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UltiMafia Ultimate Setup and Beginner Contribution Guide

Step 1: Setup Github and Fork

  1. Create a Github account.

  2. Fork the repository from the top right of this page. You will make edits to your personal fork, and then make a request for your changes to be accepted into the master copy.

Step 2: Setup Github Codespace

About Github Codespace

Github Codespace is a cloud workspace where small amounts of code can be executed for free. Disclaimer: It is a billable service. You can monitor your usage and billing here. There will be a section to track your Codespace usage.

codespace billing

By default, the spending limit is $0 so you won't be charged. The monthly quota should be sufficient for light testing of this repository.

Create a Codespace

  1. Create a Codespace from your fork.
create codespace
  1. Configure node in the codespace terminal. For consistency, this project uses 14.15.1.
nvm install 14.15.1
nvm alias default 14.15.1
  1. Download Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

  2. Connect to this codespace using VS Code. You will be prompted to install a Github Codespace extension.

open in desktop

Important: Stopping Codespace

This repository runs mongo, redis and node services in the background. It can cause your codespace usage to rack up overnight. You can shutdown your instance after each development and testing session.


Step 3: Setup the Project

Install Mongo and Redis

  1. Run the redis container.
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name redis --restart=always redis
  1. Run the mongo container.
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -v local-mongo:/data/db --name mongo --restart=always mongo
  1. Enter the mongo shell.
docker exec -it mongo mongosh
  1. Authenticate as admin. The default password (configured in Step 3.2) is password.
test> use admin
switched to db admin

admin> db.auth('admin', passwordPrompt())
Enter password
********{ ok: 1 }
  1. Create a database.
admin> use ultimafia
switched to db ultimafia
  1. Exit the mongo shell.
ultimafia> exit

Install node modules

  1. Install pm2 globally.
npm i -g pm2
  1. Install backend node modules.
cd /workspaces/Ultimafia/
npm install
  1. Install frontend node modules.
cd react_main
npm install

Set Environment Variables

  1. Create the backend .env.
cp docs/server_env /workspaces/Ultimafia/.env
  1. Create the frontend .env. Note that this file is under the react_main subdirectory.
cp docs/client_env /workspaces/Ultimafia/react_main/.env
  1. Follow this guide for retrieving your own test API keys for Firebase and reCAPTCHA. As you follow the guide, fill in the .env files.

Start the Site

  1. Start the backend server
cd /workspaces/Ultimafia
npm start
  1. Start the frontend React app
cd react_main
npm start
  1. Check that the forwarded ports are on localhost
  1. You can now view your test site and create your own test account. Find the port that is 3001, and click the globe icon to "Open in Browser".
open in browse

This account is not affiliated to If your email domain is not accepted, look for the email section in both .env files.

Step 4: Setting up Bot Games

To play games with bots, we need to add the dev property to your user. Make sure that you first create an account on your test site.

  1. Enter the mongo shell via mongosh.
docker exec -it mongo mongosh
  1. Authenticate as admin.
test> use admin
switched to db admin

admin> db.auth('admin', passwordPrompt())
Enter password
********{ ok: 1 }

  1. Enter the ultimafia collection.
admin> use ultimafia
switched to db ultimafia
  1. Add the dev property to your user.
ultimafia> db.users.updateOne(
    { name: '<username>' },
    { $set: {dev: 'true'} })

  acknowledged: true,
  modifiedCount: 1
  1. Check that your user has the dev property.
ultimafia> db.users.find({}, {name:1, dev:1})
    _id: ObjectId('XXX'),
    name: '<username>',
    dev: 'true'

Testing games with bots

  1. Create and host a setup.

  2. A test tube icon appears in the top bar.

test tube
  1. Click the test tube icon and bot accounts will spawn in new windows. Remember to enable pop-up windows in your browser.

Step 5: Syncing your repository

  1. Stash away your previous changes.
git stash
  1. Return to the master branch.
git checkout master
  1. Get the latest updates from UltiMafia/Ultimafia's master branch.
git pull upstream master
  1. Create a new branch (i.e. code workspace) for your role. To avoid dealing conflicts, use a new branch name each time.
git checkout -b add-mafioso-role

You can now make code changes as needed.

Step 6: Git commands to "upload" the code to Github

This step can be done using Github Desktop. A guide for that will come soon.

  1. Check the changes made. You should be on your role branch.
git status
git status example

You can also type this command to double check the changes made. It will show you which lines have been added or modified.

git diff
  1. Confirm your changes by committing.
git commit -am "added mafioso role"

The confirmatory message will be like this:

[add-example-icon abcde12] added example icon
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+)
  1. Upload your code to Github (also known as "remote"). The branch name is what you see beside abcde12 in the previous confirmatory message. Note that your copy won't be exactly abcde12
git push origin add-mafioso-role

Step 7: Creating a Pull Request

The changes have been committed to your personal fork, e.g. DrSharky/Ultimafia. The site is running on a shared master copy, UltiMafia/Ultimafia.

  1. Go to UltiMafia/Ultimafia.

  2. You might see a message prompting you to create a pull request.

compare and pull

Click Compare & pull request if you can, then you can skip Step 3.

  1. If you do not see that automated message, click New Pull Request. Select "compare across forks". Find your repository in the red box, and find your branch name in the blue box.
compare across forks
  1. (Optional) Add any details in the description.

  2. Set the Pull Request title to feat: added mafioso role

  3. Click Create Pull Request, ensuring that it does not say "draft".

  4. Your pull request (PR) will appear here, and it will soon be reviewed.