific version of node.
nvm install <version>
nvm install 18.3.0
Uninstall a specific version.
nvm uninstall <version>
nvm uninstall 18.3.0
See all the installed node version.
nvm ls
To specify or change the current active version.
nvm use <version>
nvm use 18.3.0
To see active version name/no.
nvm current
npm docs [package-name] // npm docs lodash
npm repo [package-name] // npm repo lodash
npm outdated // run it in a project
npm v [package-name] versions // npm v lodash versions
npm audit // run it in a project
npm v [package-name] // npm v lodash
npm xmas
npm visnup
Get list of all globally installed npm packages
npm list -g
Check if the package is globally installed
npm list -g <package-name>
Uninstall global package
npm uninstall -g <package-name>
Check which packages are outdated
npm outdated -g
Update all global packages
npm update -g
Update a global package
npm update -g <package_name>
Check all the upgradable dependency lists
npx npm-check-updates
Update all dependency version in package.json file
npx npm-check-updates -u