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Basic SQL Recap


SQL statements:

  1. Create table

    CREATE TABLE - keyword, cities - identifier

    CREATE TABLE cities (
    	name VARCHAR(50),
      country VARCHAR(50),
      population INTEGER,
      area INTEGER
  2. Insert data in table

    column names order should match order of values

    INSERT INTO cities (name, country, population, area) 
    	('Delhi', 'India', 28505000, 2240), 
    	('Shanghai', 'China', 22505000, 4015); 
  3. query data

    SELECT * FROM cities;
    SELECT name, country FROM cities;
    SELECT name, name, name FROM cities;
  4. update records

    UPDATE cities SET population = 39505000 WHERE name = 'Tokyo';
  5. delete record

    DELETE FROM cities WHERE name = 'Tokyo';

Calculated columns:

  1. integers: * / + -

    % (remainder) @ (absolute) ^ (exponent)

    SELECT name, population / area FROM cities;   -- new column name: ?column?
    SELECT name, population / area AS density FROM cities;
  2. string operations on columns:

    || (join) CONCAT() (join) LOWER() UPPER() LENGHT()

    SELECT name || country AS location FROM cities;
    SELECT name || ', ' || country AS location FROM cities;
    SELECT CONCAT(name, ', ' , country) AS location FROM cities;
    SELECT CONCAT(UPPER(name), ', ', UPPER(country)) AS location FROM cities;
    SELECT UPPER(CONCAT(name, ', ', country)) AS location FROM cities;

Filtering Records:

  1. WHERE

    postgres SQL process order: FROM citiesWHERE area > 4000SELECT name

    SELECT name, area FROM cities WHERE area > 4000;

    = is not assignment, It is comparison parameter for equality.

    <> or != → not equal check

    IN (), BETWEEN (), NOT IN ()

    SELECT name, area FROM cities WHERE area = 8223;  -- equal check
    SELECT name, area FROM cities WHERE area <> 8223; -- not equal check
    SELECT name, area FROM cities WHERE area BETWEEN 2000 AND 5000;
    SELECT name, area FROM cities WHERE name IN ('Delhi', 'Shanghai');
    SELECT name, area FROM cities WHERE name NOT IN ('Delhi', 'Shanghai');
    -- multiple conditions using AND/OR
    SELECT name, area 
    FROM cities WHERE name IN ('Delhi', 'Shanghai') AND area = 2240;
    -- calculation + comparsion operator
    SELECT population / area AS density FROM cities 
    WHERE population / area > 5000;
    SELECT population / area AS density FROM cities 
    WHERE density > 5000;  -- ERROR - wrong syntax!

Database design tips:

  1. common features have conventional table names and columns
  2. create a separate table for each of you app’s feature
  3. state assumptions of the features
  4. features with relationship or ownership should reflect in table design


  1. one-to-many relationship → “has many”

    many-to-one relationship → “belong to one” / “has one”

    💡 they are the same thing — difference is just of perspective!

    school has many students (one-to-many)

    students belongs to one school (many-to-one)

  2. one-to-one

    (Capitol ↔ Country)

  3. many-to-many

    (student ↔ classes)


  1. Primary key - unique unmodifiable identifier of record

    • mostly named id

    • either int or uuid

    • postgres has SERIAL type which automatically assigns integer by doing +1 (no need to provide id when inserting data)

      CREATE TABLe users (
        username VARCHAR(50)
  2. Foreign key - relate a record to another record of another table

    • used to establish relationship between tables

    • in one-to-many, the ‘many’ side of the relationship gets the foreign key column

    • provides data consistency

    • Example: photos.user_id refers to

      CREATE TABLE photos (
        url VARCHAR(200),
        user_id INTEGER REFERENCES users(id)
      INSERT INTO photos (url, user_id) 
      	('http://25.jpeg', 1),
        ('http://36.jpeg', 1),
      	('http://267.jpeg', 2);
    • join data from both tables

      -- url and username exist on different tables!
      SELECT url, username FROM photos 
      JOIN users ON = photos.user_id;
    • Insertion constraints

      • insertion of a photo who’s user_id points to user which does not exist → error, because of foreign key constraint (it checks for valid user)

      • foreign key columns CAN be null when inserting data - example: insert photo which isn’t tied to a user

        INSERT INTO photos (url, user_id) 
        VALUES ('http://25.jpeg', NULL);
    • Deletion constraints

      • delete a user when it’s still references few photo records
        • ON DELETE RESTRICT (default) - throw error on deletion of user

        • ON DELETE NO ACTION - throw an error

        • ON DELETE CASCADE - delete the photos too

          CREATE TABLE photos (
          id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
          url VARCHAR(200),
          user_id INTEGER REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
        • ON DELETE SET NULL - set user_id of photo to null

          CREATE TABLE photos (
          id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
          url VARCHAR(200),
          user_id INTEGER REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE SET NULL
        • ON DELETE SET DEFAULT - set user_id of photo to default value of the column (if provided)


  • produces values by merging records of different rows

  • use: when need to find data that’s in different resources/tables

  • how joins are processed: **FROM comments** (all comments table records) → **JOIN users** (join users table to comments table using the rule defined after **ON** ) → a merged table is created with all of columns of both tables → **SELECT contents, username, ...**

    SELECT contents, username, photo_id, user_id 
    FROM comments 
    JOIN users ON = comments.user_id;
  • if a column names exist in both tables → give context of which table column you want like

    SELECT AS user_id  -- "id" exist in both tables: comments and users
    FROM comments 
    JOIN users ON = comments.user_id;
  • TIP: you can rename tables!

    SELECT AS user_id
    FROM comments AS c
    JOIN users ON = c.user_id;   -- c.user_id instead of
    -- without "AS" keyword also works
    SELECT AS user_id
    FROM comments c
    JOIN users ON = c.user_id; 
  • order of tables in FROM and JOIN matter - all records of FROM table are queried and JOIN just pulls the related records and adds it to FROM table

  • for a query that has FROM comments JOIN users - if “comments” have a row that have dangling/non-existing “user_id” (example null ) then final result would drop those records to give a perfect list of “comments” which have valid “users”. It did not give all records! :O

  • 4 kinds of JOINS: 009_-joins-_cheatsheet.pdf

    • Inner join - default
    • Left outer join
    • Right outer join
    • Full join


  • looks at many records to calculate single value
  • use: “most”, “average”, “least”