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Andrew Butler edited this page Mar 31, 2022 · 12 revisions

Quark User Interface Creation Kit

This doc is definitely a work in progress. It aspires to eventually be the root page for a full tutorial on the Quick UI creation toolkit, but at the moment it shall serve as a disorganized resting place for ideas on documenting it.


  1. Parsing -- The XML is read in and parsed for syntax. Expressions, patterns, and other value types are also parsed for structure, but not interpreted at all. The result of this stage is a QonfigDocument containing a root QonfigElement populated with children and attribute and element values, which may be ObservableExpressions or other parsed structures.
  2. Interpretation -- Takes QonfigElements and attribute values and interprets them into a QuickDocument. This document contains a root QuickComponentDef that is not directly usable as a component, but has all the information it needs to create one. The document also contains an ObservableModelSet, which has fleshed-out definitions for every model value that will be usable by the user interface. Each of these values contains no application data, but is aware of its type and how it relates to other values in the model set. Expressions and other values in this structure are interpreted into ValueContainers which know how to take actual instances of model data and transform them into values, collections, or other structures that are linked in to the application's models.
  3. Instantiation -- Takes the QuickDocument and any external models defined in the document's models and creates component structures backed by models populated from the interpreted expressions in the attribute and element values.
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