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Norppa dictionary

Some Norppa-related terminology and "koodari slang" is explained here

Common entities

Code name Short name Finnish Sisu Additional info
feedbackTarget fbt Palautekohde -
courseRealisation cur Instanssi/Toteutus CourseUnitRealisation
courseUnit cu Opintojakso CourseUnit
organisation org Organisaatio Organisation Mostly study programmes, also faculties
user - Käyttäjä Person
userFeedbackTarget ufbt Käyttäjä-kurssitoteutus -assosiaatio? Enrolment or responsibility Represent student's enrolment or a teacher's responsibility association
survey - Palautekysely - Many levels: one by teacher, one by org, one by university
question - Kysymys - survey has many
feedback fb Opiskelijan palaute - json contains all of one student's answers to questions of survey
feedbackResponse - Vastapalaute (en: Counter Feedback) - Given by teacher after feedback period over

Extras: less common things

Code name Short name Finnish Additional info
continuousFeedback cfb Jatkuva palaute Free form textual feedback given during the course. Must be activated
feedbackCorrespondent - Palautevastaava Users appointed (by org admin) in Norppa to receive org admin rights.
tag - Tägi Associable to cu and cur, used by some orgs to sort and filter their courses

Infra and services

Name repository description
Updater norppa-updater updates Norppa DB from Importer every night
Importer sis-importer imports parts of Sisu from export APIs to its DB and provides REST API
Pate pate Sends emails with predefined templates
Jami jami Provides different access rights to orgs based on hy IAM-groups

Norppa Features

Name description
Feedback target view Stuff for one feedback target. Includes many sub-tabs
Feedback view The feedback form student's fill
Feedback results The result view of one feedback target. Sections for multiple choice and textual question answers
Feedback response Given by teacher after feedback period over. An email is sent to students to notify of it
Course summary A summary of all feedback stats visible to the user
Organisation summary Same as above, but stats for one org
Course unit summary Stats for feedback on one cu, identified by course code

More slang will be added later