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About iOS Wallet SDK

The iOS version of Wallet SDK allows you to embed a Vatom Wallet within your own iOS app.

Add The Vatom Wallet iOS SDK to Your Project

The Vatom Wallet iOS SDK is publicly hosted at The following steps will make it available to your project.

Make Sure Cocoapods Is Installed

Cocoapods is a package manager that helps you to add public libraries to your XCode projects. If it is not yet installed in your development environment, follow the instructions at Getting Started With Cocoapods.

Reference The SDK From a CocoaPods Podfile

If your project does not yet have a Podfile associated with it, use a text editor to create a file called "Podfile" in the same directory that contains your XCode project. Copy the following to this file using the name of your project in place of "MyProject".

platform :ios, '13.0'
workspace 'MyProject'
target 'MyProject' do
    pod "vatom-wallet-sdk"

If your project has already been using a Podfile, simply add the following target to it

target 'MyProject' do
    pod "vatom-wallet-sdk"

Run The Pod Install Command

Open a terminal prompt at the directory containing your Podfile and XCode project. Run the following command to activate the updated Podfile.

pod install

This will add multiple files and directories as peers to your Podfile. Among them, you will find a new workspace if you did not already have one.

Open Your Project Via Workspace

From this point on, you will have to open your project in XCode via the workspace name mentioned in the Podfile instead of the project name ending in ".xcodeproj". A workspace is a collection of multiple related project files including the SDK, your original project file, and any other libraries you have added.

iOS Permissions and Configuration

Info.plist Configuration

Update your Info.plist file with the following entries to ensure proper functionality:

<string>Allow $(PRODUCT_NAME) to access your camera</string>
<string>App requires geolocation to improve the quality of the service</string>
<string>This app needs access to location when open.</string>
<string>This app needs access to location when in the background.</string>


Swift integration of the Vatomª Wallet SDK is straightforward. Initialize the wallet and utilize its features in your iOS application.


import UIKit
import vatom_wallet_sdk

class ViewController: UIViewController, UIScrollViewDelegate {
    var wallet: VatomWallet?
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let vatomAccessToken = ""
        let refreshToken = ""
        let businessId = "nQwtevgfOa"
        let experienceUrl = ""
        let mapStyles = self.loadMapStyles()

        let config = VatomConfig(
            baseUrl: "https://wallet.localhost:3000",
            hideNavigation: false,
            hideDrawer: false,
            hideTokenActions: true,
            disableNewTokenToast: true,
            scanner: .init(enabled: false),
            pageConfig: .init(
                theme: .init(
                    header: ["logo": ""],
                    iconTitle: [:],
                    icon: [:],
                    main: [:],
                    emptyState: [:],
                    mode: "dark",
                    pageTheme: "dark"
                text: ["emptyState": ""],
                features: .init(
                    notifications: [:],
                    card: [:],
                    footer: .init(
                        enabled: true,
                        icons: [
                            .init(link: experienceUrl, title: "Home", id: "home"),
                            .init(title: "Connect", id: "connect"),
                            .init(title: "Map", id: "map")
            mapStyle: mapStyles
        self.wallet = VatomWallet(businessId: businessId, accessToken:vatomAccessToken,view: self.view, config: config, refreshToken: refreshToken)
        wallet?.scrollView.delegate = self


    private func loadMapStyles () ->  [VatomConfig.MapStyleElement]? {
        var mapStyles: [VatomConfig.MapStyleElement]?

         if let mapStylesUrl = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "mapStyle", withExtension: "json") {
            do {
                mapStyles = try VatomConfig.loadMapStyles(from: mapStylesUrl)
            } catch {
                print("Error loading map styles: \(error)")
        return mapStyles

VatomConfig Properties

  • language: The "language" field is used to specify the language setting for an application. The default language is English ("en"). This field allows users to customize the language in which the app's content is displayed, providing a localized and personalized experience. (e.g., "es" for Spanish)

  • hideNavigation: Set this property to false if you want to show the wallet navigation. The default value is true.

  • hideDrawer: Set to false by default, deactivates the drawer, rendering it inaccessible. Developers can customize this option to control the initial availability of the drawer, ensuring its activation or deactivation based on specific app requirements.

  • scanner: Configure the scanner feature with the following options:

    • enabled: Set to false to hide the scanner icon on the home page; The default value is true.
  • disableNewTokenToast: Disables the toast notification for new tokens. Default is false.

  • hideTokenActions: Hides token actions UI. Default is false.

  • pageConfig: Configuration for the page layout, including features like icons and footer.

    • features: Specifies the features for the page.
      • icon: Configuration for icons on the page.
        • badges: Enables or disables badges. Default is true.
        • editions: Enables or disables editions. Default is true.
        • titles: Enables or disables titles. Default is true.
      • footer: Configuration for the footer on the page.
        • enabled: Enables or disables the footer. Default is true.
        • icons: List of footer icons, each having an ID, source, and title.

These properties allow you to customize the behavior of the wallet according to your preferences.


The navigateToTab function allows navigation to a specific tab in the application, providing a tab route and optional parameters.

  await wallet.navigateToTab("Map");


  • tabRoute (String): The route of the tab to navigate to.
  • params (optional): Additional navigation parameters that can be passed to the tab.


  await wallet.navigateToTab("Connect", ["paramKey": "paramValue"]);


The navigate function facilitates navigation within the wallet SDK by sending a message to trigger a specific route.


  • route (String): The route to navigate to within the wallet SDK.
  • params [String: Any]? (optional): Additional parameters to be passed along with the navigation request.


// Example 1: Navigate to a route without additional parameters.

// Example 2: Navigate to a route with additional parameters.
wallet.navigate("profile", ["any": "..."]);


The openCommunity function facilitates the opening of a community within the wallet SDK. It sends a message to the wallet SDK to navigate to a specific community, and optionally to a specific room within that community.


  • communityId (String): The unique identifier of the community to be opened.
  • roomId (String)?: The unique identifier of the room within the community to navigate to.


// Example: Open a community without specifying a room.
await wallet.openCommunity(communityId: "communityId");

// Example: Open a specific room within a community.
await wallet.openCommunity(communityId: "communityId", roomId: "roomId");


The listTokens function is intended to be called by the host application to retrieve a list of tokens owned by the user within the wallet SDK.


var userTokens = await wallet.listTokens();


The getToken function is intended to be called by the host application to retrieve information about a specific token in the user's wallet inventory.


  • tokenId (String): The unique identifier of the token for which information is requested.




var tokenInfo = await wallet.getToken(tokenId: "id");


The getPublicToken function is designed to be called by the host application to retrieve information about a public token that is not neccessarily in the user's wallet inventory (e.g. dropped on the map)


  • tokenId (String): The unique identifier of the token for which public information is requested.




var publicTokenInfo = await wallet.getPublicToken('tokenId123');


The openToken function facilitates the navigation to the NFT detail screen within the wallet SDK.


  • tokenId (String): The unique identifier of the NFT for which the detail screen should be opened.


// Example: Open the NFT detail screen for a specific token.
await wallet.openToken("abc123");


The trashToken function is designed to be called by the host application to initiate the removal or deletion of a specific token within the wallet SDK.


  • tokenId (String): The unique identifier of the token to be trashed or deleted.


await wallet.trashToken(tokenId: "id")


The performAction function is intended to be called by the host application to initiate a specific action on a token within the wallet SDK.


  • tokenId (String): The unique identifier of the token on which the action will be performed.
  • actionName (String): The name of the action to be executed on the token.
  • payload (Object?): An optional payload containing additional data required for the specified action. It can be null if no additional data is needed.


await wallet.performAction("tokenId123", "activate", ["foo": "bar"]);


The isLoggedIn function allows the host application to check whether the user is currently logged in to the wallet SDK.


var userLoggedIn = await wallet.isLoggedIn();
if (userLoggedIn) {
  // User is logged in, perform actions accordingly.
} else {
  // User is not logged in, handle the scenario appropriately.


The getCurrentUser function is used to retrieve the current user's data from the wallet SDK. It sends a message to the wallet SDK to fetch the user data and returns a Future containing a UserData object.


an instance of the following struct

public struct UserData: Codable {
    let bio: String?
    let defaultBusinessId: String?
    let defaultSpaceId: String?
    let email: String?
    let emailVerified: Bool?
    let location: Location?
    let name: String?
    let phoneNumber: String?
    let phoneNumberVerified: Bool?
    let picture: String?
    let sub: String?
    let expiresAt: Int?
    let updatedAt: Int?
    let walletAddress: String?
    let website: String?
    let guest: Bool?
    let deferredDeeplink: String?

public struct Location: Codable {
    let country: String
    let latitude: Double
    let locality: String?
    let longitude: Double
    let postalCode: String?
    let region: String?


var currentUser = await wallet.getCurrentUser();
if (currentUser != null) {
  // Use the user data for various purposes.
  print("User Name: ",;
} else {
  // Handle the scenario where user data retrieval fails.
  print("Error fetching user data.");


The logOut function initiates the log-out process in the wallet SDK by sending a message to trigger the log-out action.


// Example: Initiate the log-out process.
await wallet.logOut();