#Goal To bring the theatre community together in one place, promoting meaningful works driven by the needs of the audience the theatremakers are there to create for.
#User Stories
Account Creation
- Split for company vs individual
- Only Twitter or allow normal password/username?
- Creation process/fields
- Linking users as collaborators
- Validations for collaborators and uniqueness
- Views on Production, Company, Collaborator, and own Pages
##MVP (First release)
As a company admin
- I can log in with my company's Twitter account (Account Creation)
- I can create and edit a profile for my company (Account Creation)
- I can create and edit upcoming productions (Productions)
- I can link other users involved in my company and productions (Productions)
- I can view feedback from audiences (Feedback)
As a theatremaker
- I can be an admin on multiple companies (Account Creation)
- I can log in with my Twitter account (Account Creation)
- I can create and edit a basic profile (Account Creation)
- I can view the productions I have been a part of on my page (Productions)
- I can not vote or review productions I am a part of (Feedback)
- I can view reviews of productions I have been a part of on my page (Feedback)
As a patron
- I can request admin priveleges from upstage
- My first POE is an anonymous form
- I can log in with my Twitter account (Account Creation)
- I can create and edit a basic profile (Account Creation)
- I can see upcoming productions (Productions)
- I can see a map of where the production is (Productions)
- I can rate the productions I have seen (Feedback)
- I can leave feedback on productions I have seen (Feedback)
- I can upvote and downvote other's feedback (Feedback)
- Galleries
- Video ad
As a company admin
- I can see who is following my company (Following)
- I can add and edit genres for my company and productiong (Tags/Genre)
- I can sell tickets to my productinos directly on UpStage (Ticketing)
- Brown Paper API? Stripe?
- I can receive donations from users (Ticketing)
As a theatremaker
- I can make my bio look like a resume
- I can comment on others' feedback, including productions I'm a part of (Feedback)
- My profile will include reviews I was tagged in (Tagging)
As a patron -I can upload a photo and crop it to a square for thumbnail and rectangle for main
- I can comment on others' feedback (Feedback)
- I can tag other users in my reviews and comments (Tagging)
- My actions will be automatically tweeted/sent to facebook or other social media (Posts)
- I can follow companies, performers, other reviewers (Following)
- I can view performance venues in my area (Locations)
- I can search for performances based on time and location (Searching)
- I can purchase tickets for the venue directly on upstage (Ticketing)
- I can update my own calendar with purchased tickets (Calendar)
- I can invite friends to the productions I am attending (Posts)
- I can search and learn by genre (Searching/Tags/Genre)
Anonymous forms
- include star rating overall
- include a few fields for short comments on different aspects
- later, these comments will prepopulate feedback form?
- private vs. public
- anonymous vs not (anonymous will NOT be made public)
Email notification for any meta feedbackers once edited
Notes on forms:
age range
email (sometimes there's a raffle if you give your name/email)
where you live (SF or otherwise), usually zip code
annual gross income range
gender identity male/female/other_____
race identity
how did you hear about this show?
would you like to volunteer for our company?
please donate!
some include actual feedback on the performance