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RIs-Calib: Multi-Radar Multi-IMU Spatiotemporal Calibrator

Static Badge Static Badge  Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

3.2 Real-world Experiments

The data of the real-world experiments we conducted are available here:

# Google Drive

Each data contains a ros bag, an information file, and a corresponding configuration file for solving:

  • radars_imus.bag: the ros bag which contains the measurements of two IMUs and radars, they are:

    path:        radars_imus.bag
    version:     2.0
    duration:    3:26s (206s)
    start:       Sep 26 2023 14:46:05.22 (1695710765.22)
    end:         Sep 26 2023 14:49:31.50 (1695710971.50)
    size:        69.7 MB
    messages:    347984
    compression: none [88/88 chunks]
    types:       sbg_driver/SbgImuData      [59cc541d794c367e71030fa700720826]
                 sensor_msgs/Imu            [6a62c6daae103f4ff57a132d6f95cec2]
                 ti_mmwave_rospkg/RadarScan [ca47afe7b19c0dbeb8f6b51574599509]
    topics:      /imu1/frame     82507 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Imu           
                 /imu2/frame     40424 msgs    : sbg_driver/SbgImuData     
                 /radar1/scan   130741 msgs    : ti_mmwave_rospkg/RadarScan
                 /radar2/scan    94312 msgs    : ti_mmwave_rospkg/RadarScan
  • duration.txt: the file that records the time duration of the valid data piece (they are excited sufficiently, and thus could be used for calibration).

  • config-real.yaml: the corresponding configuration file.

The next steps are simple, just modify the file paths of the ros bag in the configuration file, and then configure the launch file of RIs-Calib, i.e., ris-calib-prog.launch in the ris_calib folder. Then, we launch 'RIs-Calib':

roslaunch ris_calib ris-calib-prog.launch

You could use scripts in 'ris_calib/scripts' to draw figures:

Distributions of IMU factors (accelerometer factor & gyroscope factor) in batch optimizations
Convergence performance of spatiotemporal parameters for IMUs
Convergence performance of spatiotemporal parameters for Radars
Sensor suites & rotation and velocity B-splines