The list of contributions for the Cosmos Hub
Our Team:
- Vladimir Ponmimajushij Competencies
- Vladimir Synthetic Competencies
- Valentin Medniyy Competencies
- Eugeniy Yakovishin Competencies
- Danil Milyutin Competencies
- Secret Member😎
- Testnet Guru 🥷
- This character is unexplored👽
Our Technical Contributions List:
We're validating Cosmos Hub
As a IBC-provider for Cosmos Ecosystem project we maintain IBC-relayers for these chains in Cosmos Ecosystem:
Here's the list of them:
There's a list of IBC relayers currently provided by POSTHUMAN validator:
- Chihuahua Chain
- Juno Network
- Fetch-ai
- Osmosis
- Umee
- Colosseum (Firmachain)
- Injective
- Crescent
- Osmosis
- Juno Network
- G-bridge
- Chihuahua Chain
- Crescent
- Secret Network
- Stride
- Persistence
- Osmosis
- Juno Network
- Archway
- Secret Network
- Stride
- Persistence
- G-bridge
- Cosmos Hub
- Osmosis
- Juno Network
- Injective
- Persistence
- Chihuahua Chain
- Juno Network
- G-bridge
- Fetch-ai
- Umee
- SifChain
- OmniFlix
- Odin Protocol
- Tgrade
- AssetMantle
- Cosmos Hub
- Injective
- Stride
- Persistence
- G-bridge
- Juno Network
- AssetMantle
- Injective
- Juno Network
- G-bridge
- Osmosis
- G-bridge
- Osmosis
- Juno Network
- SifChain
- Archway
- Chihuahua Chain
- OmniFlix
- SifChain
- Fetch-ai
- Osmosis
- G-bridge
- AssetMantle
- Crescent
- Cosmos Hub
- Stride
- Injective
- Umee
- Persistence
- Juno Network
- OmniFlix
- Osmosis
- Umee
- Chihuahua Chain
- OmniFlix
- SifChain
- Osmosis
- G-bridge
- Juno Network
- Injective
- Osmosis
- Juno Network
- Crescent
- Osmosis
- Juno Network
- G-bridge
- Chihuahua Chain
- SifChain
- Osmosis
- Osmosis
- Cosmos hub
- Osmosis
- Juno Network
- Umee
- Osmosis
- Cosmos Hub
- Secret Network
- Stride
- Neutron
- Noble
- Coreum
- Osmosis channel-6
- Cosmos Hub channel-24
- Noble channel-132
- Secret Network channel-82
- Neutron channel-136
- Injective channel-41
- Juno channel-37
We work on, support and maintain:
Here's the section full of various humanitarian contriburions and some of them are:
Videos, infographics, community development, public events speeches and participation, education, evangelism and more
Our Humanitarian Contributions List:
Here's the list of projects we provide liquidity